+ − Contact Information Email Address: Gaby.Grossman@leg.state.nh.us Phone: (603) 418-4685 Office Address: State House-House Member Mail, Concord, NH, 03301 + − Sponsored Bills (2) NH - LSR2255 relative to the installation of video surveillance equipment in special education school buses. NH - HB1587 relative to the installation of video surveillance equipment in special education school buses. + − Cosponsored Bills (18) NH - HB1005 relative to judicial training. NH - HB1131 relative to mental health practice. NH - HB1168 establishing a committee to study the impact of the housing crisis on people with disabilities. NH - HB1413 relative to mental health supervision agreements. NH - HB1590 relative to training regarding child abuse and neglect for licensed physicians, advance practice nurses, and physician assistants. NH - HB1670 relative to including all special education costs under state education grants. NH - SB359 raising the age of marriage to 18 years of age. NH - SB417 relative to out-of-home placements for children. NH - CACR24 relating to reproductive freedom. Providing that all persons have the right to make their own reproductive decisions. NH - LSR2012 relative to judicial training. NH - LSR2119 establishing a committee to study the impact of the housing crisis on people with disabilities. NH - LSR2266 relative to training regarding child abuse and neglect for licensed physicians, advance practice nurses, and physician assistants. NH - LSR2658 relative to including all special education costs under state education grants. NH - LSR2693 relative to mental health supervision agreements. NH - LSR2695 relative to mental health practice. NH - LSR2834 raising the age of marriage to 18 years of age. NH - LSR2976 relative to out-of-home placements for children. NH - LSR3091 relating to reproductive freedom. Providing that all persons have the right to make their own reproductive decisions.
NH - LSR2255 relative to the installation of video surveillance equipment in special education school buses.
NH - HB1587 relative to the installation of video surveillance equipment in special education school buses.
NH - HB1168 establishing a committee to study the impact of the housing crisis on people with disabilities.
NH - HB1590 relative to training regarding child abuse and neglect for licensed physicians, advance practice nurses, and physician assistants.
NH - CACR24 relating to reproductive freedom. Providing that all persons have the right to make their own reproductive decisions.
NH - LSR2119 establishing a committee to study the impact of the housing crisis on people with disabilities.
NH - LSR2266 relative to training regarding child abuse and neglect for licensed physicians, advance practice nurses, and physician assistants.
NH - LSR3091 relating to reproductive freedom. Providing that all persons have the right to make their own reproductive decisions.
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