+ − Legislators (3) AL - Senator Clyde Chambliss (R) Title: Member AL - Senator Del Marsh (R) Title: Member AL - Senator Greg J. Reed (R) Title: Member + − Bills Assigned (54) AL - HB247 Montgomery County, county commission, salary, existing expense allowance converted to salary AL - HB430 Butler County, prohibit any municipality within the county from establishing a separate city school system without prior approval of a majority of the qualified electors of the county voting at a referendum election, ca AL - HB380 Choctaw County, motor vehicle tags, Judge of Probate, additional issuance fee, distribution to Choctaw County Rescue Squad, advisory referendum AL - SB121 Scottsboro, mayor and city council, and city board of education, terms extended, election date revised- AL - HB420 St. Clair County, board of registrars, appointment of additional members by county commission AL - HB301 Baldwin County, coroner, compensation, further provided AL - SB330 Lee County, sheriff, salary increased- AL - SB139 Prattville, taxation, distribution of certain sales and use tax proceeds revised, Elmore County Commission to remit certain lodging tax proceeds to the City of Prattville- AL - SB298 Bullock County, judge of probate, motor vehicle tags, issue by mail and over the Internet, fees- AL - SB62 Marshall County, sheriff, use of debit or credit card provided for- AL - HB196 Houston County, authorize county commission to appoint members to the Houston County Health Care Authority Board of Directors, ca AL - SB238 Montgomery County, mayors allowed to participate in Employees' Retirement System, CA- AL - SB310 Geneva, alcoholic beverages, sale of draft or keg beer, city council may authorize- AL - HB496 Lauderdale County, county commission chair, salary increased AL - SB61 Albertville, alcoholic beverages, entertainment districts, established in certain historic villages in city, open containers from licensees authorized- AL - HB520 Etowah County, Mega Sports Complex Authority, membership, distribution, treatment of debt, and routine audits provided further AL - SB300 Tuscaloosa, municipal elections for mayor, city council, and city board of education, reset- AL - HB417 Russell County, county commission, compensation AL - HB480 Dallas County, mayors allowed to participate in Employees' Retirement System, ca AL - HB86 Cullman County, revenue commissioner, term of office to commence on December 1, following general election in 2026, current revenue commissioner's term shortened, ca AL - HB479 Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, Shoals Economic Development Fund, distrib. of funds to Lauderdale Co. Commission for Workforce Training and Development Center AL - SB270 Montgomery County and municipalities with population of 5,000 or more, certain city employees, exempt , return to classified service, provided- AL - SB323 Colbert County, simplified seller use tax distribution of the county's share, local acts in conflict, repealed- AL - HB175 Spanish Fort, corporate limits altered AL - SB88 Lake View, corporate limits altered- AL - HB258 Montgomery County, county commission, salary increase AL - HB299 Baldwin County, provides for the election of Baldwin County Board of Education members by electors residing in unincorporated areas of the county AL - HB454 Wilcox County, motor vehicles, one-stop tag program by judge of probate AL - SB105 Henry County, law enforcement, authorized to take an individual with mental illness into protective custody under certain conditions, protection from civil and criminal liabilities- AL - SB138 Autauga County, school district ad valorem tax in Central and Daniel Pratt school zones, use for public school purposes in the district, CA- AL - HB327 Franklin County, sheriff, abandoned and stolen property, sale, procedure AL - SB129 St. Clair County, Davis Lake Volunteer Fire Department, fire protection fees, Revenue Commissioner to separately state on ad valorem tax bill- AL - HB492 Lawrence County, sheriff, authorizing additional expense allowance AL - SB333 Marshall County, Personnel Board, appointments, expense allowance of members- AL - SB195 Jackson County, water authority, operation of board, reports to county commission, replacement of board members, subject to Open Meetings Act- AL - HB475 Pickens County, judge of probate, compensation AL - SB332 Cherokee Ridge, corporate limits altered- AL - HB64 Chambers County, ad valorem tax, levy of addional 6 mills for education and county roads, extension of existing tax for 20 years, referendum AL - HB524 Cherokee Ridge, corporate limits altered AL - HB523 Marshall County, Personnel Board, appointments, expense allowance of members AL - HB424 Tuscaloosa County, judge of probate, compensation further provided AL - HB206 Russell County, use of monies in Inmate Welfare Fund, further provided for AL - HB494 Tuscaloos County, law enforcement officers, overtime compensation further provided AL - HB493 Baldwin County, law librarian, may participate in county employee insurance plans, may accrue leave AL - HB179 Baldwin County, Bon Secour Landmark District, annexation of property in district prohibited by local law, exception, ca AL - HB309 Lowndes County, coroner, expense allowance increased AL - SB201 Class 3 municipality, organized under Act 618, 1973 Regular Session, Montgomery, airport authority, board of directors, appointed by mayor of municipality- AL - HB180 Baldwin County, Stapleton Landmark District, annexation of property in district prohibited by local law, exception, ca AL - SB122 Jackson County, sheriff, salary increase, effective next term- AL - HB302 Baldwin County, sheriff, expense allowance, salary, cost-of-living adjustments, provided for AL - HB254 Montgomery County sheriff, authorize to conduct fund raising events, proceeds for operation of sheriff's office AL - HB210 Blount County, county commission, chair, election, compensation, duties provided for, judge of probate no longer to serve as chair AL - SB176 Montgomery County, county commission, salary increase- AL - HB99 Conecuh County, county commission chair, selection for remainder of current term further provided, expense allowance
AL - HB247 Montgomery County, county commission, salary, existing expense allowance converted to salary
AL - HB430 Butler County, prohibit any municipality within the county from establishing a separate city school system without prior approval of a majority of the qualified electors of the county voting at a referendum election, ca
AL - HB380 Choctaw County, motor vehicle tags, Judge of Probate, additional issuance fee, distribution to Choctaw County Rescue Squad, advisory referendum
AL - SB121 Scottsboro, mayor and city council, and city board of education, terms extended, election date revised-
AL - HB420 St. Clair County, board of registrars, appointment of additional members by county commission
AL - SB139 Prattville, taxation, distribution of certain sales and use tax proceeds revised, Elmore County Commission to remit certain lodging tax proceeds to the City of Prattville-
AL - SB298 Bullock County, judge of probate, motor vehicle tags, issue by mail and over the Internet, fees-
AL - HB196 Houston County, authorize county commission to appoint members to the Houston County Health Care Authority Board of Directors, ca
AL - SB61 Albertville, alcoholic beverages, entertainment districts, established in certain historic villages in city, open containers from licensees authorized-
AL - HB520 Etowah County, Mega Sports Complex Authority, membership, distribution, treatment of debt, and routine audits provided further
AL - SB300 Tuscaloosa, municipal elections for mayor, city council, and city board of education, reset-
AL - HB86 Cullman County, revenue commissioner, term of office to commence on December 1, following general election in 2026, current revenue commissioner's term shortened, ca
AL - HB479 Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, Shoals Economic Development Fund, distrib. of funds to Lauderdale Co. Commission for Workforce Training and Development Center
AL - SB270 Montgomery County and municipalities with population of 5,000 or more, certain city employees, exempt , return to classified service, provided-
AL - SB323 Colbert County, simplified seller use tax distribution of the county's share, local acts in conflict, repealed-
AL - HB299 Baldwin County, provides for the election of Baldwin County Board of Education members by electors residing in unincorporated areas of the county
AL - SB105 Henry County, law enforcement, authorized to take an individual with mental illness into protective custody under certain conditions, protection from civil and criminal liabilities-
AL - SB138 Autauga County, school district ad valorem tax in Central and Daniel Pratt school zones, use for public school purposes in the district, CA-
AL - SB129 St. Clair County, Davis Lake Volunteer Fire Department, fire protection fees, Revenue Commissioner to separately state on ad valorem tax bill-
AL - SB195 Jackson County, water authority, operation of board, reports to county commission, replacement of board members, subject to Open Meetings Act-
AL - HB64 Chambers County, ad valorem tax, levy of addional 6 mills for education and county roads, extension of existing tax for 20 years, referendum
AL - HB493 Baldwin County, law librarian, may participate in county employee insurance plans, may accrue leave
AL - HB179 Baldwin County, Bon Secour Landmark District, annexation of property in district prohibited by local law, exception, ca
AL - SB201 Class 3 municipality, organized under Act 618, 1973 Regular Session, Montgomery, airport authority, board of directors, appointed by mayor of municipality-
AL - HB180 Baldwin County, Stapleton Landmark District, annexation of property in district prohibited by local law, exception, ca
AL - HB302 Baldwin County, sheriff, expense allowance, salary, cost-of-living adjustments, provided for
AL - HB254 Montgomery County sheriff, authorize to conduct fund raising events, proceeds for operation of sheriff's office
AL - HB210 Blount County, county commission, chair, election, compensation, duties provided for, judge of probate no longer to serve as chair
AL - HB99 Conecuh County, county commission chair, selection for remainder of current term further provided, expense allowance
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