+ − Contact Information Phone: (802) 527-7332 + − Committee VT - Human Services (House) Title: Member + − Sponsored Bills (8) VT - H259 An act relating to the beverage container redemption system VT - H376 An act relating to allowing manufacturers from other countries to acquire malt and vinous beverage consumer shipping licenses VT - HCR21 House concurrent resolution honoring the Georgia Elementary and Middle School for its effective active shooter response training VT - H576 An act relating to banning selective abortions based on sex, Down syndrome, or genetic abnormalities VT - H246 An act relating to imposing legislative term limits VT - HCR68 House concurrent resolution in memory of Edwin Ora Brehaut of Georgia VT - H250 An act relating to strict liability for damages caused by domestic dogs VT - H248 An act relating to establishing fetal personhood + − Cosponsored Bills (37) VT - H171 An act relating to the governance and financing of Vermont’s child care system VT - H216 An act relating to the requirement for public high school students to demonstrate proficiency in civics as a condition of graduation VT - H339 An act relating to creating the Vermont Silver Rose Veterans’ Service Certificate VT - H497 An act relating to protecting health care providers’ rights of conscience VT - H528 An act relating to tax benefits for home study programs VT - H558 An act relating to increasing the income tax exemption for Social Security benefits VT - H563 An act relating to regulating facilities that provide abortion services VT - H564 An act relating to requiring notification of a parent or guardian prior to performing an abortion on a minor VT - H565 An act relating to requiring the performance of a fetal ultrasound prior to obtaining an abortion VT - H581 An act relating to rural economic development VT - H583 An act relating to a right of appeal for listers VT - H598 An act relating to a rail feasibility study VT - H601 An act relating to declaring Lake Memphremagog to be a lake in crisis VT - H602 An act relating to prohibiting the sale of tobacco products utilizing single-use filters VT - H612 An act relating to landlord notice of utility disconnections VT - H636 An act relating to establishing the Vermont Imagination Library VT - H638 An act relating to a direct-to-consumer spirits shipping license VT - H673 An act relating to permits for overweight and overlength motor vehicles VT - HR25 House resolution honoring Senator Patrick J. Leahy for his nearly half century of extraordinary public service in the U.S. Senate VT - JRH18 Joint resolution relating to the Russian invasion of Ukraine VT - HCR9 House concurrent resolution recognizing the unwavering dedication of Vermont’s health care workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic VT - HCR17 House concurrent resolution honoring former Vermont House Clerk William M. MaGill for his notable contributions to the State legislative process VT - HCR20 House concurrent resolution congratulating the 2020 class of Boy Scouts who have achieved the rank of Eagle VT - HCR22 House concurrent resolution congratulating Elinor Purrier of Berkshire on her record U.S. indoor two-mile run at the 2021 New Balance Indoor Grand Prix and on her recent marriage to Jamie St. Pierre VT - HCR23 House concurrent resolution honoring former Representative Edward H. Paquin Jr. for his exemplary leadership as a disability rights advocate VT - HCR31 House concurrent resolution in memory of U.S. Second Circuit Judge Peter W. Hall VT - HCR44 House concurrent resolution congratulating the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation on the 30th anniversary of its TRIO Educational Opportunity Center of Vermont VT - HCR72 House concurrent resolution honoring the Vermont Department of Health for its exemplary public service during the COVID-19 Pandemic VT - HCR76 House concurrent resolution congratulating Elle Purrier St. Pierre on her outstanding performance in the 2020 Olympics women’s 1500-meter race VT - HCR103 House concurrent resolution congratulating the 2021 class of Eagle Scouts in the State of Vermont VT - HCR130 House concurrent resolution recognizing April 2022 as the Month of the Military Child and April 15, 2022 as Purple Up Day in Vermont VT - HCR142 House concurrent resolution in memory of Sister Janice E. Ryan, RSM VT - HCR153 House concurrent resolution celebrating the State Partnership Program recently established between the Vermont National Guard and Austria VT - HCR156 House concurrent resolution recognizing National Foster Care Month in Vermont VT - HCR160 House concurrent resolution honoring the General Assembly’s venerable head doorkeeper, Cornelius F. Reed Jr. of Wolcott VT - HCR161 House concurrent resolution honoring Alice Harter for her dedicated service as a long-term care ombudsman VT - SCR12 Senate concurrent resolution memorializing the more than 500 Vermonters who have died due to COVID-19, extending sincere condolences to their families, and thanking those Vermonters whose frontline jobs have been especially challenging during the pandemic
VT - H376 An act relating to allowing manufacturers from other countries to acquire malt and vinous beverage consumer shipping licenses
VT - HCR21 House concurrent resolution honoring the Georgia Elementary and Middle School for its effective active shooter response training
VT - H576 An act relating to banning selective abortions based on sex, Down syndrome, or genetic abnormalities
VT - H216 An act relating to the requirement for public high school students to demonstrate proficiency in civics as a condition of graduation
VT - H564 An act relating to requiring notification of a parent or guardian prior to performing an abortion on a minor
VT - H565 An act relating to requiring the performance of a fetal ultrasound prior to obtaining an abortion
VT - HR25 House resolution honoring Senator Patrick J. Leahy for his nearly half century of extraordinary public service in the U.S. Senate
VT - HCR9 House concurrent resolution recognizing the unwavering dedication of Vermont’s health care workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic
VT - HCR17 House concurrent resolution honoring former Vermont House Clerk William M. MaGill for his notable contributions to the State legislative process
VT - HCR20 House concurrent resolution congratulating the 2020 class of Boy Scouts who have achieved the rank of Eagle
VT - HCR22 House concurrent resolution congratulating Elinor Purrier of Berkshire on her record U.S. indoor two-mile run at the 2021 New Balance Indoor Grand Prix and on her recent marriage to Jamie St. Pierre
VT - HCR23 House concurrent resolution honoring former Representative Edward H. Paquin Jr. for his exemplary leadership as a disability rights advocate
VT - HCR44 House concurrent resolution congratulating the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation on the 30th anniversary of its TRIO Educational Opportunity Center of Vermont
VT - HCR72 House concurrent resolution honoring the Vermont Department of Health for its exemplary public service during the COVID-19 Pandemic
VT - HCR76 House concurrent resolution congratulating Elle Purrier St. Pierre on her outstanding performance in the 2020 Olympics women’s 1500-meter race
VT - HCR103 House concurrent resolution congratulating the 2021 class of Eagle Scouts in the State of Vermont
VT - HCR130 House concurrent resolution recognizing April 2022 as the Month of the Military Child and April 15, 2022 as Purple Up Day in Vermont
VT - HCR153 House concurrent resolution celebrating the State Partnership Program recently established between the Vermont National Guard and Austria
VT - HCR160 House concurrent resolution honoring the General Assembly’s venerable head doorkeeper, Cornelius F. Reed Jr. of Wolcott
VT - HCR161 House concurrent resolution honoring Alice Harter for her dedicated service as a long-term care ombudsman
VT - SCR12 Senate concurrent resolution memorializing the more than 500 Vermonters who have died due to COVID-19, extending sincere condolences to their families, and thanking those Vermonters whose frontline jobs have been especially challenging during the pandemic
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