+ − Contact Information
Email Address: berry.forte@alhouse.gov
Phone: (334) 261-0566
Office Address:
11 South Union Street
Suite 537-F
Montgomery, AL 36130-2950
+ − Biography
Representative Berry Forte was elected to the Alabama House of Representatives on November 2, 2010.
He has worked at American Buildings in Eufaula for 45 years and served 29 years as a member of the Barbour County Commission where he served as chairman or vice chairman on a number of committees.
Representative Forte is a member of the Barbour County Hospital Board, Southeast Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission, and the Barbour County Democratic Executive Committee.
He is a member of Tabernacle Baptist Church.
+ − Committees (2)
AL - Commerce and Small Business (House)
AL - Ethics and Campaign Finance (House)