+ − Contact Information
Email Address: @azleg.gov
Phone: (602) 926-5766
Fax: (602) 417-3261
Office Address:
Room Room 302
1700 W. Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85007
+ − Biography
Senator Nancy Barto has resided in Arizona since 1962. She and her husband, Joe, have been married since 1978 and have three daughters and two grandchildren.
Nancy studied Vocal Performance and Elementary Education at Arizona State University and A.S.U. West. Prior to public service Nancy enjoyed a career as a mother, school and community volunteer and public policy advocate for family issues. She enjoys hiking, the arts and time with the grandkids. They are active members of Pureheart Christian Fellowship.
Senator Barto served in the State House of Representatives for five years before her election to the State Senate in 2010 - representing Legislative District 15, which encompasses North Phoenix and Northwest Scottsdale. Senator Barto serves as Chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee- focusing on health care and family-related issues.
Nancy has sponsored major health care reforms aimed at increasing affordable health insurance options, protecting patients' fundamental privacy rights, the health of women and the unborn. Recognized as a consistent leader for Arizona families, Nancy has championed important medical tort, property tax and homeowner reforms and been a voice for reform in Arizona's foster care and behavioral health systems.
Service and recognition:
Child Protective Services Oversight Committee, Co-Chair
Joint Legislative Audit Committee
Project 127 - Supporting Foster and Adoptive Parents
Northern Arizona University Interdisciplinary Health Policy Institute Advisory Board
National Federation of Independent Business- Guardian of Small Business
Arizonans for Prosperity, Friend of the Taxpayer
Arizona Family Project, Friend of the Family
American Legislative Exchange Council, Legislator of the Year
Free Enterprise Club- "A" Rating
Alliance of Community Health Centers, Legislator of the Year
Arizona Rural Health Association, Outstanding Legislator of the Year