+ − Contact Information Phone: (573) 751-1494 Office Address: 201 West Capitol Avenue Room 303B Jefferson City, MO + − Sponsored Bill MO - HB832 Changes the laws regarding the Missouri State Board of Accountancy by prohibiting the board from receiving any revenue from the General Revenue Fund or any of its costs to be incurred by the state + − Cosponsored Bills (58) MO - HB112 Classifies certain sawmills and planing mills as agricultural and horticultural property instead of commercial property for property taxation purposes MO - HB113 Lowers the age at which a person can obtain a concealed carry endorsement from 23 to 21 years of age if the person is a member of the armed forces MO - HB145 Requires any entity receiving state funds to publish the name and compensation of each lobbyist employed by the entity and the name and membership dues paid to any other entity MO - HB146 Requires licensed chiropractors to be reimbursed under the MO HealthNet Program for providing services currently covered and within the scope of chiropractic practice MO - HB159 Allows for house arrest with electronic monitoring or shackling for certain nonviolent offenders and requires the state to provide reimbursement for the total cost of house arrest in certain cases MO - HB162 Changes the laws regarding workers' compensation liability MO - HB163 Changes the laws regarding unemployment compensation and makes Missouri eligible to receive extended federal unemployment benefit funds MO - HB182 Designates the first Friday in March as "Dress in Blue for Colon Cancer Awareness Day" MO - HB209 Changes the laws regarding county nuisance abatement ordinances, junkyards, and private nuisance actions MO - HB213 Specifies that no abortion of a viable unborn child can be performed or induced except in certain specified situations MO - HB250 Changes the laws regarding water well regulations MO - HB266 Changes the laws regarding weight limitations for vehicles hauling livestock or agricultural products on state highways MO - HB279 Increases, from $15,000 to $125,000, the amount of equity in a homestead that can be exempt from attachment in a bankruptcy proceeding when the person is 62 years of age or older MO - HB295 Specifies that any infectious disease which causes a condition of impaired health resulting in a disability or death of certain fire fighters will be presumed to have been incurred in the line of duty MO - HB299 Allows the Land Reclamation Commission to deny a mining permit if the affected land is within one mile of a school, child care facility, church, nursing home, public building, or cemetery MO - HB303 Changes the laws regarding members of the military, military spouses, and veterans MO - HB327 Removes the requirement that the circuit court in Cape Girardeau must hold court and maintain an office of the probate division in the courthouses in Jackson and Cape Girardeau but allows them to do so MO - HB337 Prohibits all drivers, regardless of age, from text messaging while operating a moving vehicle unless the device being used is equipped with technology allowing for voice-recognition hands-free texting MO - HB352 Establishes the Missouri Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Initiative within the Department of Higher Education MO - HB356 Expands the crime of making a false declaration with the purpose to mislead a public servant in the performance of his or her duty MO - HB365 Changes the laws regarding unlawful picketing or protesting of a funeral MO - HB394 Allows the owner of a property-carrying commercial motor vehicle to request and be issued two license plates MO - HB395 Creates the crime of operating a motorized vessel with excessive blood alcohol content when a person operates a motorized vessel on any navigable waterway with a blood alcohol content of .08 of 1% or more MO - HB404 Changes the laws regarding security deposits of renters MO - HB458 Changes the laws regarding agriculture MO - HB459 Designates the new Interstate 70 Mississippi River Bridge connecting downtown St. Louis and southwestern Illinois as the "Jerry F. Costello - William 'Bill' Clay Sr. Veterans Memorial Bridge" MO - HB464 Eliminates, combines, and revises certain provisions regarding state boards, commissions, committees, and councils MO - HB465 Changes the laws regarding the Division of Credit Unions within the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration MO - HB470 Changes the laws regarding the nonresident entertainer and professional athletic team member income tax MO - HB474 Designates the regal fritillary as the official state butterfly MO - HB482 Requires certain health spas and fitness facilities to have at least one automated external defibrillator and an employee on staff during hours of operation properly trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation MO - HB498 Repeals the authority of certain constitutional charter cities to adopt and enforce regulations governing zoning, planning, subdividing, and building in certain areas MO - HB515 Establishes the Embryo Transfer Act which authorizes the legal relinquishment and subsequent transfer of human embryos MO - HB591 Authorizes the Missouri Dental Board to issue a limited teaching license to a dentist employed as an instructor in an accredited dental school located in this state MO - HB639 Requires each school district to establish a comprehensive program for student academic progression MO - HB654 Designates March 26 of each year as "Veterans of Operation Iraq/Enduring Freedom Day" MO - HB658 Reclassifies some forms of methamphetamine precursor drugs from Schedule IV and V controlled substances to Schedule III requiring a prescription to be known as the Meth Lab Elimination Act MO - HB676 Prohibits a health carrier from denying coverage for a refill of prescription eye drops under certain conditions MO - HB677 Removes the June 30, 2012 expiration date of the provisions requiring every child enrolling in kindergarten or first grade in a public school to receive one comprehensive vision examination MO - HB687 Establishes the Missouri Homeowners Mutual Insurance Company Act to provide homeowners and renters physical and personal property coverage MO - HB689 Allows a person to pay the $25 emblem-use fee to the Missouri State Humane Association for a I'm Pet Friendly special license plate at the time of registration for deposit in the Missouri Pet Spay-Neuter Fund MO - HB734 Reduces the annual cumulative amount of tax credits that can be authorized for donations to a food pantry from $2 million to $1 million and extends the expiration date to August 28, 2020 MO - HB753 Authorizes the Board of Regents of Southeast Missouri State University to convey university property located in the City of Cape Girardeau to the Cape Area Habitat for Humanity MO - HB777 Requires any person younger than 16 years of age to wear an approved personal flotation device when on a watercraft on Missouri waters unless the person is in a fully enclosed part of the watercraft MO - HB795 Designates the second Friday in March as "Missouri School Read-In Day" MO - HB839 Establishes the Capital Green Program to provide funding to the state for energy efficiency improvements to certain state buildings and for geothermal, wind, and solar energy resources MO - HB858 Prohibits large water users from transporting water withdrawn or diverted from the Southeast Missouri Regional Water District to a location outside the district if it interferes with another major user MO - HB874 Changes the laws regarding ex parte orders and orders of protection MO - HB895 Designates a portion of State Highway 25 in the counties of Dunklin and Stoddard as the "Representative Otto Bean Memorial Highway" MO - HB1003 Revises the laws regarding private nuisances when it originates from property used for farming, agriculture, crop, or animal production purposes and when a court must visit an alleged affected property MO - HR1826 Supports the work of Missouri's pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes in providing outstanding service to women and families MO - HJR5 Proposes a constitutional amendment guaranteeing citizens the right to hunt, fish, trap, and harvest wildlife using traditionally approved devices or methods MO - HJR17 Proposes a constitutional amendment establishing the Freedom in Agriculture Act which guarantees the right of Missourians to grow crops, hunt and fish wildlife, and raise animals in a humane manner MO - HJR31 Proposes a constitutional amendment prohibiting a state court from using any international law or Sharia law MO - HCR7 Encourages the Missouri Veterans Commission to work with the United States Department of Veterans Affairs to address the needs of women veterans and formally honors the heroic service of women veterans MO - HCR17 Urges the United States Congress to support a comprehensive plan for flood control on the Upper Mississippi River Basin MO - HCR34 Urges the United States Forest Service to amend or rescind the Travel Management Rule which restricts motor vehicle access in Mark Twain National Forest MO - HCR45 Urges the President of the United States and the United States Congress to uphold and defend the federal Defense of Marriage Act
MO - HB832 Changes the laws regarding the Missouri State Board of Accountancy by prohibiting the board from receiving any revenue from the General Revenue Fund or any of its costs to be incurred by the state
MO - HB112 Classifies certain sawmills and planing mills as agricultural and horticultural property instead of commercial property for property taxation purposes
MO - HB113 Lowers the age at which a person can obtain a concealed carry endorsement from 23 to 21 years of age if the person is a member of the armed forces
MO - HB145 Requires any entity receiving state funds to publish the name and compensation of each lobbyist employed by the entity and the name and membership dues paid to any other entity
MO - HB146 Requires licensed chiropractors to be reimbursed under the MO HealthNet Program for providing services currently covered and within the scope of chiropractic practice
MO - HB159 Allows for house arrest with electronic monitoring or shackling for certain nonviolent offenders and requires the state to provide reimbursement for the total cost of house arrest in certain cases
MO - HB163 Changes the laws regarding unemployment compensation and makes Missouri eligible to receive extended federal unemployment benefit funds
MO - HB209 Changes the laws regarding county nuisance abatement ordinances, junkyards, and private nuisance actions
MO - HB213 Specifies that no abortion of a viable unborn child can be performed or induced except in certain specified situations
MO - HB266 Changes the laws regarding weight limitations for vehicles hauling livestock or agricultural products on state highways
MO - HB279 Increases, from $15,000 to $125,000, the amount of equity in a homestead that can be exempt from attachment in a bankruptcy proceeding when the person is 62 years of age or older
MO - HB295 Specifies that any infectious disease which causes a condition of impaired health resulting in a disability or death of certain fire fighters will be presumed to have been incurred in the line of duty
MO - HB299 Allows the Land Reclamation Commission to deny a mining permit if the affected land is within one mile of a school, child care facility, church, nursing home, public building, or cemetery
MO - HB327 Removes the requirement that the circuit court in Cape Girardeau must hold court and maintain an office of the probate division in the courthouses in Jackson and Cape Girardeau but allows them to do so
MO - HB337 Prohibits all drivers, regardless of age, from text messaging while operating a moving vehicle unless the device being used is equipped with technology allowing for voice-recognition hands-free texting
MO - HB352 Establishes the Missouri Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Initiative within the Department of Higher Education
MO - HB356 Expands the crime of making a false declaration with the purpose to mislead a public servant in the performance of his or her duty
MO - HB394 Allows the owner of a property-carrying commercial motor vehicle to request and be issued two license plates
MO - HB395 Creates the crime of operating a motorized vessel with excessive blood alcohol content when a person operates a motorized vessel on any navigable waterway with a blood alcohol content of .08 of 1% or more
MO - HB459 Designates the new Interstate 70 Mississippi River Bridge connecting downtown St. Louis and southwestern Illinois as the "Jerry F. Costello - William 'Bill' Clay Sr. Veterans Memorial Bridge"
MO - HB464 Eliminates, combines, and revises certain provisions regarding state boards, commissions, committees, and councils
MO - HB465 Changes the laws regarding the Division of Credit Unions within the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration
MO - HB470 Changes the laws regarding the nonresident entertainer and professional athletic team member income tax
MO - HB482 Requires certain health spas and fitness facilities to have at least one automated external defibrillator and an employee on staff during hours of operation properly trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation
MO - HB498 Repeals the authority of certain constitutional charter cities to adopt and enforce regulations governing zoning, planning, subdividing, and building in certain areas
MO - HB515 Establishes the Embryo Transfer Act which authorizes the legal relinquishment and subsequent transfer of human embryos
MO - HB591 Authorizes the Missouri Dental Board to issue a limited teaching license to a dentist employed as an instructor in an accredited dental school located in this state
MO - HB639 Requires each school district to establish a comprehensive program for student academic progression
MO - HB658 Reclassifies some forms of methamphetamine precursor drugs from Schedule IV and V controlled substances to Schedule III requiring a prescription to be known as the Meth Lab Elimination Act
MO - HB676 Prohibits a health carrier from denying coverage for a refill of prescription eye drops under certain conditions
MO - HB677 Removes the June 30, 2012 expiration date of the provisions requiring every child enrolling in kindergarten or first grade in a public school to receive one comprehensive vision examination
MO - HB687 Establishes the Missouri Homeowners Mutual Insurance Company Act to provide homeowners and renters physical and personal property coverage
MO - HB689 Allows a person to pay the $25 emblem-use fee to the Missouri State Humane Association for a I'm Pet Friendly special license plate at the time of registration for deposit in the Missouri Pet Spay-Neuter Fund
MO - HB734 Reduces the annual cumulative amount of tax credits that can be authorized for donations to a food pantry from $2 million to $1 million and extends the expiration date to August 28, 2020
MO - HB753 Authorizes the Board of Regents of Southeast Missouri State University to convey university property located in the City of Cape Girardeau to the Cape Area Habitat for Humanity
MO - HB777 Requires any person younger than 16 years of age to wear an approved personal flotation device when on a watercraft on Missouri waters unless the person is in a fully enclosed part of the watercraft
MO - HB839 Establishes the Capital Green Program to provide funding to the state for energy efficiency improvements to certain state buildings and for geothermal, wind, and solar energy resources
MO - HB858 Prohibits large water users from transporting water withdrawn or diverted from the Southeast Missouri Regional Water District to a location outside the district if it interferes with another major user
MO - HB895 Designates a portion of State Highway 25 in the counties of Dunklin and Stoddard as the "Representative Otto Bean Memorial Highway"
MO - HB1003 Revises the laws regarding private nuisances when it originates from property used for farming, agriculture, crop, or animal production purposes and when a court must visit an alleged affected property
MO - HR1826 Supports the work of Missouri's pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes in providing outstanding service to women and families
MO - HJR5 Proposes a constitutional amendment guaranteeing citizens the right to hunt, fish, trap, and harvest wildlife using traditionally approved devices or methods
MO - HJR17 Proposes a constitutional amendment establishing the Freedom in Agriculture Act which guarantees the right of Missourians to grow crops, hunt and fish wildlife, and raise animals in a humane manner
MO - HJR31 Proposes a constitutional amendment prohibiting a state court from using any international law or Sharia law
MO - HCR7 Encourages the Missouri Veterans Commission to work with the United States Department of Veterans Affairs to address the needs of women veterans and formally honors the heroic service of women veterans
MO - HCR17 Urges the United States Congress to support a comprehensive plan for flood control on the Upper Mississippi River Basin
MO - HCR34 Urges the United States Forest Service to amend or rescind the Travel Management Rule which restricts motor vehicle access in Mark Twain National Forest
MO - HCR45 Urges the President of the United States and the United States Congress to uphold and defend the federal Defense of Marriage Act
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