+ − Contact Information
Email Address: johnrogers1424@gmail.com
Phone: (334) 261-0387
Office Address:
11 South Union Street
Suite 523-A
Montgomery, AL 36130-2950
+ − Biography
Representative John Rogers was elected in 1982.
He was born on December 16, 1940, received a B.S. from Tennessee State University, M.S. from the University of Alabama, and A.A. in Vocational Education from the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Representative Rogers serves as President of Rogers & Rogers, Inc./Photographer, P.R. Counselor and College Administrator, Director of Minority Affairs for the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
He is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha, the Century Club, the Mt. Meigs Advisory Council, the Associated Photographers Institute of America, and the Alabama Council of Crime and Delinquency. He also serves on the Board of Directors for the Fourth Avenue YMCA, the Birmingham Convention and Visitors Bureau, St. Andrews Foundation, and the Sickle Cell Foundation. Representative Rogers is also a member of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, and the Boy Scouts of America.
He and his wife, Jennie, are the parents of three children: Jerena, Tammy, and John III. He is a member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church.