+ − Contact Information Phone: (573) 751-1488 Office Address: 201 West Capitol Avenue Room 308A Jefferson City, MO + − Cosponsored Bills (57) MO - HB109 Repeals the provisions allowing the State Treasurer to invest in any linked deposit for specified purposes only for certain time periods MO - HB112 Classifies certain sawmills and planing mills as agricultural and horticultural property instead of commercial property for property taxation purposes MO - HB113 Lowers the age at which a person can obtain a concealed carry endorsement from 23 to 21 years of age if the person is a member of the armed forces MO - HB114 Requires only persons younger than 21 years of age to wear protective headgear when operating or riding as a passenger on any motorcycle or motortricycle MO - HB139 Requires the Office of Administration to maintain public school and county and municipal government accountability information and the Governor's travel information on the Missouri Accountability Portal MO - HB149 Removes the expiration and termination dates for the provisions which allow an individual or corporation to designate part of a tax refund to the Missouri Military Family Relief Fund MO - HB162 Changes the laws regarding workers' compensation liability MO - HB163 Changes the laws regarding unemployment compensation and makes Missouri eligible to receive extended federal unemployment benefit funds MO - HB193 Changes the composition of Congressional districts based on the 2010 census MO - HB196 Extends the expiration date on the provisions regarding the Missouri Rx Plan from August 28, 2011, to August 28, 2016 MO - HB234 Requires law enforcement agencies maintaining the Missouri Uniform Law Enforcement System to include certain child custody and visitation information when entering an order of protection MO - HB236 Extends the expiration date of various federal reimbursement allowances from September 30, 2011, to September 30, 2016 MO - HB279 Increases, from $15,000 to $125,000, the amount of equity in a homestead that can be exempt from attachment in a bankruptcy proceeding when the person is 62 years of age or older MO - HB336 Authorizes an income tax credit for the eligible costs of bringing certain sporting events to Missouri MO - HB338 Specifies that a telecommunications company may elect to be exempt from certain rules if giving written notice to the Missouri Public Service Commission MO - HB339 Changes the laws regarding telecommunications as they relate to the carrier of last resort obligations MO - HB347 Establishes the Prompt Credentialing Act which requires a health carrier to credential a health care professional within 60 days of receiving a completed application MO - HB362 Establishes Bryce's Law which authorizes a tax credit for a person donating to a scholarship-granting organization for special needs students if it is not claimed on his or her federal income tax return MO - HB365 Changes the laws regarding unlawful picketing or protesting of a funeral MO - HB423 Authorizes Missouri to adopt the provisions of the Health Care Compact to improve health care policy by returning the authority to regulate health care to the state legislatures MO - HB446 Changes the laws regarding the state school funding formula MO - HB459 Designates the new Interstate 70 Mississippi River Bridge connecting downtown St. Louis and southwestern Illinois as the "Jerry F. Costello - William 'Bill' Clay Sr. Veterans Memorial Bridge" MO - HB470 Changes the laws regarding the nonresident entertainer and professional athletic team member income tax MO - HB473 Changes the laws regarding charter schools and establishes the Missouri Charter Public School Commission MO - HB475 Changes the laws regarding health care quality data standardization and transparency and establishes criteria for programs of insurers to compare the quality and cost efficiency of health care providers MO - HB504 Changes the laws regarding domestic violence and orders of protection MO - HB505 Changes the laws regarding domestic violence and orders of protection MO - HB511 Establishes the Every Child Can Learn Act which requires all St. Louis City public schools to use a response-to-intervention tiered approach to reading instruction for certain struggling students MO - HB528 Requires a health care provider to provide medical records within 15 business days of a request MO - HB546 Requires the Missouri Housing Development Commission's executive director or chief executive officer to reside within 40 miles of Jefferson City MO - HB586 Requires the Department of Mental Health to develop a continuing professional education curriculum on eating disorders MO - HB588 Requires a statewide athletic organization that has a public school district as a member to publish an annual report regarding the impact of concussions and head injuries on student athletes MO - HB628 Changes the laws regarding teacher contracts and establishes the Teacher Continuing Contract Act MO - HB638 Replaces the Motorist Insurance Identification Database Act with the Insured Vehicle Identification Network Act to track insured motorists, identify uninsured motorists, and maintain a statewide database MO - HB656 Changes the laws regarding unsecured loans of $500 or less, commonly known as payday loans MO - HB708 Changes the laws regarding violations of the public policy of Missouri when decisions are based on foreign law or legal code MO - HB712 Creates the Missouri Juneteenth Heritage and Jazz Festival and Memorial Fund and changes the distribution of funds from the professional athletes and entertainers tax MO - HB719 Requires one cent from the six cent fee that is deposited into the Missouri Wine and Grape Fund to be deposited into the newly created Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Enforcement Fund MO - HB778 Allows certain persons to carry concealed firearms in the State Capitol Building or at a meeting of the General Assembly if they have a valid concealed carry endorsement MO - HB795 Designates the second Friday in March as "Missouri School Read-In Day" MO - HB811 Changes the laws regarding motor vehicle extended service contracts MO - HB831 Establishes the Do-Not-Offer Statewide Registry Act which requires the creation of a database of elderly Missouri residents who object to receiving direct mail marketing MO - HB839 Establishes the Capital Green Program to provide funding to the state for energy efficiency improvements to certain state buildings and for geothermal, wind, and solar energy resources MO - HB840 Establishes the Aerotropolis Trade Incentive and Tax Credit Act to encourage foreign trade by authorizing the St. Louis City Mayor or the executive officer of certain counties to designate a gateway zone MO - HB848 Changes the composition of the University of Missouri Board of Curators MO - HB890 Changes the laws regarding unsecured loans of $500 or less, commonly known as payday loans MO - HB901 Prohibits the issuance of a tax credit under certain programs for an otherwise qualifying job under certain circumstances when the jobs are relocated from a contiguous state MO - HB974 Authorizes Missouri to enter into the Interstate Compact on the Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote Act MO - HB979 Authorizes Missouri to enter into the multistate Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement, eliminates all state tax credits, phases in a flat income tax rate, and increases the state sales and use tax by .25% MO - HB1008 Allows the Highways and Transportation Commission to enter into infrastructure improvement agreements to reimburse funds advanced for the benefit of a county, political subdivision, or private entity MO - HR1826 Supports the work of Missouri's pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes in providing outstanding service to women and families MO - HJR5 Proposes a constitutional amendment guaranteeing citizens the right to hunt, fish, trap, and harvest wildlife using traditionally approved devices or methods MO - HJR27 Proposes a constitutional amendment specifying that the right of every citizen to possess, purchase ammunition, and any parts or articles for the proper functioning of arms must not be infringed MO - HJR31 Proposes a constitutional amendment prohibiting a state court from using any international law or Sharia law MO - HCR15 Designates November 13, 2011, as "Buck O'Neil Day" in Missouri in honor of the first African-American coach in Major League Baseball MO - HCR17 Urges the United States Congress to support a comprehensive plan for flood control on the Upper Mississippi River Basin MO - HCR18 Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials
MO - HB109 Repeals the provisions allowing the State Treasurer to invest in any linked deposit for specified purposes only for certain time periods
MO - HB112 Classifies certain sawmills and planing mills as agricultural and horticultural property instead of commercial property for property taxation purposes
MO - HB113 Lowers the age at which a person can obtain a concealed carry endorsement from 23 to 21 years of age if the person is a member of the armed forces
MO - HB114 Requires only persons younger than 21 years of age to wear protective headgear when operating or riding as a passenger on any motorcycle or motortricycle
MO - HB139 Requires the Office of Administration to maintain public school and county and municipal government accountability information and the Governor's travel information on the Missouri Accountability Portal
MO - HB149 Removes the expiration and termination dates for the provisions which allow an individual or corporation to designate part of a tax refund to the Missouri Military Family Relief Fund
MO - HB163 Changes the laws regarding unemployment compensation and makes Missouri eligible to receive extended federal unemployment benefit funds
MO - HB196 Extends the expiration date on the provisions regarding the Missouri Rx Plan from August 28, 2011, to August 28, 2016
MO - HB234 Requires law enforcement agencies maintaining the Missouri Uniform Law Enforcement System to include certain child custody and visitation information when entering an order of protection
MO - HB236 Extends the expiration date of various federal reimbursement allowances from September 30, 2011, to September 30, 2016
MO - HB279 Increases, from $15,000 to $125,000, the amount of equity in a homestead that can be exempt from attachment in a bankruptcy proceeding when the person is 62 years of age or older
MO - HB336 Authorizes an income tax credit for the eligible costs of bringing certain sporting events to Missouri
MO - HB338 Specifies that a telecommunications company may elect to be exempt from certain rules if giving written notice to the Missouri Public Service Commission
MO - HB339 Changes the laws regarding telecommunications as they relate to the carrier of last resort obligations
MO - HB347 Establishes the Prompt Credentialing Act which requires a health carrier to credential a health care professional within 60 days of receiving a completed application
MO - HB362 Establishes Bryce's Law which authorizes a tax credit for a person donating to a scholarship-granting organization for special needs students if it is not claimed on his or her federal income tax return
MO - HB423 Authorizes Missouri to adopt the provisions of the Health Care Compact to improve health care policy by returning the authority to regulate health care to the state legislatures
MO - HB459 Designates the new Interstate 70 Mississippi River Bridge connecting downtown St. Louis and southwestern Illinois as the "Jerry F. Costello - William 'Bill' Clay Sr. Veterans Memorial Bridge"
MO - HB470 Changes the laws regarding the nonresident entertainer and professional athletic team member income tax
MO - HB473 Changes the laws regarding charter schools and establishes the Missouri Charter Public School Commission
MO - HB475 Changes the laws regarding health care quality data standardization and transparency and establishes criteria for programs of insurers to compare the quality and cost efficiency of health care providers
MO - HB511 Establishes the Every Child Can Learn Act which requires all St. Louis City public schools to use a response-to-intervention tiered approach to reading instruction for certain struggling students
MO - HB528 Requires a health care provider to provide medical records within 15 business days of a request
MO - HB546 Requires the Missouri Housing Development Commission's executive director or chief executive officer to reside within 40 miles of Jefferson City
MO - HB586 Requires the Department of Mental Health to develop a continuing professional education curriculum on eating disorders
MO - HB588 Requires a statewide athletic organization that has a public school district as a member to publish an annual report regarding the impact of concussions and head injuries on student athletes
MO - HB628 Changes the laws regarding teacher contracts and establishes the Teacher Continuing Contract Act
MO - HB638 Replaces the Motorist Insurance Identification Database Act with the Insured Vehicle Identification Network Act to track insured motorists, identify uninsured motorists, and maintain a statewide database
MO - HB656 Changes the laws regarding unsecured loans of $500 or less, commonly known as payday loans
MO - HB708 Changes the laws regarding violations of the public policy of Missouri when decisions are based on foreign law or legal code
MO - HB712 Creates the Missouri Juneteenth Heritage and Jazz Festival and Memorial Fund and changes the distribution of funds from the professional athletes and entertainers tax
MO - HB719 Requires one cent from the six cent fee that is deposited into the Missouri Wine and Grape Fund to be deposited into the newly created Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Enforcement Fund
MO - HB778 Allows certain persons to carry concealed firearms in the State Capitol Building or at a meeting of the General Assembly if they have a valid concealed carry endorsement
MO - HB831 Establishes the Do-Not-Offer Statewide Registry Act which requires the creation of a database of elderly Missouri residents who object to receiving direct mail marketing
MO - HB839 Establishes the Capital Green Program to provide funding to the state for energy efficiency improvements to certain state buildings and for geothermal, wind, and solar energy resources
MO - HB840 Establishes the Aerotropolis Trade Incentive and Tax Credit Act to encourage foreign trade by authorizing the St. Louis City Mayor or the executive officer of certain counties to designate a gateway zone
MO - HB890 Changes the laws regarding unsecured loans of $500 or less, commonly known as payday loans
MO - HB901 Prohibits the issuance of a tax credit under certain programs for an otherwise qualifying job under certain circumstances when the jobs are relocated from a contiguous state
MO - HB974 Authorizes Missouri to enter into the Interstate Compact on the Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote Act
MO - HB979 Authorizes Missouri to enter into the multistate Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement, eliminates all state tax credits, phases in a flat income tax rate, and increases the state sales and use tax by .25%
MO - HB1008 Allows the Highways and Transportation Commission to enter into infrastructure improvement agreements to reimburse funds advanced for the benefit of a county, political subdivision, or private entity
MO - HR1826 Supports the work of Missouri's pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes in providing outstanding service to women and families
MO - HJR5 Proposes a constitutional amendment guaranteeing citizens the right to hunt, fish, trap, and harvest wildlife using traditionally approved devices or methods
MO - HJR27 Proposes a constitutional amendment specifying that the right of every citizen to possess, purchase ammunition, and any parts or articles for the proper functioning of arms must not be infringed
MO - HJR31 Proposes a constitutional amendment prohibiting a state court from using any international law or Sharia law
MO - HCR15 Designates November 13, 2011, as "Buck O'Neil Day" in Missouri in honor of the first African-American coach in Major League Baseball
MO - HCR17 Urges the United States Congress to support a comprehensive plan for flood control on the Upper Mississippi River Basin
MO - HCR18 Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials
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