+ − Contact Information Email Address: Tom.Loughman@leg.state.nh.us Phone: (781) 248-0600 Office Address: 12 Maplewood Drive, Hampton, NH, 03842-1928 + − Sponsored Bills (2) NH - HB500 relative to reducing school food waste and addressing child hunger. NH - LSR778 relative to reducing school food waste and addressing child hunger. + − Cosponsored Bills (4) NH - SB101 increasing the minimum gross business income required for filing a business profits tax return. NH - SB128 relative to a temporary change to operator compensation under the meals and rooms tax. NH - LSR967 relative to a temporary change to operator compensation under the meals and rooms tax. NH - LSR1047 increasing the minimum gross business income required for filing a business profits tax return.
NH - SB101 increasing the minimum gross business income required for filing a business profits tax return.
NH - LSR1047 increasing the minimum gross business income required for filing a business profits tax return.
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