+ − Contact Information
Email Address: @azleg.gov
Phone: (602) 926-3421
Fax: (602) 417-3010
Office Address:
Room Room 312
1700 W. Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85007
+ − Biography
Born in Safford, Arizona, Representative Barton is a fifth generation native of rural eastern Arizona. In 1871, her great-great grandfather established the first crossing on the Colorado River. In 1880, the family settled in Lee Valley near Greer in the White Mountains. Allen F. Smithson, her maternal great-great grandfather rests in the Lebanon cemetery just west of the family's historic homestead in Artesia where Representative Barton spent her early years.
In the late 1980s, she began her career in public service with the City of Safford. During the end of her tenure with the City of Safford, Rep. Barton led a group of employees in writing the City of Safford's Vision Statement. It was subsequently adopted by the City Council.
By the mid-1990s, public events drew her into political activism and she became an elected officer of People for the West, a land rights group. Representative Barton is a veteran of the Sage-Brush Rebellion that swept the Western Lands States from the 1970s into the 1990s.
Political experience:
Graduate, Western Legislative Academy; AZ director, Women in Government; Region III director, AZ Federation of Republican Women; 2009 graduate, Dodie Londen Excellence in Public Service Series; 2008 delegate to the AZ State Republican Convention; precinct committeewoman; president, Graham County Republican Women; legislative chairwoman, Graham County Republican Woman; secretary, People for the West, Graham County Chapter; secretary, Legislative District 8 (Cochise & Graham Counties).
Nat’l Council of State Legislators, Heartland Institute, American Legislative Exchange Council, AZ Citizens Defense League, AZ Federation of Republican Women.
Political influence:
There isn’t a single individual, rather a mosaic of characters and individuals who have contributed to my continuing evolution as a political professional.
Job creation measures:
The role of the government is not to create jobs, rather to facilitate a business environment in which job creation may flourish. To that end, we should consider reducing the burden of unnecessary regulations on business and ensure a well-educated and prepared workforce inventory.
Top Issues:
Building a strong state economy coupled with the conservation of our quality of life in Arizona.
Representative Barton resides with her husband Bruce in the beautiful rim country of Payson, Arizona. They have two grown children and six grandchildren.