+ − Upcoming Hearings (5)
February 12, 2025 at 1:00pm CST
Committee:State Governmental Affairs
Tracked Bills to be Heard:
Tracked Legislators to be in Attendance:
February 12, 2025 at 11:30am CST
Committee:Children and Youth Health
Tracked Bills to be Heard:
Tracked Legislators to be in Attendance:
February 13, 2025 at 8:30am CST
Committee:Children and Youth Health
Tracked Bills to be Heard:
Tracked Legislators to be in Attendance:
February 12, 2025 at 10:00am CST
Committee:Finance and Taxation Education
Tracked Bills to be Heard:
Tracked Legislators to be in Attendance:
February 12, 2025 at 2:00pm CST
Tracked Bills to be Heard:
Tracked Legislators to be in Attendance:
+ − Contact Information
Email Address: gerald.allen@alsenate.gov
Phone: (334) 261-0889
Office Address:
11 S Union Street
Suite 729
Montgomery, AL 36130
+ − Biography
Senator Gerald Allen is serving his third term in the Senate, after serving four terms in the Alabama House of Representatives.
He received a B.S. Degree in Education from the University of Alabama and is the owner of CASHCO Marketing. Senator Allen and his wife Sheila are the parents of three grown children: Wes, Kellie, and Jill, and have six grandchildren.
In addition to serving as a Deacon for Gilgal Baptist Church, he is involved in various community and civic activities.
During his almost two decades of service to his district, he has sponsored and passed numerous bills of local and statewide importance. Among the major pieces of legislation he has sponsored and passed:
Fulfilling the state’s commitment to the Mercedes Benz project, which opened the door to other automotive manufacturers locating in the state.
Tightening requirements and restrictions on sports agents operating in the state. That measure became a model for the rest of the country.
The Marriage Protection Act that states that marriage in Alabama is a union between a man and a woman.