+ − Contact Information
Email Address: /emailmember.asp?member_id=8&legislature=52&session_id=115
Phone: (602) 926-5836
Fax: (602) 417-3131
Office Address:
Room 314
1700 W. Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85007
+ − Biography
Senator Barbara McGuire is a life-long resident of District 8 which is among the state's fastest growing areas. She is proud to represent Pinal and Gila Counties and honored to represent the Gila River Indian Community.
Born in Sonora-Ray, Senator McGuire is a third-generation Arizonan and the daughter of a Veteran World War II Navy pilot. She has been happily married to Jim McGuire for the past 42 years. She has a son, a daughter and two grandchildren.
Senator McGuire learned the value of hard work while growing up in a mining community. She graduated high school and attended community college in District 8.
Over the past two decades Senator McGuire has served as a Salvation Army Unit Director, State Representative, small business owner, honorary Major Civil Air Patrol, NRA member, and Sheriffâs Posse member. She has also had the pleasure of working for a school district and served on the Interagency Council on Long-Term Care.
Senator McGuire has held two chamber of commerce memberships in Casa Grande and Copper Basin. She has served as the vice president of the Copper Basin Chamber of Commerce and was honored in 2004 to be named the Copper Basin Citizen of the Year. Additionally, Senator McGuire was appointed Rural Liaison by her Caucus and was a founder of the Mining Caucus in 2013. She was awarded the American Heart Association Greater Phoenix Division 2012-2013, Outstanding Legislator of the Year, and the 2013 Legislative Friend from the AZ League of Cities and Towns. She advocated to increase the University Extension funds, CPR, and school bus safety.
Among the most satisfying volunteer experiences for Senator McGuire has been her work with the annual Angel Tree Christmas program and the Summer Youth Camp program.
Senator McGuire believes government should be Efficient, Accountable and Responsive to the people of Arizona, hence her credo EAR.