+ − Contact Information
Email Address: stewart@ilhousegop.org
Phone: (217) 782-0180
Fax: (217) 558-7016
Office Address:
Senator 45th District
Stratton Office Building
Section A, Office J
Springfield, IL 62706
+ − Biography
Businessman. Stewart & Associates employs almost 500 people throughout two dozen businesses, most located in northern Illinois. Army Veteran, retired Stephenson County Sheriff's Sergeant, former Freeport Alderman, Freeport Township Trustee, Chairman and Board Member of the Northwest Illinois Criminal Justice Commission, Stephenson County ETSB (911) Board, Freeport Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Northwest Illinois Development Alliance. Former Chairman of the United Way of Northwest Illinois, FHN Foundation Be Cancer Free Campaign and was the Charter President of the Stephenson County Employees - UAW Local 2261. He is a current member of the Freeport Rotary, AMVETS Post 32 and the Stephenson County Farm Bureau.