+ − Contact Information Email Address: Tom.Mannion@leg.state.nh.us Office Address: 45 Turtle Crossing Road, Pelham, NH, 03076-3383 + − Sponsored Bills (13) NH - HB1337 relative to the return of weapons and ammunition upon expiration of protective orders. NH - HB1247 relative to requiring the display of certain information concerning Selective Service registration at driver licensing and school military recruiting locations. NH - LSR2210 relative to requiring the display of certain information concerning Selective Service registration at driver licensing and school military recruiting locations. NH - HB1338 relative to New Hampshire's enforcement of the Military Selective Service Act. NH - HB55 relative to driver education. NH - LSR2364 relative to motor vehicle certificate of title exemptions. NH - LSR2043 relative to the return of weapons and ammunition upon expiration of protective orders. NH - LSR2123 relative to New Hampshire's enforcement of the Military Selective Service Act. NH - HB1701 relative to annulments of records related to involuntary commitments. NH - LSR2432 relative to allowing private ownership of small tailed monkeys, raccoons, foxes, otters, skunks, and kangaroos. NH - LSR2556 relative to annulments of records related to involuntary commitments. NH - HB1031 relative to motor vehicle certificate of title exemptions. NH - HB1325 relative to allowing private ownership of small tailed monkeys, raccoons, foxes, otters, skunks, and kangaroos. + − Cosponsored Bills (52) NH - HB229 relative to requiring an official declaration of war for the activation of the New Hampshire national guard. NH - HB646 eliminating the vehicle inspection mandate for non-commercial vehicles. NH - HB1017 relative to duties of county sheriffs and the appointment of special deputy sheriffs. NH - HB1026 relative to resisting arrest. NH - HB1032 relative to certificate of title exemptions for vehicles 20 or more years old. NH - HB1066 relative to the graduation requirement of filing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). NH - HB1105 relative to application of a local tax cap. NH - HB1120 repealing the provision that requires the reflection of municipal body votes on warrant articles. NH - HB1156 relative to public health, safety, and state sovereignty. NH - HB1186 relative to firearm purchaser's privacy. NH - HB1194 relative to the definition of noncommunicable disease. NH - HB1237 relative to the use of unmarked or stealth police vehicles for traffic enforcement. NH - HB1297 relative to the authority of municipalities to enforce ordinances related to health and safety. NH - HB1349 relative to generalized anxiety disorder as a qualifying condition for the therapeutic cannabis program. NH - HB1389 relative to authorizing persons who win the state lottery to remain anonymous. NH - HB1438 criminalizing interference with a whistleblower. NH - HB1482 relative to the sale of human blood and organs. NH - HB1497 restricting trial courts in criminal matters from imposing certain sentences following a plea bargain. NH - HB1501 repealing the requirement to register dogs annually. NH - HB1530 requiring fish and game officers to wear body cameras. NH - HB1633 relative to the legalization and regulation of cannabis and making appropriations therefor. NH - HB1637 relative to reducing requirements for vehicle inspections. NH - HB1675 relative to adjusting education adequacy grants based on pupil proficiency. NH - HB1677 relative to participation in education freedom accounts based on school or school district proficiency scores. NH - HB1703 relative to the sale of kangaroo and caribou meat. NH - HR19 calling for the repeal of the Jones Act. NH - HR22 urging Congress to remove the exception from the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution: "except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted." NH - LSR2038 relative to duties of county sheriffs and the appointment of special deputy sheriffs. NH - LSR2057 relative to application of a local tax cap. NH - LSR2082 relative to firearm purchaser's privacy. NH - LSR2157 relative to public health, safety, and state sovereignty. NH - LSR2166 urging Congress to remove the exception from the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution: "except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted." NH - LSR2189 relative to the use of unmarked or stealth police vehicles for traffic enforcement. NH - LSR2196 relative to generalized anxiety disorder as a qualifying condition for the therapeutic cannabis program. NH - LSR2212 relative to the authority of municipalities to enforce ordinances related to health and safety. NH - LSR2286 calling for the repeal of the Jones Act. NH - LSR2301 relative to resisting arrest. NH - LSR2314 relative to the graduation requirement of filing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). NH - LSR2425 relative to the definition of noncommunicable disease. NH - LSR2465 relative to certificate of title exemptions for vehicles 20 or more years old. NH - LSR2482 relative to authorizing persons who win the state lottery to remain anonymous. NH - LSR2544 repealing the provision that requires the reflection of municipal body votes on warrant articles. NH - LSR2545 requiring fish and game officers to wear body cameras. NH - LSR2570 criminalizing interference with a whistleblower. NH - LSR2579 relative to the sale of kangaroo and caribou meat. NH - LSR2677 relative to adjusting education adequacy grants based on pupil proficiency. NH - LSR2696 relative to participation in education freedom accounts based on school or school district proficiency scores. NH - LSR2731 repealing the requirement to register dogs annually. NH - LSR2770 relative to the sale of human blood and organs. NH - LSR2777 restricting trial courts in criminal matters from imposing certain sentences following a plea bargain. NH - LSR2788 relative to reducing requirements for vehicle inspections. NH - LSR2804 relative to the legalization and regulation of cannabis and making appropriations therefor.
NH - HB1247 relative to requiring the display of certain information concerning Selective Service registration at driver licensing and school military recruiting locations.
NH - LSR2210 relative to requiring the display of certain information concerning Selective Service registration at driver licensing and school military recruiting locations.
NH - LSR2432 relative to allowing private ownership of small tailed monkeys, raccoons, foxes, otters, skunks, and kangaroos.
NH - HB1325 relative to allowing private ownership of small tailed monkeys, raccoons, foxes, otters, skunks, and kangaroos.
NH - HB229 relative to requiring an official declaration of war for the activation of the New Hampshire national guard.
NH - HB1066 relative to the graduation requirement of filing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
NH - HB1120 repealing the provision that requires the reflection of municipal body votes on warrant articles.
NH - HB1297 relative to the authority of municipalities to enforce ordinances related to health and safety.
NH - HB1349 relative to generalized anxiety disorder as a qualifying condition for the therapeutic cannabis program.
NH - HB1497 restricting trial courts in criminal matters from imposing certain sentences following a plea bargain.
NH - HB1633 relative to the legalization and regulation of cannabis and making appropriations therefor.
NH - HB1677 relative to participation in education freedom accounts based on school or school district proficiency scores.
NH - HR22 urging Congress to remove the exception from the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution: "except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted."
NH - LSR2166 urging Congress to remove the exception from the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution: "except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted."
NH - LSR2196 relative to generalized anxiety disorder as a qualifying condition for the therapeutic cannabis program.
NH - LSR2212 relative to the authority of municipalities to enforce ordinances related to health and safety.
NH - LSR2314 relative to the graduation requirement of filing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
NH - LSR2544 repealing the provision that requires the reflection of municipal body votes on warrant articles.
NH - LSR2696 relative to participation in education freedom accounts based on school or school district proficiency scores.
NH - LSR2777 restricting trial courts in criminal matters from imposing certain sentences following a plea bargain.
NH - LSR2804 relative to the legalization and regulation of cannabis and making appropriations therefor.
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