+ − Contact Information
Email Address: darryl.barnes@house.state.md.us
Phone: (410) 841-3557
Office Address:
301 Lowe House Office Building
6 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
+ − Biography
Born, Baltimore, Maryland, May 20, 1958; Catonsville High School, 1976; University of Maryland, College Park, B.S., Math Education, 1980; University of Maryland, College Park, M.S., Math Education, 1986; Wilde Lake High School, Teacher, Advisor, Mentor, 1980-2002; Reservoir High School, Teacher/Math Department Chair, 2002-2006; Adjunct Instructor (mathematics education), University of Maryland Baltmore County, 2004-2008; Marriotts Ridge High School, Department Chair/Teacher, 2006-2012; Reservoir High School, Mentor, Curriculum Writer, Professional Development, 2012-2015; Married. 3 children.