+ − Contact Information Email Address: rep.jenniferwilliamson@oregonlegislature.gov Phone: (503) 986-1436 Office Address: 900 Court St NE, H-295, Salem, OR 97301 + − Sponsored Bills (2) OR - HB4147 Prohibits transfer of firearm by dealer or private party for 10 business days if Department of State Police is unable to determine whether recipient is qualified to receive firearm. OR - SB1600 Authorizes prosecution of first-degree sex crimes any time after commission of crime if prosecuting attorney obtains corroborating evidence of crime. + − Cosponsored Bills (22) OR - HB4003 Extends sunset of Law Enforcement Profiling Work Group to July 1, 2017. OR - HB4031 Directs Chief Education Office to design and implement pilot program to decrease rates of school absenteeism. OR - HB4058 Permits corporation with shares that are registered under securities law of this state or under federal securities law to reject vote, consent, waiver or proxy authorization if shareholder has not complied with certain public disclosure requirements of securities law . OR - HB4067 Provides affirmative defense to public employee and certain nonprofit employee whistleblowers who provide lawfully accessed information to state or federal regulatory agency, law enforcement agency, manager employed by employer or employee's attorney . OR - HB4071 Establishes COFA Premium Assistance Program administered by Department of Consumer and Business Services to provide financial assistance with health care premiums and out-of-pocket costs for Pacific Islanders legally residing in Oregon under Compact of Free Association. OR - HB4080 Establishes Governor's Child Foster Care Advisory Commission to advise Governor and Director of Human Services regarding foster care system in this state. OR - HB4082 Expands crime of promoting prostitution to include receiving goods, services or other things of value derived from prostitution activity in certain circumstances. OR - HB4088 Prohibits discrimination in employment on basis of familial status of employee. OR - HB4094 Exempts financial institutions that provide financial services to marijuana related businesses, researchers and laboratories from any criminal law of this state that has element that may be proven by substantiating that person provides financial services to person who lawfully possesses, delivers or manufactures marijuana or marijuana derived products. OR - HB4110 Increases percentage of federal earned income credit allowed to personal income taxpayer, based upon age of taxpayer's dependent. OR - HB4124 Requires Oregon Health Authority to disclose prescription monitoring information to practitioner or pharmacist or member of practitioner's or pharmacist's staff for use in certain health information technology systems. OR - HB4127 Makes statutory changes to achieve gender neutral language with respect to individuals who are in marital relationship. OR - HB4128 Expands crime of obstructing governmental or judicial administration to include engaging in business of notary public or immigration consultant without authorization. OR - HB4131 Requires financial institutions to participate in data match system established by Department of Revenue to identify assets held at financial institutions by delinquent debtors. OR - SB1547 Requires each electric company providing electricity to retail electricity consumers located in this state to eliminate coal-fired resources from electric company's electricity supply. OR - SB1565 Authorizes city or county to adopt exemption for newly constructed or installed industrial improvements at location in rural area that have cost of initial investment of at least $1 million and not more than $25 million. OR - SB1567 Creates crime of criminal impersonation. OR - SB1571 Directs Department of State Police to adopt rules concerning prioritization of testing untested sexual assault forensic evidence kits. OR - SB1578 Increases amount of maximum total tax credits for certified film production development contributions for fiscal year. OR - SB1589 Changes definition of "qualified business" eligible for loan or credit guarantees from Credit Enhancement Fund to include existing or proposed businesses located in this state that will produce substantial benefits for state. OR - SCR206 Recognizes and honors Private George Nathan Wright (1945-1967) and Specialist Four James Alfred Wright (1948-1969) for their service to their country. OR - SCR207 Honors Portland Timbers for their 2015 MLS Cup victory.
OR - HB4147 Prohibits transfer of firearm by dealer or private party for 10 business days if Department of State Police is unable to determine whether recipient is qualified to receive firearm.
OR - SB1600 Authorizes prosecution of first-degree sex crimes any time after commission of crime if prosecuting attorney obtains corroborating evidence of crime.
OR - HB4031 Directs Chief Education Office to design and implement pilot program to decrease rates of school absenteeism.
OR - HB4058 Permits corporation with shares that are registered under securities law of this state or under federal securities law to reject vote, consent, waiver or proxy authorization if shareholder has not complied with certain public disclosure requirements of securities law .
OR - HB4067 Provides affirmative defense to public employee and certain nonprofit employee whistleblowers who provide lawfully accessed information to state or federal regulatory agency, law enforcement agency, manager employed by employer or employee's attorney .
OR - HB4071 Establishes COFA Premium Assistance Program administered by Department of Consumer and Business Services to provide financial assistance with health care premiums and out-of-pocket costs for Pacific Islanders legally residing in Oregon under Compact of Free Association.
OR - HB4080 Establishes Governor's Child Foster Care Advisory Commission to advise Governor and Director of Human Services regarding foster care system in this state.
OR - HB4082 Expands crime of promoting prostitution to include receiving goods, services or other things of value derived from prostitution activity in certain circumstances.
OR - HB4094 Exempts financial institutions that provide financial services to marijuana related businesses, researchers and laboratories from any criminal law of this state that has element that may be proven by substantiating that person provides financial services to person who lawfully possesses, delivers or manufactures marijuana or marijuana derived products.
OR - HB4110 Increases percentage of federal earned income credit allowed to personal income taxpayer, based upon age of taxpayer's dependent.
OR - HB4124 Requires Oregon Health Authority to disclose prescription monitoring information to practitioner or pharmacist or member of practitioner's or pharmacist's staff for use in certain health information technology systems.
OR - HB4127 Makes statutory changes to achieve gender neutral language with respect to individuals who are in marital relationship.
OR - HB4128 Expands crime of obstructing governmental or judicial administration to include engaging in business of notary public or immigration consultant without authorization.
OR - HB4131 Requires financial institutions to participate in data match system established by Department of Revenue to identify assets held at financial institutions by delinquent debtors.
OR - SB1547 Requires each electric company providing electricity to retail electricity consumers located in this state to eliminate coal-fired resources from electric company's electricity supply.
OR - SB1565 Authorizes city or county to adopt exemption for newly constructed or installed industrial improvements at location in rural area that have cost of initial investment of at least $1 million and not more than $25 million.
OR - SB1571 Directs Department of State Police to adopt rules concerning prioritization of testing untested sexual assault forensic evidence kits.
OR - SB1578 Increases amount of maximum total tax credits for certified film production development contributions for fiscal year.
OR - SB1589 Changes definition of "qualified business" eligible for loan or credit guarantees from Credit Enhancement Fund to include existing or proposed businesses located in this state that will produce substantial benefits for state.
OR - SCR206 Recognizes and honors Private George Nathan Wright (1945-1967) and Specialist Four James Alfred Wright (1948-1969) for their service to their country.
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