+ − Contact Information Phone: (802) 775-1125 + − Committees (2) VT - General, Housing, and Military Affairs (House) Title: Clerk VT - Canvassing Committee Title: Member + − Sponsored Bills (6) VT - H98 An act relating to the creation of the Vermont State Building Security Board VT - H297 An act relating to a surcharge on income tax VT - H363 An act relating to campaign expenditures and candidate salaries VT - HCR51 House concurrent resolution recognizing April 2021 as Organ Donation Month in Vermont VT - H365 An act relating to exemptions from the minimum wage VT - H380 An act relating to allowing probation and parole officers to carry firearms while on duty + − Cosponsored Bills (55) VT - H80 An act relating to the collective bargaining rights of teachers VT - H94 An act relating to transportation initiatives to reduce carbon emissions VT - H97 An act relating to miscellaneous unemployment insurance amendments VT - H124 An act relating to amending the Vermont Employment Growth Incentive Program VT - H134 An act relating to paid family and medical leave insurance VT - H148 An act relating to eliminating the religious exemption for required immunizations VT - H150 An act relating to creating incentives for schools and establishing a goal for correctional facilities to purchase locally produced foods VT - H171 An act relating to the governance and financing of Vermont’s child care system VT - H190 An act relating to prohibiting State contracts with for-profit correctional facilities VT - H191 An act relating to prohibition on the transfer of Vermont inmates to an out-of-state correctional facility VT - H213 An act relating to preventing death by suicide VT - H229 An act relating to performing green housing retrofits and installing rooftop solar panels, supporting an equitable transition to a zero-carbon building sector, creating high-quality union jobs and prioritizing the unionized workforce for conducting retrofits and workforce development, creating a progressive funding structure and prioritizing households with annual incomes of less than $50,000.00, and ensuring that energy is affordable for lower-income Vermont residents VT - H257 An act relating to business practices for employers receiving State funds VT - H258 An act relating to increasing the minimum wage to $15.00 VT - H264 An act relating to trail accessibility VT - H266 An act relating to health insurance coverage for hearing aids VT - H308 An act relating to authorizing card check elections VT - H364 An act relating to privatization contracts VT - H455 An act relating to the sales and use tax exemption for charges for admission by or to certain nonprofit organizations VT - H571 An act relating to increasing Medicaid dental reimbursement rates VT - H599 An act relating to the administration of Executive Branch contracts VT - H615 An act relating to compensation history and transparency VT - H616 An act relating to establishing the Office of the Unemployment Insurance Advocate VT - H621 An act relating to the certification of collective bargaining representatives VT - H666 An act relating to sexual harassment and assault in the Vermont National Guard VT - HR25 House resolution honoring Senator Patrick J. Leahy for his nearly half century of extraordinary public service in the U.S. Senate VT - JRH1 Joint resolution condemning the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 as an attack on democracy VT - JRH18 Joint resolution relating to the Russian invasion of Ukraine VT - HCR8 House concurrent resolution congratulating the Proctor High School Phantoms girls’ soccer team on winning a second consecutive Division IV championship VT - HCR9 House concurrent resolution recognizing the unwavering dedication of Vermont’s health care workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic VT - HCR11 House concurrent resolution honoring the Thomas Dairy for 99 years of agricultural and entrepreneurial excellence VT - HCR17 House concurrent resolution honoring former Vermont House Clerk William M. MaGill for his notable contributions to the State legislative process VT - HCR20 House concurrent resolution congratulating the 2020 class of Boy Scouts who have achieved the rank of Eagle VT - HCR23 House concurrent resolution honoring former Representative Edward H. Paquin Jr. for his exemplary leadership as a disability rights advocate VT - HCR31 House concurrent resolution in memory of U.S. Second Circuit Judge Peter W. Hall VT - HCR32 House concurrent resolution honoring Ronald J. Cioffi for his outstanding leadership of the VNA & Hospice of the Southwest Region VT - HCR33 House concurrent resolution in memory of Mary Theresa Ojala of Rutland VT - HCR36 House concurrent resolution honoring Ludy Biddle for her outstanding leadership at NeighborWorks of Western Vermont VT - HCR44 House concurrent resolution congratulating the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation on the 30th anniversary of its TRIO Educational Opportunity Center of Vermont VT - HCR49 House concurrent resolution honoring Neshobe School principal Judi Pulsifer VT - HCR71 House concurrent resolution congratulating the 2021 Proctor High School Phantoms on winning a second consecutive Division IV boys’ basketball championship VT - HCR72 House concurrent resolution honoring the Vermont Department of Health for its exemplary public service during the COVID-19 Pandemic VT - HCR75 House concurrent resolution congratulating the Proctor High School Lady Phantoms on their second consecutive designation as the Division IV girls’ basketball championship team VT - HCR76 House concurrent resolution congratulating Elle Purrier St. Pierre on her outstanding performance in the 2020 Olympics women’s 1500-meter race VT - HCR103 House concurrent resolution congratulating the 2021 class of Eagle Scouts in the State of Vermont VT - HCR113 House concurrent resolution honoring the USS VERMONT (SSN 792) VT - HCR126 House concurrent resolution commemorating Thomas Davenport, electrical inventor VT - HCR130 House concurrent resolution recognizing April 2022 as the Month of the Military Child and April 15, 2022 as Purple Up Day in Vermont VT - HCR132 House concurrent resolution recognizing April 2022 as National Donate Life Month in Vermont VT - HCR142 House concurrent resolution in memory of Sister Janice E. Ryan, RSM VT - HCR145 House concurrent resolution recognizing June 27, 2022 as Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Day in Vermont VT - HCR156 House concurrent resolution recognizing National Foster Care Month in Vermont VT - HCR157 House concurrent resolution honoring Vermont’s correctional personnel and recognizing National Correctional Officers Week in Vermont VT - HCR160 House concurrent resolution honoring the General Assembly’s venerable head doorkeeper, Cornelius F. Reed Jr. of Wolcott VT - SCR12 Senate concurrent resolution memorializing the more than 500 Vermonters who have died due to COVID-19, extending sincere condolences to their families, and thanking those Vermonters whose frontline jobs have been especially challenging during the pandemic
VT - H150 An act relating to creating incentives for schools and establishing a goal for correctional facilities to purchase locally produced foods
VT - H191 An act relating to prohibition on the transfer of Vermont inmates to an out-of-state correctional facility
VT - H229 An act relating to performing green housing retrofits and installing rooftop solar panels, supporting an equitable transition to a zero-carbon building sector, creating high-quality union jobs and prioritizing the unionized workforce for conducting retrofits and workforce development, creating a progressive funding structure and prioritizing households with annual incomes of less than $50,000.00, and ensuring that energy is affordable for lower-income Vermont residents
VT - H455 An act relating to the sales and use tax exemption for charges for admission by or to certain nonprofit organizations
VT - HR25 House resolution honoring Senator Patrick J. Leahy for his nearly half century of extraordinary public service in the U.S. Senate
VT - JRH1 Joint resolution condemning the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 as an attack on democracy
VT - HCR8 House concurrent resolution congratulating the Proctor High School Phantoms girls’ soccer team on winning a second consecutive Division IV championship
VT - HCR9 House concurrent resolution recognizing the unwavering dedication of Vermont’s health care workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic
VT - HCR11 House concurrent resolution honoring the Thomas Dairy for 99 years of agricultural and entrepreneurial excellence
VT - HCR17 House concurrent resolution honoring former Vermont House Clerk William M. MaGill for his notable contributions to the State legislative process
VT - HCR20 House concurrent resolution congratulating the 2020 class of Boy Scouts who have achieved the rank of Eagle
VT - HCR23 House concurrent resolution honoring former Representative Edward H. Paquin Jr. for his exemplary leadership as a disability rights advocate
VT - HCR32 House concurrent resolution honoring Ronald J. Cioffi for his outstanding leadership of the VNA & Hospice of the Southwest Region
VT - HCR36 House concurrent resolution honoring Ludy Biddle for her outstanding leadership at NeighborWorks of Western Vermont
VT - HCR44 House concurrent resolution congratulating the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation on the 30th anniversary of its TRIO Educational Opportunity Center of Vermont
VT - HCR71 House concurrent resolution congratulating the 2021 Proctor High School Phantoms on winning a second consecutive Division IV boys’ basketball championship
VT - HCR72 House concurrent resolution honoring the Vermont Department of Health for its exemplary public service during the COVID-19 Pandemic
VT - HCR75 House concurrent resolution congratulating the Proctor High School Lady Phantoms on their second consecutive designation as the Division IV girls’ basketball championship team
VT - HCR76 House concurrent resolution congratulating Elle Purrier St. Pierre on her outstanding performance in the 2020 Olympics women’s 1500-meter race
VT - HCR103 House concurrent resolution congratulating the 2021 class of Eagle Scouts in the State of Vermont
VT - HCR130 House concurrent resolution recognizing April 2022 as the Month of the Military Child and April 15, 2022 as Purple Up Day in Vermont
VT - HCR132 House concurrent resolution recognizing April 2022 as National Donate Life Month in Vermont
VT - HCR145 House concurrent resolution recognizing June 27, 2022 as Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Day in Vermont
VT - HCR157 House concurrent resolution honoring Vermont’s correctional personnel and recognizing National Correctional Officers Week in Vermont
VT - HCR160 House concurrent resolution honoring the General Assembly’s venerable head doorkeeper, Cornelius F. Reed Jr. of Wolcott
VT - SCR12 Senate concurrent resolution memorializing the more than 500 Vermonters who have died due to COVID-19, extending sincere condolences to their families, and thanking those Vermonters whose frontline jobs have been especially challenging during the pandemic
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