+ − Contact Information Email Address: philhouse44@gmail.com Phone: (334) 242-7704 Office Address: Suite 401-C 11 S. Union Street Montgomery, AL 36130 + − Committee AL - Water Policy And Management Joint Legislative Committee Title: Member + − Sponsored Bills (8) AL - HB507 Climatologist, office established, powers and duties AL - HB378 Disabled persons, preference for services provided by under direction of the Department of Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind, Sec. 21-2-2 am'd. AL - HB302 Public Safety Department and State Personnel Department, establish a new classification, Trooper First Class, recover cost of training AL - HB516 Mortgage fraud, crime of, created AL - HB515 Crimes, publication of personal image prohibited, penalties AL - HB395 Alimony, payments limited to five years or to length of the marriage whichever is the greater length of time, Sec. 30-2-55 am'd. AL - HB383 Public Safety Department and State Personnel Department, establish a new classification, Trooper First Class, recover cost of training AL - HB518 Contracts, award of multiple contracts pursuant to a single invitation-to-bid authorized, Sec. 41-16-27 am'd.
AL - HB378 Disabled persons, preference for services provided by under direction of the Department of Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind, Sec. 21-2-2 am'd.
AL - HB302 Public Safety Department and State Personnel Department, establish a new classification, Trooper First Class, recover cost of training
AL - HB395 Alimony, payments limited to five years or to length of the marriage whichever is the greater length of time, Sec. 30-2-55 am'd.
AL - HB383 Public Safety Department and State Personnel Department, establish a new classification, Trooper First Class, recover cost of training
AL - HB518 Contracts, award of multiple contracts pursuant to a single invitation-to-bid authorized, Sec. 41-16-27 am'd.
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