+ − Contact Information + − Committees (2) IN - Elections and Apportionment (House) Title: Majority Member IN - Environmental Affairs (House) Title: Vice Chair + − Sponsored Bills (6) IN - HB1137 Civics education and religious instruction. IN - HB1093 Employment of minors. IN - HB1106 Regulated amusement devices. IN - HB1303 Quality of life initiatives grant fund. IN - HB1183 Foreign ownership of agricultural land. IN - HR26 Congratulating Olivia Nickerson on setting a new three-point record in Indiana. + − Cosponsored Bills (10) IN - HB1002 Enforcement of equal educational opportunity. IN - HB1087 Prohibited discrimination in housing. IN - HB1234 Property tax limits on agricultural real property. IN - HB1361 Excused absence from school. IN - HB1417 Agricultural matters. IN - HR12 Supporting Israel. IN - HR37 Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States of America and Ireland. IN - HCR27 Recognizing April as Parkinson's Awareness Month and April 11, 2024, as Parkinson's Awareness Day. IN - SB142 Coverage for mobile integrated healthcare services. IN - SB146 Youth employment.
IN - HR37 Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States of America and Ireland.
IN - HCR27 Recognizing April as Parkinson's Awareness Month and April 11, 2024, as Parkinson's Awareness Day.
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