+ − Contact Information
Email Address: @azleg.gov
Phone: (602) 926-4173
Fax: (602) 417-3153
Office Address:
Room Room 307
1700 W. Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85007
+ − Biography
Paul Boyer represents legislative district 20, which include much of Glendale and parts of North Phoenix. He also teaches 10th Grade Humane Letters at Veritas Preparatory Academy, which consists of literature and Modern European history.
Previously, he was an official spokesman and policy advisor for House Majority at the State Capitol for three years, the legislative liaison for the Arizona Department of Corrections for three years and the Supervisor of District Communications for Mesa Public Schools, the largest school district in the state.
He is a consistent advocate for common sense conservative principles: life, education, public safety, job creation and economic development.
Rep. Boyer is the Chairman of the House Education Committee and is a member of the House Health and County and Municipal Affairs Committees.
He holds a B.A. in English from Arizona State University and a M.A. in Communication Studies from Arizona State University.
His parents, Fred and Sharon live in Glendale and he is engaged to be married in March to Elizabeth. He also has a hyperactive, lovable, co-dependent rescue dog- Sydni, an eight-year-old Cairn Terrier.