+ − Contact Information Phone: (573) 751-9458 Office Address: 201 West Capitol Avenue Room 235 Jefferson City, MO + − Sponsored Bills (10) MO - HB428 Requires all facility plans submitted to the Department of Natural Resources as part of the permitting process for all environmental programs to be certified by a licensed professional engineer MO - HB953 Exempts the sale of any accessories and upgrades to farm machinery and equipment, freight charges on exempt items, and fabrication labor from the state and local sales and use taxes MO - HB501 Allows wireless telephone users to be added to the No-call List and revises the definition of "telephone solicitation" to include voice, facsimile, graphic imaging, or data communication MO - HB325 Allows a person to hand fish for catfish or carp during June and July within all Missouri waters open for hook-and-line fishing of these fish MO - HJR22 Proposes a constitutional amendment reauthorizing the Department of Conservation sales and use tax until an election in 2022 or at a special election called by the Governor and every 10 years thereafter MO - HB653 Changes the laws regarding noxious weeds MO - HB147 Requires the Commissioner of the Office of Administration or other state purchasing agent to buy forest products, bricks, or aluminum produced in Missouri with certain exceptions MO - HB714 Allows the Secretary of State to enter into an agreement with a nonprofit organization to print and distribute the Official State Manual MO - HB532 Prohibits a school from making up any missed day due to inclement weather by scheduling school on a public holiday MO - HB782 Designates the month of May as "Motorcycle Awareness Month" + − Cosponsored Bills (27) MO - HB131 Changes the laws regarding the Animal Care Facilities Act and the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act MO - HB148 Prohibits a residential contractor from advertising or promising to pay or rebate all or any portion of an insurance deductible as an inducement to the sale of goods or services MO - HB198 Designates December 25 of each year as "Christmas Day" MO - HB209 Changes the laws regarding county nuisance abatement ordinances, junkyards, and private nuisance actions MO - HB215 Allows a resident of Missouri to purchase a firearm in any state, increases to five years the period that a concealed carry endorsement is valid, and lowers the age to obtain an endorsement to 21years MO - HB236 Extends the expiration date of various federal reimbursement allowances from September 30, 2011, to September 30, 2016 MO - HB291 Requires window stickers to show current motor vehicle registration instead of license plate tabs MO - HB346 Exempts the sale of captive wildlife and the sale of feed for captive wildlife from state and local sales and use taxes MO - HB352 Establishes the Missouri Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Initiative within the Department of Higher Education MO - HB385 Extends the expiration date for an income tax credit for a contribution to a pregnancy resource center to August 28, 2023 MO - HB423 Authorizes Missouri to adopt the provisions of the Health Care Compact to improve health care policy by returning the authority to regulate health care to the state legislatures MO - HB430 Changes the laws regarding transportation MO - HB470 Changes the laws regarding the nonresident entertainer and professional athletic team member income tax MO - HB515 Establishes the Embryo Transfer Act which authorizes the legal relinquishment and subsequent transfer of human embryos MO - HB566 Establishes the Political Subdivision Construction Bidding Standards Act MO - HB658 Reclassifies some forms of methamphetamine precursor drugs from Schedule IV and V controlled substances to Schedule III requiring a prescription to be known as the Meth Lab Elimination Act MO - HB778 Allows certain persons to carry concealed firearms in the State Capitol Building or at a meeting of the General Assembly if they have a valid concealed carry endorsement MO - HB797 Transfers all powers, duties, and functions of the Land Survey Program within the Department of Natural Resources to the Department of Agriculture MO - HB831 Establishes the Do-Not-Offer Statewide Registry Act which requires the creation of a database of elderly Missouri residents who object to receiving direct mail marketing MO - HB856 Changes the laws regarding initiative and referendum petitions MO - HB894 Changes the laws regarding midwifery MO - HB957 Establishes the Ratepayer Fairness Act which allows an aluminum smelting facility to keep any special utility rate at the ratepayer class as long as it employs 200 employees MO - HB1006 Establishes the Joint Committee on Renewable Technology and Industrial Onsite Energy Generation MO - HR1826 Supports the work of Missouri's pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes in providing outstanding service to women and families MO - HJR31 Proposes a constitutional amendment prohibiting a state court from using any international law or Sharia law MO - HCR13 Strongly supports the selection of Kirksville, Missouri, as the site for A.T. Still University's new School of Dentistry and Oral Health MO - HCR48 Strongly urges the United States Congress to support the Pea Ridge Mine in the extraction of thorium and the development of refineries for thorium power plants
MO - HB428 Requires all facility plans submitted to the Department of Natural Resources as part of the permitting process for all environmental programs to be certified by a licensed professional engineer
MO - HB953 Exempts the sale of any accessories and upgrades to farm machinery and equipment, freight charges on exempt items, and fabrication labor from the state and local sales and use taxes
MO - HB501 Allows wireless telephone users to be added to the No-call List and revises the definition of "telephone solicitation" to include voice, facsimile, graphic imaging, or data communication
MO - HB325 Allows a person to hand fish for catfish or carp during June and July within all Missouri waters open for hook-and-line fishing of these fish
MO - HJR22 Proposes a constitutional amendment reauthorizing the Department of Conservation sales and use tax until an election in 2022 or at a special election called by the Governor and every 10 years thereafter
MO - HB147 Requires the Commissioner of the Office of Administration or other state purchasing agent to buy forest products, bricks, or aluminum produced in Missouri with certain exceptions
MO - HB714 Allows the Secretary of State to enter into an agreement with a nonprofit organization to print and distribute the Official State Manual
MO - HB532 Prohibits a school from making up any missed day due to inclement weather by scheduling school on a public holiday
MO - HB131 Changes the laws regarding the Animal Care Facilities Act and the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act
MO - HB148 Prohibits a residential contractor from advertising or promising to pay or rebate all or any portion of an insurance deductible as an inducement to the sale of goods or services
MO - HB209 Changes the laws regarding county nuisance abatement ordinances, junkyards, and private nuisance actions
MO - HB215 Allows a resident of Missouri to purchase a firearm in any state, increases to five years the period that a concealed carry endorsement is valid, and lowers the age to obtain an endorsement to 21years
MO - HB236 Extends the expiration date of various federal reimbursement allowances from September 30, 2011, to September 30, 2016
MO - HB291 Requires window stickers to show current motor vehicle registration instead of license plate tabs
MO - HB346 Exempts the sale of captive wildlife and the sale of feed for captive wildlife from state and local sales and use taxes
MO - HB352 Establishes the Missouri Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Initiative within the Department of Higher Education
MO - HB385 Extends the expiration date for an income tax credit for a contribution to a pregnancy resource center to August 28, 2023
MO - HB423 Authorizes Missouri to adopt the provisions of the Health Care Compact to improve health care policy by returning the authority to regulate health care to the state legislatures
MO - HB470 Changes the laws regarding the nonresident entertainer and professional athletic team member income tax
MO - HB515 Establishes the Embryo Transfer Act which authorizes the legal relinquishment and subsequent transfer of human embryos
MO - HB658 Reclassifies some forms of methamphetamine precursor drugs from Schedule IV and V controlled substances to Schedule III requiring a prescription to be known as the Meth Lab Elimination Act
MO - HB778 Allows certain persons to carry concealed firearms in the State Capitol Building or at a meeting of the General Assembly if they have a valid concealed carry endorsement
MO - HB797 Transfers all powers, duties, and functions of the Land Survey Program within the Department of Natural Resources to the Department of Agriculture
MO - HB831 Establishes the Do-Not-Offer Statewide Registry Act which requires the creation of a database of elderly Missouri residents who object to receiving direct mail marketing
MO - HB957 Establishes the Ratepayer Fairness Act which allows an aluminum smelting facility to keep any special utility rate at the ratepayer class as long as it employs 200 employees
MO - HB1006 Establishes the Joint Committee on Renewable Technology and Industrial Onsite Energy Generation
MO - HR1826 Supports the work of Missouri's pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes in providing outstanding service to women and families
MO - HJR31 Proposes a constitutional amendment prohibiting a state court from using any international law or Sharia law
MO - HCR13 Strongly supports the selection of Kirksville, Missouri, as the site for A.T. Still University's new School of Dentistry and Oral Health
MO - HCR48 Strongly urges the United States Congress to support the Pea Ridge Mine in the extraction of thorium and the development of refineries for thorium power plants
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