+ − Contact Information Email Address: Gerri.Cannon@leg.state.nh.us Phone: (603) 844-5410 Office Address: 113 Indigo Hill Road, Somersworth, NH, 03878-3013 + − Sponsored Bills (5) NH - HB368 relative to protections related to receiving gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care. NH - HB326 prohibiting the use of second generation anticoagulant rodenticides. NH - HB1351 prohibiting the sale and use of adhesive-based rodent traps. NH - HB264 relative to amendments and corrections to birth records. NH - LSR2208 prohibiting the sale and use of adhesive-based rodent traps. + − Cosponsored Bills (14) NH - HB200 relative to choice of counselor to evaluate a child in family court proceedings. NH - HB1605 relative to alternative education programs for granting credit leading to graduation. NH - HB1607 relative to expanded safe haven protections. NH - HB1609 relative to the commission on the primary care workforce and the state office of rural health. NH - HB1663 relative to the confidentiality of medical records and patient information. NH - HB1689 relative to the use of personal identifying information by state agencies. NH - SB176 relative to insurance coverage for pelvic floor therapy. NH - SB486 adopting the physician assistant licensure compact. NH - LSR2392 relative to alternative education programs for granting credit leading to graduation. NH - LSR2399 relative to expanded safe haven protections. NH - LSR2402 relative to the commission on the primary care workforce and the state office of rural health. NH - LSR2512 relative to the use of personal identifying information by state agencies. NH - LSR2643 relative to the confidentiality of medical records and patient information. NH - LSR2913 adopting the physician assistant licensure compact.
NH - HB368 relative to protections related to receiving gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care.
NH - HB1609 relative to the commission on the primary care workforce and the state office of rural health.
NH - LSR2402 relative to the commission on the primary care workforce and the state office of rural health.
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