+ − Summaries (2)
+ − Full Texts (4)
+ − Actions (46)
- Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 202.
- Received in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under Read the First Time.
- Rule H. Res. 431 passed House.
- Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 431 .
- Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 2273 with 1 hour of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. Measure will be considered read. Specified amendments are in order. The resolution provides that the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the Committee on Energy and Commerce shall be considered as an original bill.
- House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union pursuant to H. Res. 431 and Rule XVIII.
- The Speaker designated the Honorable Kevin Yoder to act as Chairman of the Committee.
- GENERAL DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of general debate on H.R. 2273 .
- H.AMDT.837 Amendment offered by Mr. Shimkus. Manager's amendment provides additional detail to the certification requirements that States provide to EPA; adds certain operating criteria from Part 258 of 40 CFR; clarifies that states may request technical assistance from EPA; adds a savings clause for citizen suits; adds additional constituents for groundwater monitoring and reiterates in the definition of revised criteria that the criteria were promulgated to protect human health and the environment.
- DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 431 , the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Shimkus amendment.
- H.AMDT.837 On agreeing to the Shimkus amendment Agreed to by voice vote.
- H.AMDT.838 Amendment offered by Mr. Waxman. Amendment sought to require State programs to meet a legal standard of protection to ensure that human health and the environment are fully and properly protected.
- DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 431 , the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Waxman amendment.
- POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Waxman amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote, announced that the noes had prevailed. Mr. Waxman demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption of the amendment until a time to be announced.
- H.AMDT.839 Amendment offered by Mr. Markey. Amendment sought to establish a time frame for bringing existing surface impoundments into compliance with revised criteria for design, groundwater monitoring, and corrective action; to maintain state flexibility to opt-out and to provide up to a 10-year compliance window.
- DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 431 , the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Markey amendment No. 3.
- POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Markey amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote, announced that the noes had prevailed. Mr. Markey demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption of the amendment until a time to be announced.
- H.AMDT.840 Amendment offered by Mr. Markey. Amendment sought to require that before a State can waive any of the criteria under the bill, the State must first notify the public and the EPA and offer the opportunity for public comment.
- DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 431 , the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Markey amendment No 4.
- POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Markey amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote, announced that the noes had prevailed. Mr. Markey demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption of the amendment until a time to be announced.
- H.AMDT.841 Amendment offered by Mr. Rush. Amendment sought to provide federal enforcement authority so that if the EPA Administrator determines that a structure is in violation of a State coal combustion residuals permit program, and the State has not taken appropriate action to enforce such a permit program with respect to the structure, the Administrator may inspect the structure and enforce the requirements of the permit program with respect to the structure.
- DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 431 , the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Rush amendment.
- POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Rush amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote, announced that the noes had prevailed. Mr. Rush demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption of the amendment until a time to be announced.
- H.AMDT.842 Amendment offered by Ms. Jackson Lee . Amendment sought to require the Administrator of the EPA to submit a report to Congress on the long-term impacts of State coal combustion residuals permit programs on human health and the environment within five years of enactment of the legislation.
- DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 431 , the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Jackson Lee amendment.
- POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Jackson Lee amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote, announced that the noes had prevailed. Ms. Jackson Lee demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption of the amendment until a time to be announced.
- UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The Chair announced that the unfinished business was on the adoption of amendments which had previously been debated and on which further proceedings were postponed.
- H.AMDT.838 On agreeing to the Waxman amendment Failed by recorded vote: 171 - 236 .
- H.AMDT.839 On agreeing to the Markey amendment Failed by recorded vote: 173 - 231 .
- H.AMDT.840 On agreeing to the Markey amendment Failed by recorded vote: 185 - 223 .
- H.AMDT.841 On agreeing to the Rush amendment Failed by recorded vote: 164 - 241 .
- H.AMDT.842 On agreeing to the Jackson Lee amendment Failed by recorded vote: 174 - 235 .
- The House rose from the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union to report H.R. 2273 .
- The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.
- The House adopted the amendment in the nature of a substitute as agreed to by the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union.
- Mr. Cicilline moved to recommit with instructions to Energy and Commerce.
- DEBATE - The House proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Cicilline motion to recommit with instructions. The instructions contained in the motion seek to report the same back to the House with an amendment to implement a warning system in the event of a catastrophic failure at a coal ash disposal site. Under this amendment, the EPA Administrator must require the owner or operator of a surface coal ash disposal site, such as a disposal pile or lagoon, to equip such site with a sufficient system to monitor for, and notify the public of a potentially hazardous condition that could lead to failure of the site's ability to contain coal ash.
- The previous question on the motion to recommit with instructions was ordered without objection.
- On motion to recommit with instructions Failed by the Yeas and Nays: 172 - 238 .
- On passage Passed by recorded vote: 267 - 144 .
- Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
- Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 431 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 2273 with 1 hour of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. Measure will be considered read. Specified amendments are in order. The resolution provides that the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the Committee on Energy and Commerce shall be considered as an original bill.
- Reported by the Committee on Energy and Commerce. H. Rept. 112-226 .
- Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 147.
- Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
- Referred to the Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy.
+ − Amendments (6)
Manager's amendment provides additional detail to the certification requirements that States provide to EPA; adds certain operating criteria from Part 258 of 40 CFR; clarifies that states may request technical assistance from EPA; adds a savings clause for citizen suits; adds additional constituents for groundwater monitoring and reiterates in the definition of revised criteria that the criteria were promulgated to protect human health and the environment.
Amendment sought to require State programs to meet a legal standard of protection to ensure that human health and the environment are fully and properly protected.
Amendment sought to establish a time frame for bringing existing surface impoundments into compliance with revised criteria for design, groundwater monitoring, and corrective action; to maintain state flexibility to opt-out (with certification) and to provide up to a 10-year compliance window.
Amendment sought to require that before a State can waive any of the criteria under the bill, the State must first notify the public and the EPA and offer the opportunity for public comment.
Amendment sought to provide federal enforcement authority so that if the EPA Administrator determines that a structure is in violation of a State coal combustion residuals permit program, and the State has not taken appropriate action to enforce such a permit program with respect to the structure, the Administrator may inspect the structure and enforce the requirements of the permit program with respect to the structure.
Amendment sought to require the Administrator of the EPA to submit a report to Congress on the long-term impacts of State coal combustion residuals permit programs on human health and the environment within five years of enactment of the legislation.
+ − Votes (6)
October 14, 2011: On Agreeing to the Amendment
- Yeas: 171
- Nays: 236
- Absent: 26
- Dennis A. Cardoza: aye
- Geoff Davis: no
- Gabrielle Giffords: absent
- Jay Inslee: aye
- Thaddeus G. McCotter: no
- Donald M. Payne: aye
- Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.: aye
- Bob Filner: aye
- Gary L. Ackerman: aye
- Sandy Adams: no
- W. Todd Akin: no
- Jason Altmire: no
- Steve Austria: no
- Joe Baca: aye
- Roscoe G. Bartlett: no
- Charles F. Bass: no
- Rick Berg: no
- Shelley Berkley: aye
- Howard L. Berman: aye
- Judy Biggert: no
- Brian P. Bilbray: no
- Mary Bono Mack: no
- Dan Boren: no
- Leonard L. Boswell: aye
- Ann Marie Buerkle: no
- Dan Burton: no
- Francisco "Quico" Canseco: no
- Russ Carnahan: aye
- Ben Chandler: aye
- Hansen Clarke: aye
- Jerry F. Costello: absent
- Chip Cravaack: no
- Mark S. Critz: no
- Norman D. Dicks: aye
- Robert J. Dold: no
- David Dreier: no
- Barney Frank: aye
- Elton Gallegly: absent
- Charles A. Gonzalez: absent
- Frank C. Guinta: no
- Nan A. S. Hayworth: no
- Wally Herger: no
- Maurice D. Hinchey: aye
- Tim Holden: no
- Timothy V. Johnson: absent
- Dale E. Kildee: absent
- Larry Kissell: aye
- Dennis J. Kucinich: aye
- Steven C. LaTourette: no
- Jeffrey M. Landry: no
- Jerry Lewis: absent
- Daniel E. Lungren: no
- Connie Mack: no
- Donald A. Manzullo: no
- Brad Miller: aye
- Sue Wilkins Myrick: no
- John W. Olver: aye
- Ron Paul: absent
- Mike Pence: no
- Todd Russell Platts: no
- Benjamin Quayle: no
- Denny Rehberg: no
- Silvestre Reyes: absent
- Laura Richardson: aye
- David Rivera: no
- Mike Ross: no
- Steven R. Rothman: aye
- Robert T. Schilling: no
- Jean Schmidt: no
- Heath Shuler: aye
- Fortney Pete Stark: aye
- Cliff Stearns: no
- John Sullivan: absent
- Betty Sutton: aye
- Edolphus Towns: aye
- Joe Walsh: no
- Allen B. West: no
- Lynn C. Woolsey: aye
- Kathleen C. Hochul: aye
- Robert L. Turner: no
- Jo Ann Emerson: no
- Robert B. Aderholt: no
- Rodney Alexander: no
- Justin Amash: no
- Robert E. Andrews: aye
- Michele Bachmann: absent
- Spencer Bachus: no
- Tammy Baldwin: aye
- Lou Barletta: no
- John Barrow: aye
- Joe Barton: no
- Karen Bass: absent
- Xavier Becerra: aye
- Dan Benishek: no
- Gus M. Bilirakis: no
- Rob Bishop: no
- Jr. Sanford D. Bishop: no
- Timothy H. Bishop: aye
- Diane Black: no
- Marsha Blackburn: no
- Earl Blumenauer: aye
- Jo Bonner: no
- Charles W. Boustany, Jr.: no
- Kevin Brady: no
- Robert A. Brady: aye
- Bruce L. Braley: absent
- Mo Brooks: no
- Paul C. Broun: no
- Corrine Brown: aye
- Vern Buchanan: no
- Larry Bucshon: no
- Michael C. Burgess: no
- G. K. Butterfield: aye
- Ken Calvert: no
- Dave Camp: no
- John Campbell: no
- Eric Cantor: no
- Shelley Moore Capito: no
- Lois Capps: aye
- Michael E. Capuano: aye
- John C. Carney, Jr.: aye
- André Carson: aye
- John R. Carter: no
- Bill Cassidy: no
- Kathy Castor: aye
- Steve Chabot: no
- Jason Chaffetz: no
- Judy Chu: aye
- David N. Cicilline: aye
- Yvette D. Clarke: aye
- Wm. Lacy Clay: aye
- Emanuel Cleaver: aye
- James E. Clyburn: aye
- Howard Coble: absent
- Mike Coffman: no
- Steve Cohen: aye
- Tom Cole: no
- K. Michael Conaway: no
- Gerald E. Connolly: aye
- John Conyers, Jr.: aye
- Jim Cooper: aye
- Jim Costa: aye
- Joe Courtney: aye
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford: no
- Ander Crenshaw: no
- Joseph Crowley: aye
- Henry Cuellar: aye
- John Abney Culberson: no
- Elijah E. Cummings: aye
- Danny K. Davis: aye
- Susan A. Davis: aye
- Peter A. DeFazio: aye
- Diana DeGette: aye
- Rosa L. DeLauro: aye
- Jeff Denham: no
- Charles W. Dent: no
- Scott DesJarlais: no
- Theodore E. Deutch: aye
- Mario Diaz-Balart: no
- John D. Dingell: aye
- Lloyd Doggett: aye
- Joe Donnelly: aye
- Michael F. Doyle: aye
- Sean P. Duffy: no
- Jeff Duncan: no
- John J. Duncan, Jr.: no
- Donna F. Edwards: aye
- Keith Ellison: absent
- Renee L. Ellmers: no
- Eliot L. Engel: aye
- Anna G. Eshoo: aye
- Blake Farenthold: no
- Sam Farr: aye
- Chaka Fattah: aye
- Stephen Lee Fincher: no
- Michael G. Fitzpatrick: no
- Jeff Flake: no
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann: no
- John Fleming: no
- Bill Flores: absent
- J. Randy Forbes: no
- Jeff Fortenberry: no
- Virginia Foxx: no
- Trent Franks: no
- Rodney P. Frelinghuysen: no
- Marcia L. Fudge: aye
- John Garamendi: absent
- Cory Gardner: no
- Scott Garrett: no
- Jim Gerlach: no
- Bob Gibbs: no
- Christopher P. Gibson: aye
- Phil Gingrey: no
- Louie Gohmert: no
- Bob Goodlatte: no
- Paul A. Gosar: absent
- Trey Gowdy: no
- Kay Granger: no
- Sam Graves: no
- Tom Graves: no
- Al Green: aye
- Gene Green: aye
- Tim Griffin: no
- H. Morgan Griffith: no
- Raúl M. Grijalva: aye
- Michael G. Grimm: no
- Brett Guthrie: no
- Luis V. Gutierrez: aye
- Ralph M. Hall: no
- Colleen Hanabusa: aye
- Richard L. Hanna: no
- Gregg Harper: no
- Andy Harris: no
- Vicky Hartzler: no
- Alcee L. Hastings: aye
- Doc Hastings: no
- Joseph J. Heck: no
- Martin Heinrich: aye
- Jeb Hensarling: no
- Jaime Herrera Beutler: no
- Brian Higgins: aye
- James A. Himes: aye
- Ruben Hinojosa: aye
- Mazie K. Hirono: aye
- Rush Holt: aye
- Michael M. Honda: aye
- Steny H. Hoyer: aye
- Tim Huelskamp: no
- Bill Huizenga: no
- Randy Hultgren: no
- Duncan D. Hunter: no
- Robert Hurt: no
- Steve Israel: aye
- Darrell Issa: no
- Sheila Jackson Lee: aye
- Lynn Jenkins: no
- Bill Johnson: no
- Eddie Bernice Johnson: aye
- Jr. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson: aye
- Sam Johnson: no
- Walter B. Jones, Jr.: no
- Jim Jordan: absent
- Marcy Kaptur: aye
- William R. Keating: aye
- Mike Kelly: no
- Ron Kind: no
- Peter T. King: no
- Steve King: no
- Jack Kingston: no
- Adam Kinzinger: no
- John Kline: no
- Raul R. Labrador: no
- Doug Lamborn: no
- Leonard Lance: aye
- James R. Langevin: aye
- James Lankford: no
- Rick Larsen: aye
- John B. Larson: aye
- Tom Latham: no
- Robert E. Latta: no
- Barbara Lee: aye
- Sander M. Levin: aye
- John Lewis: aye
- Daniel Lipinski: aye
- Frank A. LoBiondo: aye
- David Loebsack: aye
- Zoe Lofgren: aye
- Billy Long: no
- Nita M. Lowey: aye
- Frank D. Lucas: no
- Blaine Luetkemeyer: no
- Ben Ray Lujan: aye
- Cynthia M. Lummis: absent
- Stephen F. Lynch: aye
- Carolyn B. Maloney: aye
- Kenny Marchant: no
- Tom Marino: no
- Edward J. Markey: aye
- Jim Matheson: no
- Doris O. Matsui: aye
- Carolyn McCarthy: aye
- Kevin McCarthy: no
- Michael T. McCaul: no
- Tom McClintock: no
- Betty McCollum: aye
- Jim McDermott: aye
- James P. McGovern: aye
- Patrick T. McHenry: no
- Mike McIntyre: absent
- Howard P. "Buck" McKeon: no
- David B. McKinley: no
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers: no
- Jerry McNerney: aye
- Patrick Meehan: no
- Gregory W. Meeks: absent
- John L. Mica: no
- Michael H. Michaud: aye
- Candice S. Miller: no
- Gary G. Miller: no
- George Miller: aye
- Jeff Miller: no
- Gwen Moore: aye
- James P. Moran: aye
- Mick Mulvaney: no
- Christopher Murphy: aye
- Tim Murphy: no
- Jerrold Nadler: aye
- Grace F. Napolitano: aye
- Richard E. Neal: aye
- Randy Neugebauer: no
- Kristi L. Noem: no
- Richard B. Nugent: no
- Devin Nunes: no
- Alan Nunnelee: no
- Pete Olson: no
- William L. Owens: no
- Steven M. Palazzo: no
- Jr. Frank Pallone: aye
- Jr. Bill Pascrell: aye
- Ed Pastor: aye
- Erik Paulsen: no
- Stevan Pearce: no
- Nancy Pelosi: absent
- Ed Perlmutter: aye
- Gary C. Peters: aye
- Collin C. Peterson: no
- Thomas E. Petri: no
- Chellie Pingree: aye
- Joseph R. Pitts: no
- Ted Poe: no
- Jared Polis: absent
- Mike Pompeo: no
- Bill Posey: no
- David E. Price: aye
- Tom Price: no
- Mike Quigley: aye
- Nick J. Rahall, II: aye
- Charles B. Rangel: aye
- Tom Reed: no
- David G. Reichert: no
- James B. Renacci: no
- Reid J. Ribble: no
- Cedric L. Richmond: aye
- E. Scott Rigell: no
- Martha Roby: no
- David P. Roe: no
- Harold Rogers: no
- Mike J. Rogers: no
- Mike Rogers: no
- Dana Rohrabacher: no
- Todd Rokita: no
- Thomas J. Rooney: no
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: no
- Peter J. Roskam: no
- Dennis A. Ross: no
- Lucille Roybal-Allard: aye
- Edward R. Royce: no
- Jon Runyan: no
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger: aye
- Bobby L. Rush: aye
- Paul D. Ryan: no
- Tim Ryan: aye
- Loretta Sanchez: aye
- John P. Sarbanes: aye
- Steve Scalise: no
- Janice D. Schakowsky: aye
- Adam B. Schiff: aye
- Aaron Schock: no
- Kurt Schrader: aye
- Allyson Y. Schwartz: aye
- David Schweikert: no
- Austin Scott: no
- David Scott: aye
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott: aye
- Tim Scott: no
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.: no
- Jose E. Serrano: aye
- Pete Sessions: no
- Terri A. Sewell: aye
- Brad Sherman: aye
- John Shimkus: no
- Bill Shuster: no
- Michael K. Simpson: no
- Albio Sires: aye
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter: absent
- Adam Smith: aye
- Adrian Smith: no
- Christopher H. Smith: aye
- Lamar Smith: no
- Steve Southerland, II: no
- Jackie Speier: aye
- Steve Stivers: no
- Marlin A. Stutzman: no
- Linda T. Sánchez: aye
- Lee Terry: no
- Bennie G. Thompson: aye
- Mike Thompson: aye
- Glenn Thompson: no
- Mac Thornberry: no
- Patrick J. Tiberi: no
- John F. Tierney: aye
- Scott R. Tipton: no
- Paul Tonko: aye
- Niki Tsongas: aye
- Michael R. Turner: no
- Fred Upton: no
- Chris Van Hollen: aye
- Nydia M. Velázquez: aye
- Peter J. Visclosky: aye
- Tim Walberg: no
- Greg Walden: no
- Timothy J. Walz: aye
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: aye
- Maxine Waters: aye
- Melvin L. Watt: aye
- Henry A. Waxman: aye
- Daniel Webster: no
- Peter Welch: aye
- Lynn A. Westmoreland: no
- Ed Whitfield: no
- Joe Wilson: no
- Frederica S. Wilson: absent
- Robert J. Wittman: no
- Frank R. Wolf: no
- Steve Womack: no
- Rob Woodall: no
- John A. Yarmuth: aye
- Kevin Yoder: no
- C. W. Bill Young: no
- Don Young: no
- Todd Young: no
- Janice Hahn: aye
- Mark E. Amodei: no
October 14, 2011: On Agreeing to the Amendment
- Yeas: 173
- Nays: 231
- Absent: 29
- Dennis A. Cardoza: no
- Geoff Davis: no
- Gabrielle Giffords: absent
- Jay Inslee: aye
- Thaddeus G. McCotter: no
- Donald M. Payne: aye
- Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.: aye
- Bob Filner: aye
- Gary L. Ackerman: aye
- Sandy Adams: no
- W. Todd Akin: no
- Jason Altmire: no
- Steve Austria: no
- Joe Baca: aye
- Roscoe G. Bartlett: no
- Charles F. Bass: no
- Rick Berg: no
- Shelley Berkley: aye
- Howard L. Berman: aye
- Judy Biggert: no
- Brian P. Bilbray: no
- Mary Bono Mack: no
- Dan Boren: no
- Leonard L. Boswell: aye
- Ann Marie Buerkle: no
- Dan Burton: no
- Francisco "Quico" Canseco: no
- Russ Carnahan: aye
- Ben Chandler: no
- Hansen Clarke: aye
- Jerry F. Costello: absent
- Chip Cravaack: no
- Mark S. Critz: aye
- Norman D. Dicks: aye
- Robert J. Dold: no
- David Dreier: no
- Barney Frank: aye
- Elton Gallegly: absent
- Charles A. Gonzalez: absent
- Frank C. Guinta: no
- Nan A. S. Hayworth: no
- Wally Herger: no
- Maurice D. Hinchey: aye
- Tim Holden: aye
- Timothy V. Johnson: no
- Dale E. Kildee: absent
- Larry Kissell: aye
- Dennis J. Kucinich: aye
- Steven C. LaTourette: no
- Jeffrey M. Landry: no
- Jerry Lewis: absent
- Daniel E. Lungren: no
- Connie Mack: no
- Donald A. Manzullo: no
- Brad Miller: aye
- Sue Wilkins Myrick: no
- John W. Olver: aye
- Ron Paul: absent
- Mike Pence: no
- Todd Russell Platts: no
- Benjamin Quayle: no
- Denny Rehberg: no
- Silvestre Reyes: aye
- Laura Richardson: aye
- David Rivera: no
- Mike Ross: no
- Steven R. Rothman: aye
- Robert T. Schilling: no
- Jean Schmidt: no
- Heath Shuler: aye
- Fortney Pete Stark: aye
- Cliff Stearns: no
- John Sullivan: absent
- Betty Sutton: aye
- Edolphus Towns: aye
- Joe Walsh: no
- Allen B. West: no
- Lynn C. Woolsey: aye
- Kathleen C. Hochul: aye
- Robert L. Turner: no
- Jo Ann Emerson: no
- Robert B. Aderholt: no
- Rodney Alexander: no
- Justin Amash: no
- Robert E. Andrews: aye
- Michele Bachmann: absent
- Spencer Bachus: no
- Tammy Baldwin: aye
- Lou Barletta: no
- John Barrow: no
- Joe Barton: no
- Karen Bass: absent
- Xavier Becerra: aye
- Dan Benishek: no
- Gus M. Bilirakis: no
- Rob Bishop: no
- Jr. Sanford D. Bishop: aye
- Timothy H. Bishop: aye
- Diane Black: no
- Marsha Blackburn: no
- Earl Blumenauer: aye
- Jo Bonner: no
- Charles W. Boustany, Jr.: no
- Kevin Brady: no
- Robert A. Brady: aye
- Bruce L. Braley: absent
- Mo Brooks: no
- Paul C. Broun: no
- Corrine Brown: aye
- Vern Buchanan: no
- Larry Bucshon: no
- Michael C. Burgess: no
- G. K. Butterfield: aye
- Ken Calvert: no
- Dave Camp: no
- John Campbell: no
- Eric Cantor: no
- Shelley Moore Capito: no
- Lois Capps: aye
- Michael E. Capuano: aye
- John C. Carney, Jr.: aye
- André Carson: aye
- John R. Carter: no
- Bill Cassidy: no
- Kathy Castor: aye
- Steve Chabot: no
- Jason Chaffetz: no
- Judy Chu: aye
- David N. Cicilline: aye
- Yvette D. Clarke: aye
- Wm. Lacy Clay: aye
- Emanuel Cleaver: aye
- James E. Clyburn: aye
- Howard Coble: absent
- Mike Coffman: no
- Steve Cohen: aye
- Tom Cole: no
- K. Michael Conaway: no
- Gerald E. Connolly: aye
- John Conyers, Jr.: aye
- Jim Cooper: aye
- Jim Costa: aye
- Joe Courtney: aye
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford: no
- Ander Crenshaw: no
- Joseph Crowley: aye
- Henry Cuellar: aye
- John Abney Culberson: no
- Elijah E. Cummings: aye
- Danny K. Davis: aye
- Susan A. Davis: aye
- Peter A. DeFazio: aye
- Diana DeGette: aye
- Rosa L. DeLauro: aye
- Jeff Denham: no
- Charles W. Dent: aye
- Scott DesJarlais: no
- Theodore E. Deutch: aye
- Mario Diaz-Balart: no
- John D. Dingell: aye
- Lloyd Doggett: aye
- Joe Donnelly: no
- Michael F. Doyle: aye
- Sean P. Duffy: no
- Jeff Duncan: no
- John J. Duncan, Jr.: no
- Donna F. Edwards: aye
- Keith Ellison: absent
- Renee L. Ellmers: no
- Eliot L. Engel: aye
- Anna G. Eshoo: aye
- Blake Farenthold: no
- Sam Farr: aye
- Chaka Fattah: aye
- Stephen Lee Fincher: no
- Michael G. Fitzpatrick: aye
- Jeff Flake: no
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann: no
- John Fleming: no
- Bill Flores: absent
- J. Randy Forbes: no
- Jeff Fortenberry: aye
- Virginia Foxx: absent
- Trent Franks: no
- Rodney P. Frelinghuysen: no
- Marcia L. Fudge: aye
- John Garamendi: aye
- Cory Gardner: no
- Scott Garrett: no
- Jim Gerlach: no
- Bob Gibbs: no
- Christopher P. Gibson: no
- Phil Gingrey: absent
- Louie Gohmert: no
- Bob Goodlatte: no
- Paul A. Gosar: absent
- Trey Gowdy: no
- Kay Granger: no
- Sam Graves: no
- Tom Graves: no
- Al Green: aye
- Gene Green: aye
- Tim Griffin: no
- H. Morgan Griffith: no
- Raúl M. Grijalva: aye
- Michael G. Grimm: no
- Brett Guthrie: no
- Luis V. Gutierrez: aye
- Ralph M. Hall: no
- Colleen Hanabusa: aye
- Richard L. Hanna: no
- Gregg Harper: no
- Andy Harris: no
- Vicky Hartzler: no
- Alcee L. Hastings: aye
- Doc Hastings: no
- Joseph J. Heck: no
- Martin Heinrich: aye
- Jeb Hensarling: no
- Jaime Herrera Beutler: no
- Brian Higgins: aye
- James A. Himes: aye
- Ruben Hinojosa: aye
- Mazie K. Hirono: aye
- Rush Holt: aye
- Michael M. Honda: aye
- Steny H. Hoyer: aye
- Tim Huelskamp: no
- Bill Huizenga: no
- Randy Hultgren: no
- Duncan D. Hunter: no
- Robert Hurt: no
- Steve Israel: aye
- Darrell Issa: no
- Sheila Jackson Lee: aye
- Lynn Jenkins: no
- Bill Johnson: no
- Eddie Bernice Johnson: aye
- Jr. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson: aye
- Sam Johnson: absent
- Walter B. Jones, Jr.: no
- Jim Jordan: absent
- Marcy Kaptur: aye
- William R. Keating: aye
- Mike Kelly: no
- Ron Kind: aye
- Peter T. King: no
- Steve King: absent
- Jack Kingston: no
- Adam Kinzinger: no
- John Kline: no
- Raul R. Labrador: no
- Doug Lamborn: no
- Leonard Lance: absent
- James R. Langevin: aye
- James Lankford: no
- Rick Larsen: aye
- John B. Larson: aye
- Tom Latham: no
- Robert E. Latta: no
- Barbara Lee: aye
- Sander M. Levin: aye
- John Lewis: aye
- Daniel Lipinski: aye
- Frank A. LoBiondo: aye
- David Loebsack: aye
- Zoe Lofgren: aye
- Billy Long: no
- Nita M. Lowey: aye
- Frank D. Lucas: no
- Blaine Luetkemeyer: no
- Ben Ray Lujan: aye
- Cynthia M. Lummis: no
- Stephen F. Lynch: aye
- Carolyn B. Maloney: aye
- Kenny Marchant: no
- Tom Marino: no
- Edward J. Markey: aye
- Jim Matheson: no
- Doris O. Matsui: aye
- Carolyn McCarthy: aye
- Kevin McCarthy: no
- Michael T. McCaul: no
- Tom McClintock: no
- Betty McCollum: aye
- Jim McDermott: aye
- James P. McGovern: aye
- Patrick T. McHenry: no
- Mike McIntyre: absent
- Howard P. "Buck" McKeon: no
- David B. McKinley: no
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers: no
- Jerry McNerney: aye
- Patrick Meehan: no
- Gregory W. Meeks: absent
- John L. Mica: no
- Michael H. Michaud: aye
- Candice S. Miller: no
- Gary G. Miller: no
- George Miller: aye
- Jeff Miller: no
- Gwen Moore: aye
- James P. Moran: aye
- Mick Mulvaney: no
- Christopher Murphy: aye
- Tim Murphy: no
- Jerrold Nadler: aye
- Grace F. Napolitano: aye
- Richard E. Neal: aye
- Randy Neugebauer: no
- Kristi L. Noem: no
- Richard B. Nugent: no
- Devin Nunes: no
- Alan Nunnelee: no
- Pete Olson: no
- William L. Owens: no
- Steven M. Palazzo: no
- Jr. Frank Pallone: aye
- Jr. Bill Pascrell: aye
- Ed Pastor: aye
- Erik Paulsen: no
- Stevan Pearce: no
- Nancy Pelosi: absent
- Ed Perlmutter: aye
- Gary C. Peters: aye
- Collin C. Peterson: absent
- Thomas E. Petri: no
- Chellie Pingree: aye
- Joseph R. Pitts: no
- Ted Poe: no
- Jared Polis: absent
- Mike Pompeo: no
- Bill Posey: no
- David E. Price: aye
- Tom Price: no
- Mike Quigley: aye
- Nick J. Rahall, II: aye
- Charles B. Rangel: aye
- Tom Reed: no
- David G. Reichert: no
- James B. Renacci: no
- Reid J. Ribble: no
- Cedric L. Richmond: aye
- E. Scott Rigell: no
- Martha Roby: no
- David P. Roe: no
- Harold Rogers: no
- Mike J. Rogers: no
- Mike Rogers: no
- Dana Rohrabacher: no
- Todd Rokita: no
- Thomas J. Rooney: no
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: no
- Peter J. Roskam: no
- Dennis A. Ross: no
- Lucille Roybal-Allard: aye
- Edward R. Royce: no
- Jon Runyan: no
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger: aye
- Bobby L. Rush: aye
- Paul D. Ryan: no
- Tim Ryan: aye
- Loretta Sanchez: aye
- John P. Sarbanes: aye
- Steve Scalise: no
- Janice D. Schakowsky: aye
- Adam B. Schiff: aye
- Aaron Schock: no
- Kurt Schrader: aye
- Allyson Y. Schwartz: aye
- David Schweikert: no
- Austin Scott: no
- David Scott: aye
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott: aye
- Tim Scott: no
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.: no
- Jose E. Serrano: aye
- Pete Sessions: no
- Terri A. Sewell: aye
- Brad Sherman: aye
- John Shimkus: no
- Bill Shuster: absent
- Michael K. Simpson: no
- Albio Sires: aye
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter: absent
- Adam Smith: aye
- Adrian Smith: no
- Christopher H. Smith: no
- Lamar Smith: no
- Steve Southerland, II: no
- Jackie Speier: aye
- Steve Stivers: no
- Marlin A. Stutzman: no
- Linda T. Sánchez: aye
- Lee Terry: no
- Bennie G. Thompson: aye
- Mike Thompson: aye
- Glenn Thompson: no
- Mac Thornberry: no
- Patrick J. Tiberi: no
- John F. Tierney: aye
- Scott R. Tipton: no
- Paul Tonko: aye
- Niki Tsongas: aye
- Michael R. Turner: no
- Fred Upton: no
- Chris Van Hollen: aye
- Nydia M. Velázquez: aye
- Peter J. Visclosky: aye
- Tim Walberg: no
- Greg Walden: no
- Timothy J. Walz: aye
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: aye
- Maxine Waters: aye
- Melvin L. Watt: aye
- Henry A. Waxman: aye
- Daniel Webster: no
- Peter Welch: aye
- Lynn A. Westmoreland: no
- Ed Whitfield: no
- Joe Wilson: no
- Frederica S. Wilson: absent
- Robert J. Wittman: no
- Frank R. Wolf: no
- Steve Womack: no
- Rob Woodall: no
- John A. Yarmuth: aye
- Kevin Yoder: no
- C. W. Bill Young: no
- Don Young: no
- Todd Young: no
- Janice Hahn: aye
- Mark E. Amodei: no
October 14, 2011: On Agreeing to the Amendment
- Yeas: 185
- Nays: 223
- Absent: 25
- Dennis A. Cardoza: aye
- Geoff Davis: no
- Gabrielle Giffords: absent
- Jay Inslee: aye
- Thaddeus G. McCotter: no
- Donald M. Payne: aye
- Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.: aye
- Bob Filner: aye
- Gary L. Ackerman: aye
- Sandy Adams: no
- W. Todd Akin: no
- Jason Altmire: no
- Steve Austria: no
- Joe Baca: aye
- Roscoe G. Bartlett: no
- Charles F. Bass: no
- Rick Berg: no
- Shelley Berkley: aye
- Howard L. Berman: aye
- Judy Biggert: no
- Brian P. Bilbray: no
- Mary Bono Mack: no
- Dan Boren: no
- Leonard L. Boswell: aye
- Ann Marie Buerkle: no
- Dan Burton: no
- Francisco "Quico" Canseco: no
- Russ Carnahan: aye
- Ben Chandler: aye
- Hansen Clarke: aye
- Jerry F. Costello: absent
- Chip Cravaack: no
- Mark S. Critz: no
- Norman D. Dicks: aye
- Robert J. Dold: no
- David Dreier: no
- Barney Frank: aye
- Elton Gallegly: absent
- Charles A. Gonzalez: absent
- Frank C. Guinta: no
- Nan A. S. Hayworth: no
- Wally Herger: no
- Maurice D. Hinchey: aye
- Tim Holden: aye
- Timothy V. Johnson: no
- Dale E. Kildee: absent
- Larry Kissell: aye
- Dennis J. Kucinich: aye
- Steven C. LaTourette: no
- Jeffrey M. Landry: no
- Jerry Lewis: absent
- Daniel E. Lungren: no
- Connie Mack: no
- Donald A. Manzullo: no
- Brad Miller: aye
- Sue Wilkins Myrick: no
- John W. Olver: aye
- Ron Paul: absent
- Mike Pence: no
- Todd Russell Platts: no
- Benjamin Quayle: no
- Denny Rehberg: no
- Silvestre Reyes: aye
- Laura Richardson: aye
- David Rivera: no
- Mike Ross: no
- Steven R. Rothman: aye
- Robert T. Schilling: no
- Jean Schmidt: no
- Heath Shuler: aye
- Fortney Pete Stark: aye
- Cliff Stearns: no
- John Sullivan: absent
- Betty Sutton: aye
- Edolphus Towns: aye
- Joe Walsh: no
- Allen B. West: no
- Lynn C. Woolsey: aye
- Kathleen C. Hochul: aye
- Robert L. Turner: no
- Jo Ann Emerson: no
- Robert B. Aderholt: no
- Rodney Alexander: no
- Justin Amash: no
- Robert E. Andrews: aye
- Michele Bachmann: absent
- Spencer Bachus: no
- Tammy Baldwin: aye
- Lou Barletta: no
- John Barrow: aye
- Joe Barton: no
- Karen Bass: absent
- Xavier Becerra: aye
- Dan Benishek: no
- Gus M. Bilirakis: no
- Rob Bishop: no
- Jr. Sanford D. Bishop: aye
- Timothy H. Bishop: aye
- Diane Black: no
- Marsha Blackburn: no
- Earl Blumenauer: aye
- Jo Bonner: no
- Charles W. Boustany, Jr.: no
- Kevin Brady: no
- Robert A. Brady: aye
- Bruce L. Braley: absent
- Mo Brooks: no
- Paul C. Broun: no
- Corrine Brown: aye
- Vern Buchanan: aye
- Larry Bucshon: no
- Michael C. Burgess: no
- G. K. Butterfield: aye
- Ken Calvert: no
- Dave Camp: no
- John Campbell: no
- Eric Cantor: no
- Shelley Moore Capito: no
- Lois Capps: aye
- Michael E. Capuano: aye
- John C. Carney, Jr.: aye
- André Carson: aye
- John R. Carter: no
- Bill Cassidy: no
- Kathy Castor: aye
- Steve Chabot: no
- Jason Chaffetz: no
- Judy Chu: aye
- David N. Cicilline: aye
- Yvette D. Clarke: aye
- Wm. Lacy Clay: aye
- Emanuel Cleaver: aye
- James E. Clyburn: aye
- Howard Coble: absent
- Mike Coffman: no
- Steve Cohen: aye
- Tom Cole: no
- K. Michael Conaway: no
- Gerald E. Connolly: aye
- John Conyers, Jr.: aye
- Jim Cooper: aye
- Jim Costa: aye
- Joe Courtney: aye
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford: no
- Ander Crenshaw: no
- Joseph Crowley: aye
- Henry Cuellar: aye
- John Abney Culberson: no
- Elijah E. Cummings: aye
- Danny K. Davis: aye
- Susan A. Davis: aye
- Peter A. DeFazio: aye
- Diana DeGette: aye
- Rosa L. DeLauro: aye
- Jeff Denham: no
- Charles W. Dent: aye
- Scott DesJarlais: no
- Theodore E. Deutch: aye
- Mario Diaz-Balart: no
- John D. Dingell: aye
- Lloyd Doggett: aye
- Joe Donnelly: aye
- Michael F. Doyle: aye
- Sean P. Duffy: no
- Jeff Duncan: no
- John J. Duncan, Jr.: no
- Donna F. Edwards: aye
- Keith Ellison: absent
- Renee L. Ellmers: no
- Eliot L. Engel: aye
- Anna G. Eshoo: aye
- Blake Farenthold: no
- Sam Farr: aye
- Chaka Fattah: aye
- Stephen Lee Fincher: no
- Michael G. Fitzpatrick: aye
- Jeff Flake: no
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann: no
- John Fleming: no
- Bill Flores: absent
- J. Randy Forbes: no
- Jeff Fortenberry: aye
- Virginia Foxx: no
- Trent Franks: no
- Rodney P. Frelinghuysen: no
- Marcia L. Fudge: aye
- John Garamendi: aye
- Cory Gardner: no
- Scott Garrett: no
- Jim Gerlach: aye
- Bob Gibbs: no
- Christopher P. Gibson: aye
- Phil Gingrey: no
- Louie Gohmert: no
- Bob Goodlatte: no
- Paul A. Gosar: absent
- Trey Gowdy: no
- Kay Granger: no
- Sam Graves: no
- Tom Graves: no
- Al Green: aye
- Gene Green: aye
- Tim Griffin: no
- H. Morgan Griffith: no
- Raúl M. Grijalva: aye
- Michael G. Grimm: no
- Brett Guthrie: no
- Luis V. Gutierrez: aye
- Ralph M. Hall: no
- Colleen Hanabusa: aye
- Richard L. Hanna: aye
- Gregg Harper: no
- Andy Harris: no
- Vicky Hartzler: no
- Alcee L. Hastings: aye
- Doc Hastings: no
- Joseph J. Heck: no
- Martin Heinrich: aye
- Jeb Hensarling: no
- Jaime Herrera Beutler: no
- Brian Higgins: aye
- James A. Himes: aye
- Ruben Hinojosa: aye
- Mazie K. Hirono: aye
- Rush Holt: aye
- Michael M. Honda: aye
- Steny H. Hoyer: aye
- Tim Huelskamp: no
- Bill Huizenga: no
- Randy Hultgren: no
- Duncan D. Hunter: no
- Robert Hurt: no
- Steve Israel: aye
- Darrell Issa: no
- Sheila Jackson Lee: aye
- Lynn Jenkins: no
- Bill Johnson: no
- Eddie Bernice Johnson: aye
- Jr. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson: aye
- Sam Johnson: no
- Walter B. Jones, Jr.: no
- Jim Jordan: absent
- Marcy Kaptur: aye
- William R. Keating: aye
- Mike Kelly: no
- Ron Kind: aye
- Peter T. King: no
- Steve King: no
- Jack Kingston: no
- Adam Kinzinger: no
- John Kline: no
- Raul R. Labrador: no
- Doug Lamborn: no
- Leonard Lance: aye
- James R. Langevin: aye
- James Lankford: no
- Rick Larsen: aye
- John B. Larson: aye
- Tom Latham: no
- Robert E. Latta: no
- Barbara Lee: aye
- Sander M. Levin: aye
- John Lewis: aye
- Daniel Lipinski: aye
- Frank A. LoBiondo: aye
- David Loebsack: aye
- Zoe Lofgren: aye
- Billy Long: no
- Nita M. Lowey: aye
- Frank D. Lucas: no
- Blaine Luetkemeyer: no
- Ben Ray Lujan: aye
- Cynthia M. Lummis: absent
- Stephen F. Lynch: aye
- Carolyn B. Maloney: aye
- Kenny Marchant: no
- Tom Marino: no
- Edward J. Markey: aye
- Jim Matheson: no
- Doris O. Matsui: aye
- Carolyn McCarthy: aye
- Kevin McCarthy: no
- Michael T. McCaul: no
- Tom McClintock: no
- Betty McCollum: aye
- Jim McDermott: aye
- James P. McGovern: aye
- Patrick T. McHenry: no
- Mike McIntyre: absent
- Howard P. "Buck" McKeon: no
- David B. McKinley: no
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers: no
- Jerry McNerney: aye
- Patrick Meehan: no
- Gregory W. Meeks: absent
- John L. Mica: no
- Michael H. Michaud: aye
- Candice S. Miller: no
- Gary G. Miller: no
- George Miller: aye
- Jeff Miller: no
- Gwen Moore: aye
- James P. Moran: aye
- Mick Mulvaney: no
- Christopher Murphy: aye
- Tim Murphy: no
- Jerrold Nadler: aye
- Grace F. Napolitano: aye
- Richard E. Neal: aye
- Randy Neugebauer: no
- Kristi L. Noem: no
- Richard B. Nugent: no
- Devin Nunes: no
- Alan Nunnelee: no
- Pete Olson: no
- William L. Owens: aye
- Steven M. Palazzo: no
- Jr. Frank Pallone: aye
- Jr. Bill Pascrell: aye
- Ed Pastor: aye
- Erik Paulsen: no
- Stevan Pearce: no
- Nancy Pelosi: absent
- Ed Perlmutter: aye
- Gary C. Peters: aye
- Collin C. Peterson: absent
- Thomas E. Petri: no
- Chellie Pingree: aye
- Joseph R. Pitts: no
- Ted Poe: absent
- Jared Polis: absent
- Mike Pompeo: no
- Bill Posey: no
- David E. Price: aye
- Tom Price: no
- Mike Quigley: aye
- Nick J. Rahall, II: aye
- Charles B. Rangel: aye
- Tom Reed: no
- David G. Reichert: aye
- James B. Renacci: no
- Reid J. Ribble: no
- Cedric L. Richmond: aye
- E. Scott Rigell: no
- Martha Roby: no
- David P. Roe: no
- Harold Rogers: no
- Mike J. Rogers: no
- Mike Rogers: no
- Dana Rohrabacher: no
- Todd Rokita: no
- Thomas J. Rooney: no
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: no
- Peter J. Roskam: no
- Dennis A. Ross: no
- Lucille Roybal-Allard: aye
- Edward R. Royce: no
- Jon Runyan: no
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger: aye
- Bobby L. Rush: aye
- Paul D. Ryan: no
- Tim Ryan: aye
- Loretta Sanchez: aye
- John P. Sarbanes: aye
- Steve Scalise: no
- Janice D. Schakowsky: aye
- Adam B. Schiff: aye
- Aaron Schock: no
- Kurt Schrader: aye
- Allyson Y. Schwartz: aye
- David Schweikert: no
- Austin Scott: no
- David Scott: aye
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott: aye
- Tim Scott: no
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.: no
- Jose E. Serrano: aye
- Pete Sessions: no
- Terri A. Sewell: aye
- Brad Sherman: aye
- John Shimkus: no
- Bill Shuster: no
- Michael K. Simpson: no
- Albio Sires: aye
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter: absent
- Adam Smith: aye
- Adrian Smith: no
- Christopher H. Smith: aye
- Lamar Smith: no
- Steve Southerland, II: no
- Jackie Speier: aye
- Steve Stivers: no
- Marlin A. Stutzman: no
- Linda T. Sánchez: aye
- Lee Terry: no
- Bennie G. Thompson: aye
- Mike Thompson: aye
- Glenn Thompson: no
- Mac Thornberry: no
- Patrick J. Tiberi: no
- John F. Tierney: aye
- Scott R. Tipton: no
- Paul Tonko: aye
- Niki Tsongas: aye
- Michael R. Turner: no
- Fred Upton: no
- Chris Van Hollen: aye
- Nydia M. Velázquez: aye
- Peter J. Visclosky: aye
- Tim Walberg: no
- Greg Walden: no
- Timothy J. Walz: aye
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: aye
- Maxine Waters: aye
- Melvin L. Watt: aye
- Henry A. Waxman: aye
- Daniel Webster: no
- Peter Welch: aye
- Lynn A. Westmoreland: no
- Ed Whitfield: no
- Joe Wilson: no
- Frederica S. Wilson: absent
- Robert J. Wittman: no
- Frank R. Wolf: aye
- Steve Womack: no
- Rob Woodall: no
- John A. Yarmuth: aye
- Kevin Yoder: no
- C. W. Bill Young: no
- Don Young: no
- Todd Young: no
- Janice Hahn: aye
- Mark E. Amodei: no
October 14, 2011: On Agreeing to the Amendment
- Yeas: 164
- Nays: 241
- Absent: 28
- Dennis A. Cardoza: absent
- Geoff Davis: no
- Gabrielle Giffords: absent
- Jay Inslee: aye
- Thaddeus G. McCotter: no
- Donald M. Payne: aye
- Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.: aye
- Bob Filner: aye
- Gary L. Ackerman: aye
- Sandy Adams: no
- W. Todd Akin: no
- Jason Altmire: no
- Steve Austria: no
- Joe Baca: aye
- Roscoe G. Bartlett: no
- Charles F. Bass: no
- Rick Berg: no
- Shelley Berkley: aye
- Howard L. Berman: aye
- Judy Biggert: no
- Brian P. Bilbray: no
- Mary Bono Mack: no
- Dan Boren: no
- Leonard L. Boswell: no
- Ann Marie Buerkle: no
- Dan Burton: no
- Francisco "Quico" Canseco: no
- Russ Carnahan: aye
- Ben Chandler: no
- Hansen Clarke: aye
- Jerry F. Costello: absent
- Chip Cravaack: no
- Mark S. Critz: no
- Norman D. Dicks: aye
- Robert J. Dold: no
- David Dreier: no
- Barney Frank: aye
- Elton Gallegly: absent
- Charles A. Gonzalez: absent
- Frank C. Guinta: no
- Nan A. S. Hayworth: no
- Wally Herger: no
- Maurice D. Hinchey: aye
- Tim Holden: aye
- Timothy V. Johnson: no
- Dale E. Kildee: absent
- Larry Kissell: aye
- Dennis J. Kucinich: aye
- Steven C. LaTourette: no
- Jeffrey M. Landry: no
- Jerry Lewis: absent
- Daniel E. Lungren: no
- Connie Mack: no
- Donald A. Manzullo: no
- Brad Miller: aye
- Sue Wilkins Myrick: no
- John W. Olver: aye
- Ron Paul: absent
- Mike Pence: no
- Todd Russell Platts: no
- Benjamin Quayle: no
- Denny Rehberg: no
- Silvestre Reyes: aye
- Laura Richardson: aye
- David Rivera: no
- Mike Ross: no
- Steven R. Rothman: aye
- Robert T. Schilling: no
- Jean Schmidt: no
- Heath Shuler: aye
- Fortney Pete Stark: aye
- Cliff Stearns: no
- John Sullivan: absent
- Betty Sutton: aye
- Edolphus Towns: aye
- Joe Walsh: no
- Allen B. West: no
- Lynn C. Woolsey: aye
- Kathleen C. Hochul: aye
- Robert L. Turner: no
- Jo Ann Emerson: no
- Robert B. Aderholt: no
- Rodney Alexander: no
- Justin Amash: no
- Robert E. Andrews: aye
- Michele Bachmann: absent
- Spencer Bachus: no
- Tammy Baldwin: aye
- Lou Barletta: no
- John Barrow: aye
- Joe Barton: no
- Karen Bass: absent
- Xavier Becerra: aye
- Dan Benishek: no
- Gus M. Bilirakis: no
- Rob Bishop: no
- Jr. Sanford D. Bishop: no
- Timothy H. Bishop: aye
- Diane Black: no
- Marsha Blackburn: no
- Earl Blumenauer: aye
- Jo Bonner: no
- Charles W. Boustany, Jr.: no
- Kevin Brady: no
- Robert A. Brady: aye
- Bruce L. Braley: absent
- Mo Brooks: no
- Paul C. Broun: no
- Corrine Brown: aye
- Vern Buchanan: no
- Larry Bucshon: no
- Michael C. Burgess: no
- G. K. Butterfield: aye
- Ken Calvert: no
- Dave Camp: no
- John Campbell: no
- Eric Cantor: absent
- Shelley Moore Capito: no
- Lois Capps: aye
- Michael E. Capuano: aye
- John C. Carney, Jr.: aye
- André Carson: aye
- John R. Carter: no
- Bill Cassidy: no
- Kathy Castor: aye
- Steve Chabot: no
- Jason Chaffetz: no
- Judy Chu: aye
- David N. Cicilline: aye
- Yvette D. Clarke: aye
- Wm. Lacy Clay: aye
- Emanuel Cleaver: aye
- James E. Clyburn: aye
- Howard Coble: absent
- Mike Coffman: no
- Steve Cohen: aye
- Tom Cole: no
- K. Michael Conaway: no
- Gerald E. Connolly: aye
- John Conyers, Jr.: aye
- Jim Cooper: absent
- Jim Costa: no
- Joe Courtney: aye
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford: no
- Ander Crenshaw: no
- Joseph Crowley: aye
- Henry Cuellar: aye
- John Abney Culberson: no
- Elijah E. Cummings: aye
- Danny K. Davis: aye
- Susan A. Davis: aye
- Peter A. DeFazio: aye
- Diana DeGette: aye
- Rosa L. DeLauro: aye
- Jeff Denham: no
- Charles W. Dent: no
- Scott DesJarlais: no
- Theodore E. Deutch: aye
- Mario Diaz-Balart: no
- John D. Dingell: aye
- Lloyd Doggett: aye
- Joe Donnelly: no
- Michael F. Doyle: aye
- Sean P. Duffy: no
- Jeff Duncan: no
- John J. Duncan, Jr.: no
- Donna F. Edwards: aye
- Keith Ellison: aye
- Renee L. Ellmers: no
- Eliot L. Engel: aye
- Anna G. Eshoo: aye
- Blake Farenthold: no
- Sam Farr: aye
- Chaka Fattah: absent
- Stephen Lee Fincher: no
- Michael G. Fitzpatrick: no
- Jeff Flake: no
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann: no
- John Fleming: no
- Bill Flores: absent
- J. Randy Forbes: no
- Jeff Fortenberry: no
- Virginia Foxx: no
- Trent Franks: no
- Rodney P. Frelinghuysen: no
- Marcia L. Fudge: aye
- John Garamendi: aye
- Cory Gardner: no
- Scott Garrett: no
- Jim Gerlach: no
- Bob Gibbs: no
- Christopher P. Gibson: no
- Phil Gingrey: no
- Louie Gohmert: no
- Bob Goodlatte: no
- Paul A. Gosar: absent
- Trey Gowdy: no
- Kay Granger: no
- Sam Graves: no
- Tom Graves: no
- Al Green: aye
- Gene Green: aye
- Tim Griffin: no
- H. Morgan Griffith: no
- Raúl M. Grijalva: aye
- Michael G. Grimm: no
- Brett Guthrie: no
- Luis V. Gutierrez: aye
- Ralph M. Hall: no
- Colleen Hanabusa: aye
- Richard L. Hanna: aye
- Gregg Harper: no
- Andy Harris: no
- Vicky Hartzler: no
- Alcee L. Hastings: aye
- Doc Hastings: no
- Joseph J. Heck: no
- Martin Heinrich: aye
- Jeb Hensarling: no
- Jaime Herrera Beutler: no
- Brian Higgins: aye
- James A. Himes: aye
- Ruben Hinojosa: aye
- Mazie K. Hirono: aye
- Rush Holt: aye
- Michael M. Honda: aye
- Steny H. Hoyer: aye
- Tim Huelskamp: no
- Bill Huizenga: no
- Randy Hultgren: no
- Duncan D. Hunter: no
- Robert Hurt: no
- Steve Israel: aye
- Darrell Issa: no
- Sheila Jackson Lee: aye
- Lynn Jenkins: no
- Bill Johnson: no
- Eddie Bernice Johnson: aye
- Jr. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson: aye
- Sam Johnson: no
- Walter B. Jones, Jr.: no
- Jim Jordan: absent
- Marcy Kaptur: aye
- William R. Keating: aye
- Mike Kelly: no
- Ron Kind: no
- Peter T. King: no
- Steve King: no
- Jack Kingston: no
- Adam Kinzinger: no
- John Kline: no
- Raul R. Labrador: no
- Doug Lamborn: no
- Leonard Lance: no
- James R. Langevin: aye
- James Lankford: no
- Rick Larsen: aye
- John B. Larson: aye
- Tom Latham: no
- Robert E. Latta: no
- Barbara Lee: aye
- Sander M. Levin: aye
- John Lewis: aye
- Daniel Lipinski: aye
- Frank A. LoBiondo: no
- David Loebsack: aye
- Zoe Lofgren: aye
- Billy Long: no
- Nita M. Lowey: aye
- Frank D. Lucas: no
- Blaine Luetkemeyer: no
- Ben Ray Lujan: aye
- Cynthia M. Lummis: no
- Stephen F. Lynch: aye
- Carolyn B. Maloney: aye
- Kenny Marchant: no
- Tom Marino: no
- Edward J. Markey: aye
- Jim Matheson: no
- Doris O. Matsui: aye
- Carolyn McCarthy: aye
- Kevin McCarthy: no
- Michael T. McCaul: no
- Tom McClintock: no
- Betty McCollum: aye
- Jim McDermott: aye
- James P. McGovern: aye
- Patrick T. McHenry: no
- Mike McIntyre: absent
- Howard P. "Buck" McKeon: no
- David B. McKinley: no
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers: no
- Jerry McNerney: aye
- Patrick Meehan: no
- Gregory W. Meeks: absent
- John L. Mica: no
- Michael H. Michaud: aye
- Candice S. Miller: no
- Gary G. Miller: no
- George Miller: aye
- Jeff Miller: no
- Gwen Moore: aye
- James P. Moran: aye
- Mick Mulvaney: no
- Christopher Murphy: aye
- Tim Murphy: no
- Jerrold Nadler: aye
- Grace F. Napolitano: aye
- Richard E. Neal: aye
- Randy Neugebauer: no
- Kristi L. Noem: no
- Richard B. Nugent: no
- Devin Nunes: no
- Alan Nunnelee: no
- Pete Olson: no
- William L. Owens: aye
- Steven M. Palazzo: no
- Jr. Frank Pallone: aye
- Jr. Bill Pascrell: aye
- Ed Pastor: aye
- Erik Paulsen: no
- Stevan Pearce: no
- Nancy Pelosi: absent
- Ed Perlmutter: aye
- Gary C. Peters: aye
- Collin C. Peterson: absent
- Thomas E. Petri: no
- Chellie Pingree: aye
- Joseph R. Pitts: no
- Ted Poe: absent
- Jared Polis: absent
- Mike Pompeo: no
- Bill Posey: no
- David E. Price: aye
- Tom Price: no
- Mike Quigley: aye
- Nick J. Rahall, II: no
- Charles B. Rangel: aye
- Tom Reed: no
- David G. Reichert: aye
- James B. Renacci: no
- Reid J. Ribble: no
- Cedric L. Richmond: aye
- E. Scott Rigell: no
- Martha Roby: no
- David P. Roe: no
- Harold Rogers: no
- Mike J. Rogers: no
- Mike Rogers: no
- Dana Rohrabacher: no
- Todd Rokita: no
- Thomas J. Rooney: no
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: no
- Peter J. Roskam: no
- Dennis A. Ross: no
- Lucille Roybal-Allard: aye
- Edward R. Royce: no
- Jon Runyan: no
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger: aye
- Bobby L. Rush: aye
- Paul D. Ryan: no
- Tim Ryan: aye
- Loretta Sanchez: aye
- John P. Sarbanes: aye
- Steve Scalise: no
- Janice D. Schakowsky: no
- Adam B. Schiff: aye
- Aaron Schock: no
- Kurt Schrader: aye
- Allyson Y. Schwartz: aye
- David Schweikert: no
- Austin Scott: no
- David Scott: aye
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott: aye
- Tim Scott: no
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.: no
- Jose E. Serrano: aye
- Pete Sessions: no
- Terri A. Sewell: aye
- Brad Sherman: aye
- John Shimkus: no
- Bill Shuster: no
- Michael K. Simpson: no
- Albio Sires: aye
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter: absent
- Adam Smith: aye
- Adrian Smith: no
- Christopher H. Smith: no
- Lamar Smith: no
- Steve Southerland, II: no
- Jackie Speier: aye
- Steve Stivers: no
- Marlin A. Stutzman: no
- Linda T. Sánchez: aye
- Lee Terry: no
- Bennie G. Thompson: aye
- Mike Thompson: aye
- Glenn Thompson: no
- Mac Thornberry: no
- Patrick J. Tiberi: no
- John F. Tierney: aye
- Scott R. Tipton: no
- Paul Tonko: aye
- Niki Tsongas: aye
- Michael R. Turner: no
- Fred Upton: no
- Chris Van Hollen: aye
- Nydia M. Velázquez: aye
- Peter J. Visclosky: no
- Tim Walberg: no
- Greg Walden: no
- Timothy J. Walz: aye
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: aye
- Maxine Waters: aye
- Melvin L. Watt: aye
- Henry A. Waxman: aye
- Daniel Webster: no
- Peter Welch: aye
- Lynn A. Westmoreland: no
- Ed Whitfield: absent
- Joe Wilson: no
- Frederica S. Wilson: absent
- Robert J. Wittman: no
- Frank R. Wolf: no
- Steve Womack: no
- Rob Woodall: no
- John A. Yarmuth: aye
- Kevin Yoder: no
- C. W. Bill Young: no
- Don Young: no
- Todd Young: no
- Janice Hahn: aye
- Mark E. Amodei: no
October 14, 2011: On Agreeing to the Amendment
- Yeas: 174
- Nays: 235
- Absent: 24
- Dennis A. Cardoza: no
- Geoff Davis: no
- Gabrielle Giffords: absent
- Jay Inslee: aye
- Thaddeus G. McCotter: no
- Donald M. Payne: aye
- Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.: aye
- Bob Filner: aye
- Gary L. Ackerman: aye
- Sandy Adams: no
- W. Todd Akin: no
- Jason Altmire: no
- Steve Austria: no
- Joe Baca: aye
- Roscoe G. Bartlett: no
- Charles F. Bass: no
- Rick Berg: no
- Shelley Berkley: aye
- Howard L. Berman: aye
- Judy Biggert: no
- Brian P. Bilbray: no
- Mary Bono Mack: no
- Dan Boren: no
- Leonard L. Boswell: aye
- Ann Marie Buerkle: no
- Dan Burton: no
- Francisco "Quico" Canseco: no
- Russ Carnahan: aye
- Ben Chandler: no
- Hansen Clarke: aye
- Jerry F. Costello: absent
- Chip Cravaack: no
- Mark S. Critz: no
- Norman D. Dicks: aye
- Robert J. Dold: no
- David Dreier: no
- Barney Frank: aye
- Elton Gallegly: absent
- Charles A. Gonzalez: absent
- Frank C. Guinta: no
- Nan A. S. Hayworth: no
- Wally Herger: no
- Maurice D. Hinchey: aye
- Tim Holden: no
- Timothy V. Johnson: aye
- Dale E. Kildee: absent
- Larry Kissell: aye
- Dennis J. Kucinich: aye
- Steven C. LaTourette: no
- Jeffrey M. Landry: no
- Jerry Lewis: absent
- Daniel E. Lungren: no
- Connie Mack: no
- Donald A. Manzullo: no
- Brad Miller: aye
- Sue Wilkins Myrick: no
- John W. Olver: aye
- Ron Paul: absent
- Mike Pence: no
- Todd Russell Platts: no
- Benjamin Quayle: no
- Denny Rehberg: no
- Silvestre Reyes: aye
- Laura Richardson: aye
- David Rivera: no
- Mike Ross: no
- Steven R. Rothman: aye
- Robert T. Schilling: no
- Jean Schmidt: no
- Heath Shuler: no
- Fortney Pete Stark: aye
- Cliff Stearns: no
- John Sullivan: absent
- Betty Sutton: aye
- Edolphus Towns: aye
- Joe Walsh: no
- Allen B. West: no
- Lynn C. Woolsey: aye
- Kathleen C. Hochul: aye
- Robert L. Turner: no
- Jo Ann Emerson: no
- Robert B. Aderholt: no
- Rodney Alexander: no
- Justin Amash: no
- Robert E. Andrews: aye
- Michele Bachmann: absent
- Spencer Bachus: no
- Tammy Baldwin: aye
- Lou Barletta: no
- John Barrow: aye
- Joe Barton: no
- Karen Bass: absent
- Xavier Becerra: aye
- Dan Benishek: no
- Gus M. Bilirakis: no
- Rob Bishop: no
- Jr. Sanford D. Bishop: aye
- Timothy H. Bishop: aye
- Diane Black: no
- Marsha Blackburn: no
- Earl Blumenauer: aye
- Jo Bonner: no
- Charles W. Boustany, Jr.: no
- Kevin Brady: no
- Robert A. Brady: aye
- Bruce L. Braley: absent
- Mo Brooks: no
- Paul C. Broun: no
- Corrine Brown: aye
- Vern Buchanan: no
- Larry Bucshon: no
- Michael C. Burgess: no
- G. K. Butterfield: aye
- Ken Calvert: no
- Dave Camp: no
- John Campbell: no
- Eric Cantor: no
- Shelley Moore Capito: no
- Lois Capps: aye
- Michael E. Capuano: aye
- John C. Carney, Jr.: aye
- André Carson: aye
- John R. Carter: no
- Bill Cassidy: no
- Kathy Castor: aye
- Steve Chabot: no
- Jason Chaffetz: no
- Judy Chu: aye
- David N. Cicilline: aye
- Yvette D. Clarke: aye
- Wm. Lacy Clay: aye
- Emanuel Cleaver: aye
- James E. Clyburn: aye
- Howard Coble: absent
- Mike Coffman: absent
- Steve Cohen: aye
- Tom Cole: no
- K. Michael Conaway: no
- Gerald E. Connolly: aye
- John Conyers, Jr.: aye
- Jim Cooper: aye
- Jim Costa: no
- Joe Courtney: aye
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford: no
- Ander Crenshaw: no
- Joseph Crowley: aye
- Henry Cuellar: aye
- John Abney Culberson: no
- Elijah E. Cummings: aye
- Danny K. Davis: aye
- Susan A. Davis: aye
- Peter A. DeFazio: aye
- Diana DeGette: aye
- Rosa L. DeLauro: aye
- Jeff Denham: no
- Charles W. Dent: no
- Scott DesJarlais: no
- Theodore E. Deutch: aye
- Mario Diaz-Balart: no
- John D. Dingell: aye
- Lloyd Doggett: aye
- Joe Donnelly: aye
- Michael F. Doyle: aye
- Sean P. Duffy: no
- Jeff Duncan: no
- John J. Duncan, Jr.: no
- Donna F. Edwards: aye
- Keith Ellison: aye
- Renee L. Ellmers: no
- Eliot L. Engel: aye
- Anna G. Eshoo: aye
- Blake Farenthold: no
- Sam Farr: aye
- Chaka Fattah: aye
- Stephen Lee Fincher: no
- Michael G. Fitzpatrick: aye
- Jeff Flake: no
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann: no
- John Fleming: no
- Bill Flores: absent
- J. Randy Forbes: no
- Jeff Fortenberry: aye
- Virginia Foxx: no
- Trent Franks: no
- Rodney P. Frelinghuysen: no
- Marcia L. Fudge: aye
- John Garamendi: aye
- Cory Gardner: no
- Scott Garrett: no
- Jim Gerlach: aye
- Bob Gibbs: no
- Christopher P. Gibson: aye
- Phil Gingrey: no
- Louie Gohmert: no
- Bob Goodlatte: no
- Paul A. Gosar: absent
- Trey Gowdy: no
- Kay Granger: no
- Sam Graves: no
- Tom Graves: no
- Al Green: aye
- Gene Green: aye
- Tim Griffin: no
- H. Morgan Griffith: no
- Raúl M. Grijalva: aye
- Michael G. Grimm: no
- Brett Guthrie: no
- Luis V. Gutierrez: aye
- Ralph M. Hall: no
- Colleen Hanabusa: aye
- Richard L. Hanna: aye
- Gregg Harper: no
- Andy Harris: no
- Vicky Hartzler: no
- Alcee L. Hastings: aye
- Doc Hastings: no
- Joseph J. Heck: no
- Martin Heinrich: aye
- Jeb Hensarling: no
- Jaime Herrera Beutler: no
- Brian Higgins: aye
- James A. Himes: aye
- Ruben Hinojosa: aye
- Mazie K. Hirono: aye
- Rush Holt: aye
- Michael M. Honda: aye
- Steny H. Hoyer: aye
- Tim Huelskamp: no
- Bill Huizenga: no
- Randy Hultgren: no
- Duncan D. Hunter: no
- Robert Hurt: no
- Steve Israel: aye
- Darrell Issa: no
- Sheila Jackson Lee: aye
- Lynn Jenkins: no
- Bill Johnson: no
- Eddie Bernice Johnson: aye
- Jr. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson: aye
- Sam Johnson: no
- Walter B. Jones, Jr.: no
- Jim Jordan: absent
- Marcy Kaptur: aye
- William R. Keating: aye
- Mike Kelly: no
- Ron Kind: no
- Peter T. King: no
- Steve King: no
- Jack Kingston: no
- Adam Kinzinger: no
- John Kline: no
- Raul R. Labrador: no
- Doug Lamborn: no
- Leonard Lance: aye
- James R. Langevin: aye
- James Lankford: no
- Rick Larsen: aye
- John B. Larson: aye
- Tom Latham: no
- Robert E. Latta: no
- Barbara Lee: aye
- Sander M. Levin: aye
- John Lewis: aye
- Daniel Lipinski: aye
- Frank A. LoBiondo: aye
- David Loebsack: aye
- Zoe Lofgren: aye
- Billy Long: no
- Nita M. Lowey: aye
- Frank D. Lucas: no
- Blaine Luetkemeyer: no
- Ben Ray Lujan: aye
- Cynthia M. Lummis: no
- Stephen F. Lynch: aye
- Carolyn B. Maloney: aye
- Kenny Marchant: no
- Tom Marino: no
- Edward J. Markey: aye
- Jim Matheson: no
- Doris O. Matsui: aye
- Carolyn McCarthy: aye
- Kevin McCarthy: no
- Michael T. McCaul: no
- Tom McClintock: no
- Betty McCollum: aye
- Jim McDermott: aye
- James P. McGovern: aye
- Patrick T. McHenry: no
- Mike McIntyre: absent
- Howard P. "Buck" McKeon: no
- David B. McKinley: no
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers: no
- Jerry McNerney: aye
- Patrick Meehan: no
- Gregory W. Meeks: absent
- John L. Mica: no
- Michael H. Michaud: aye
- Candice S. Miller: no
- Gary G. Miller: no
- George Miller: aye
- Jeff Miller: no
- Gwen Moore: aye
- James P. Moran: aye
- Mick Mulvaney: no
- Christopher Murphy: aye
- Tim Murphy: no
- Jerrold Nadler: aye
- Grace F. Napolitano: aye
- Richard E. Neal: aye
- Randy Neugebauer: no
- Kristi L. Noem: no
- Richard B. Nugent: no
- Devin Nunes: no
- Alan Nunnelee: no
- Pete Olson: no
- William L. Owens: no
- Steven M. Palazzo: no
- Jr. Frank Pallone: aye
- Jr. Bill Pascrell: aye
- Ed Pastor: aye
- Erik Paulsen: no
- Stevan Pearce: no
- Nancy Pelosi: absent
- Ed Perlmutter: aye
- Gary C. Peters: aye
- Collin C. Peterson: absent
- Thomas E. Petri: no
- Chellie Pingree: aye
- Joseph R. Pitts: no
- Ted Poe: absent
- Jared Polis: absent
- Mike Pompeo: no
- Bill Posey: no
- David E. Price: aye
- Tom Price: no
- Mike Quigley: aye
- Nick J. Rahall, II: no
- Charles B. Rangel: aye
- Tom Reed: no
- David G. Reichert: no
- James B. Renacci: no
- Reid J. Ribble: no
- Cedric L. Richmond: aye
- E. Scott Rigell: no
- Martha Roby: no
- David P. Roe: no
- Harold Rogers: no
- Mike J. Rogers: no
- Mike Rogers: no
- Dana Rohrabacher: no
- Todd Rokita: no
- Thomas J. Rooney: no
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: no
- Peter J. Roskam: no
- Dennis A. Ross: no
- Lucille Roybal-Allard: aye
- Edward R. Royce: no
- Jon Runyan: no
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger: aye
- Bobby L. Rush: aye
- Paul D. Ryan: no
- Tim Ryan: aye
- Loretta Sanchez: aye
- John P. Sarbanes: aye
- Steve Scalise: no
- Janice D. Schakowsky: aye
- Adam B. Schiff: aye
- Aaron Schock: no
- Kurt Schrader: aye
- Allyson Y. Schwartz: aye
- David Schweikert: no
- Austin Scott: no
- David Scott: aye
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott: aye
- Tim Scott: no
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.: no
- Jose E. Serrano: aye
- Pete Sessions: no
- Terri A. Sewell: aye
- Brad Sherman: aye
- John Shimkus: no
- Bill Shuster: no
- Michael K. Simpson: no
- Albio Sires: aye
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter: absent
- Adam Smith: aye
- Adrian Smith: no
- Christopher H. Smith: aye
- Lamar Smith: no
- Steve Southerland, II: no
- Jackie Speier: aye
- Steve Stivers: no
- Marlin A. Stutzman: no
- Linda T. Sánchez: aye
- Lee Terry: no
- Bennie G. Thompson: aye
- Mike Thompson: aye
- Glenn Thompson: no
- Mac Thornberry: no
- Patrick J. Tiberi: no
- John F. Tierney: aye
- Scott R. Tipton: no
- Paul Tonko: aye
- Niki Tsongas: aye
- Michael R. Turner: no
- Fred Upton: no
- Chris Van Hollen: aye
- Nydia M. Velázquez: aye
- Peter J. Visclosky: no
- Tim Walberg: no
- Greg Walden: no
- Timothy J. Walz: aye
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: aye
- Maxine Waters: aye
- Melvin L. Watt: aye
- Henry A. Waxman: aye
- Daniel Webster: no
- Peter Welch: aye
- Lynn A. Westmoreland: no
- Ed Whitfield: no
- Joe Wilson: no
- Frederica S. Wilson: absent
- Robert J. Wittman: no
- Frank R. Wolf: no
- Steve Womack: no
- Rob Woodall: no
- John A. Yarmuth: aye
- Kevin Yoder: no
- C. W. Bill Young: no
- Don Young: no
- Todd Young: no
- Janice Hahn: aye
- Mark E. Amodei: no
October 14, 2011: On Passage
- Yeas: 267
- Nays: 144
- Absent: 22
- Dennis A. Cardoza: aye
- Geoff Davis: aye
- Gabrielle Giffords: absent
- Jay Inslee: no
- Thaddeus G. McCotter: aye
- Donald M. Payne: no
- Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.: no
- Bob Filner: no
- Gary L. Ackerman: no
- Sandy Adams: aye
- W. Todd Akin: aye
- Jason Altmire: no
- Steve Austria: aye
- Joe Baca: aye
- Roscoe G. Bartlett: aye
- Charles F. Bass: aye
- Rick Berg: aye
- Shelley Berkley: no
- Howard L. Berman: no
- Judy Biggert: aye
- Brian P. Bilbray: aye
- Mary Bono Mack: aye
- Dan Boren: aye
- Leonard L. Boswell: aye
- Ann Marie Buerkle: aye
- Dan Burton: aye
- Francisco "Quico" Canseco: aye
- Russ Carnahan: no
- Ben Chandler: aye
- Hansen Clarke: no
- Jerry F. Costello: absent
- Chip Cravaack: aye
- Mark S. Critz: aye
- Norman D. Dicks: no
- Robert J. Dold: aye
- David Dreier: aye
- Barney Frank: no
- Elton Gallegly: absent
- Charles A. Gonzalez: absent
- Frank C. Guinta: aye
- Nan A. S. Hayworth: aye
- Wally Herger: aye
- Maurice D. Hinchey: no
- Tim Holden: aye
- Timothy V. Johnson: aye
- Dale E. Kildee: absent
- Larry Kissell: aye
- Dennis J. Kucinich: no
- Steven C. LaTourette: aye
- Jeffrey M. Landry: aye
- Jerry Lewis: absent
- Daniel E. Lungren: aye
- Connie Mack: aye
- Donald A. Manzullo: aye
- Brad Miller: no
- Sue Wilkins Myrick: aye
- John W. Olver: no
- Ron Paul: absent
- Mike Pence: aye
- Todd Russell Platts: aye
- Benjamin Quayle: aye
- Denny Rehberg: aye
- Silvestre Reyes: no
- Laura Richardson: no
- David Rivera: aye
- Mike Ross: aye
- Steven R. Rothman: no
- Robert T. Schilling: aye
- Jean Schmidt: aye
- Heath Shuler: no
- Fortney Pete Stark: no
- Cliff Stearns: aye
- John Sullivan: absent
- Betty Sutton: aye
- Edolphus Towns: no
- Joe Walsh: aye
- Allen B. West: aye
- Lynn C. Woolsey: no
- Kathleen C. Hochul: no
- Robert L. Turner: aye
- Jo Ann Emerson: aye
- Robert B. Aderholt: aye
- Rodney Alexander: aye
- Justin Amash: aye
- Robert E. Andrews: no
- Michele Bachmann: absent
- Spencer Bachus: aye
- Tammy Baldwin: aye
- Lou Barletta: aye
- John Barrow: aye
- Joe Barton: aye
- Karen Bass: absent
- Xavier Becerra: no
- Dan Benishek: aye
- Gus M. Bilirakis: aye
- Rob Bishop: aye
- Jr. Sanford D. Bishop: aye
- Timothy H. Bishop: no
- Diane Black: aye
- Marsha Blackburn: aye
- Earl Blumenauer: no
- Jo Bonner: aye
- Charles W. Boustany, Jr.: aye
- Kevin Brady: aye
- Robert A. Brady: no
- Bruce L. Braley: absent
- Mo Brooks: aye
- Paul C. Broun: aye
- Corrine Brown: no
- Vern Buchanan: aye
- Larry Bucshon: aye
- Michael C. Burgess: aye
- G. K. Butterfield: no
- Ken Calvert: aye
- Dave Camp: aye
- John Campbell: aye
- Eric Cantor: aye
- Shelley Moore Capito: aye
- Lois Capps: no
- Michael E. Capuano: no
- John C. Carney, Jr.: no
- André Carson: no
- John R. Carter: aye
- Bill Cassidy: aye
- Kathy Castor: no
- Steve Chabot: aye
- Jason Chaffetz: aye
- Judy Chu: no
- David N. Cicilline: no
- Yvette D. Clarke: no
- Wm. Lacy Clay: no
- Emanuel Cleaver: no
- James E. Clyburn: aye
- Howard Coble: absent
- Mike Coffman: aye
- Steve Cohen: aye
- Tom Cole: aye
- K. Michael Conaway: aye
- Gerald E. Connolly: no
- John Conyers, Jr.: no
- Jim Cooper: no
- Jim Costa: aye
- Joe Courtney: no
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford: aye
- Ander Crenshaw: aye
- Joseph Crowley: no
- Henry Cuellar: aye
- John Abney Culberson: aye
- Elijah E. Cummings: no
- Danny K. Davis: no
- Susan A. Davis: no
- Peter A. DeFazio: aye
- Diana DeGette: no
- Rosa L. DeLauro: no
- Jeff Denham: aye
- Charles W. Dent: aye
- Scott DesJarlais: aye
- Theodore E. Deutch: no
- Mario Diaz-Balart: aye
- John D. Dingell: no
- Lloyd Doggett: no
- Joe Donnelly: aye
- Michael F. Doyle: aye
- Sean P. Duffy: aye
- Jeff Duncan: aye
- John J. Duncan, Jr.: aye
- Donna F. Edwards: no
- Keith Ellison: no
- Renee L. Ellmers: aye
- Eliot L. Engel: no
- Anna G. Eshoo: no
- Blake Farenthold: aye
- Sam Farr: no
- Chaka Fattah: no
- Stephen Lee Fincher: aye
- Michael G. Fitzpatrick: aye
- Jeff Flake: aye
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann: aye
- John Fleming: aye
- Bill Flores: absent
- J. Randy Forbes: aye
- Jeff Fortenberry: aye
- Virginia Foxx: aye
- Trent Franks: aye
- Rodney P. Frelinghuysen: aye
- Marcia L. Fudge: aye
- John Garamendi: no
- Cory Gardner: aye
- Scott Garrett: aye
- Jim Gerlach: aye
- Bob Gibbs: aye
- Christopher P. Gibson: aye
- Phil Gingrey: aye
- Louie Gohmert: aye
- Bob Goodlatte: aye
- Paul A. Gosar: aye
- Trey Gowdy: aye
- Kay Granger: aye
- Sam Graves: aye
- Tom Graves: aye
- Al Green: no
- Gene Green: aye
- Tim Griffin: aye
- H. Morgan Griffith: aye
- Raúl M. Grijalva: no
- Michael G. Grimm: aye
- Brett Guthrie: aye
- Luis V. Gutierrez: no
- Ralph M. Hall: aye
- Colleen Hanabusa: no
- Richard L. Hanna: aye
- Gregg Harper: aye
- Andy Harris: aye
- Vicky Hartzler: aye
- Alcee L. Hastings: no
- Doc Hastings: aye
- Joseph J. Heck: aye
- Martin Heinrich: no
- Jeb Hensarling: aye
- Jaime Herrera Beutler: aye
- Brian Higgins: no
- James A. Himes: no
- Ruben Hinojosa: no
- Mazie K. Hirono: no
- Rush Holt: no
- Michael M. Honda: no
- Steny H. Hoyer: no
- Tim Huelskamp: aye
- Bill Huizenga: aye
- Randy Hultgren: aye
- Duncan D. Hunter: aye
- Robert Hurt: aye
- Steve Israel: no
- Darrell Issa: aye
- Sheila Jackson Lee: no
- Lynn Jenkins: aye
- Bill Johnson: aye
- Eddie Bernice Johnson: no
- Jr. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson: no
- Sam Johnson: aye
- Walter B. Jones, Jr.: aye
- Jim Jordan: absent
- Marcy Kaptur: aye
- William R. Keating: no
- Mike Kelly: aye
- Ron Kind: aye
- Peter T. King: aye
- Steve King: aye
- Jack Kingston: aye
- Adam Kinzinger: aye
- John Kline: aye
- Raul R. Labrador: aye
- Doug Lamborn: aye
- Leonard Lance: aye
- James R. Langevin: no
- James Lankford: aye
- Rick Larsen: no
- John B. Larson: no
- Tom Latham: aye
- Robert E. Latta: aye
- Barbara Lee: no
- Sander M. Levin: no
- John Lewis: no
- Daniel Lipinski: no
- Frank A. LoBiondo: no
- David Loebsack: no
- Zoe Lofgren: no
- Billy Long: aye
- Nita M. Lowey: no
- Frank D. Lucas: aye
- Blaine Luetkemeyer: aye
- Ben Ray Lujan: no
- Cynthia M. Lummis: aye
- Stephen F. Lynch: no
- Carolyn B. Maloney: no
- Kenny Marchant: aye
- Tom Marino: aye
- Edward J. Markey: no
- Jim Matheson: aye
- Doris O. Matsui: no
- Carolyn McCarthy: no
- Kevin McCarthy: aye
- Michael T. McCaul: aye
- Tom McClintock: aye
- Betty McCollum: no
- Jim McDermott: no
- James P. McGovern: no
- Patrick T. McHenry: aye
- Mike McIntyre: absent
- Howard P. "Buck" McKeon: aye
- David B. McKinley: aye
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers: aye
- Jerry McNerney: no
- Patrick Meehan: aye
- Gregory W. Meeks: absent
- John L. Mica: aye
- Michael H. Michaud: no
- Candice S. Miller: aye
- Gary G. Miller: aye
- George Miller: no
- Jeff Miller: aye
- Gwen Moore: aye
- James P. Moran: no
- Mick Mulvaney: aye
- Christopher Murphy: no
- Tim Murphy: aye
- Jerrold Nadler: no
- Grace F. Napolitano: no
- Richard E. Neal: no
- Randy Neugebauer: aye
- Kristi L. Noem: aye
- Richard B. Nugent: aye
- Devin Nunes: aye
- Alan Nunnelee: aye
- Pete Olson: aye
- William L. Owens: aye
- Steven M. Palazzo: aye
- Jr. Frank Pallone: no
- Jr. Bill Pascrell: no
- Ed Pastor: aye
- Erik Paulsen: aye
- Stevan Pearce: aye
- Nancy Pelosi: absent
- Ed Perlmutter: aye
- Gary C. Peters: no
- Collin C. Peterson: absent
- Thomas E. Petri: aye
- Chellie Pingree: no
- Joseph R. Pitts: aye
- Ted Poe: aye
- Jared Polis: absent
- Mike Pompeo: aye
- Bill Posey: aye
- David E. Price: no
- Tom Price: aye
- Mike Quigley: no
- Nick J. Rahall, II: aye
- Charles B. Rangel: no
- Tom Reed: aye
- David G. Reichert: aye
- James B. Renacci: aye
- Reid J. Ribble: aye
- Cedric L. Richmond: aye
- E. Scott Rigell: aye
- Martha Roby: aye
- David P. Roe: aye
- Harold Rogers: aye
- Mike J. Rogers: aye
- Mike Rogers: aye
- Dana Rohrabacher: aye
- Todd Rokita: aye
- Thomas J. Rooney: aye
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: aye
- Peter J. Roskam: aye
- Dennis A. Ross: aye
- Lucille Roybal-Allard: no
- Edward R. Royce: aye
- Jon Runyan: aye
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger: no
- Bobby L. Rush: no
- Paul D. Ryan: aye
- Tim Ryan: aye
- Loretta Sanchez: no
- John P. Sarbanes: no
- Steve Scalise: aye
- Janice D. Schakowsky: no
- Adam B. Schiff: no
- Aaron Schock: aye
- Kurt Schrader: aye
- Allyson Y. Schwartz: no
- David Schweikert: aye
- Austin Scott: aye
- David Scott: aye
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott: no
- Tim Scott: aye
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.: aye
- Jose E. Serrano: no
- Pete Sessions: aye
- Terri A. Sewell: no
- Brad Sherman: no
- John Shimkus: aye
- Bill Shuster: aye
- Michael K. Simpson: aye
- Albio Sires: absent
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter: absent
- Adam Smith: no
- Adrian Smith: aye
- Christopher H. Smith: no
- Lamar Smith: aye
- Steve Southerland, II: aye
- Jackie Speier: no
- Steve Stivers: aye
- Marlin A. Stutzman: aye
- Linda T. Sánchez: no
- Lee Terry: aye
- Bennie G. Thompson: aye
- Mike Thompson: no
- Glenn Thompson: aye
- Mac Thornberry: aye
- Patrick J. Tiberi: aye
- John F. Tierney: no
- Scott R. Tipton: aye
- Paul Tonko: no
- Niki Tsongas: no
- Michael R. Turner: aye
- Fred Upton: aye
- Chris Van Hollen: no
- Nydia M. Velázquez: no
- Peter J. Visclosky: aye
- Tim Walberg: aye
- Greg Walden: aye
- Timothy J. Walz: aye
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: no
- Maxine Waters: no
- Melvin L. Watt: no
- Henry A. Waxman: no
- Daniel Webster: aye
- Peter Welch: no
- Lynn A. Westmoreland: aye
- Ed Whitfield: aye
- Joe Wilson: aye
- Frederica S. Wilson: absent
- Robert J. Wittman: aye
- Frank R. Wolf: no
- Steve Womack: aye
- Rob Woodall: aye
- John A. Yarmuth: no
- Kevin Yoder: aye
- C. W. Bill Young: aye
- Don Young: aye
- Todd Young: aye
- Janice Hahn: no
- Mark E. Amodei: aye