+ − Contact Information Email Address: Katy.Peternel@leg.state.nh.us Office Address: 139 Trotting Track Road, Wolfeboro, NH, 03894-4828 + − Sponsored Bills (2) NH - LSR2224 relative to home day care licensing requirements. NH - HB1584 relative to home day care licensing requirements. + − Cosponsored Bills (24) NH - HB1052 relative to the format of excavating and dredging permit applications. NH - HB1055 relative to the property tax exemption for charitable organizations. NH - HB1228 relative to establishing a fish and game guides committee to determine qualifications for licensure of fish and game guides. NH - HB1235 relative to high school students serving as school board members. NH - HB1323 making an appropriation for the printing costs of the New Hampshire state constitution. NH - HB1334 relative to the sale of beer in refillable containers. NH - HB1383 relative to cooperative school board district elections. NH - HB1402 establishing a procedure for a high school proficiency exam waiver of mandatory school attendance. NH - HB1579 relative to the merging of school administrative units. NH - HB1607 relative to expanded safe haven protections. NH - HB1682 relative to the civics test graduation requirement. NH - SB573 relative to parental consent for medical care. NH - LSR2181 relative to high school students serving as school board members. NH - LSR2183 relative to the merging of school administrative units. NH - LSR2370 relative to the format of excavating and dredging permit applications. NH - LSR2381 relative to the property tax exemption for charitable organizations. NH - LSR2399 relative to expanded safe haven protections. NH - LSR2419 making an appropriation for the printing costs of the New Hampshire state constitution. NH - LSR2435 relative to the sale of beer in refillable containers. NH - LSR2472 relative to cooperative school board district elections. NH - LSR2676 establishing a procedure for a high school proficiency exam waiver of mandatory school attendance. NH - LSR2724 relative to the civics test graduation requirement. NH - LSR2741 relative to establishing a fish and game guides committee to determine qualifications for licensure of fish and game guides. NH - LSR3117 relative to parental consent for medical care.
NH - HB1228 relative to establishing a fish and game guides committee to determine qualifications for licensure of fish and game guides.
NH - HB1402 establishing a procedure for a high school proficiency exam waiver of mandatory school attendance.
NH - LSR2676 establishing a procedure for a high school proficiency exam waiver of mandatory school attendance.
NH - LSR2741 relative to establishing a fish and game guides committee to determine qualifications for licensure of fish and game guides.
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