+ − Summaries (3)
+ − Full Texts (4)
+ − Actions (84)
- Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 50.
- Received in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under Read the First Time.
- Considered as unfinished business.
- The House resolved into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for further consideration.
- UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The Chair announced that the unfinished business was the question on adoption of amendments which had been debated earlier and on which further proceedings had been postponed.
- H.AMDT.273 On agreeing to the Hanabusa amendment Failed by recorded vote: 187 - 235 .
- H.AMDT.274 On agreeing to the Holt amendment Failed by recorded vote: 179 - 247 .
- H.AMDT.275 On agreeing to the Polis amendment Failed by recorded vote: 174 - 254 .
- H.AMDT.276 On agreeing to the Hastings amendment Failed by recorded vote: 169 - 258 .
- H.AMDT.277 On agreeing to the Deutch amendment Failed by recorded vote: 205 - 222 .
- H.AMDT.279 On agreeing to the Hastings amendment Failed by recorded vote: 185 - 239 .
- The House rose from the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union to report H.R. 1229 .
- The House adopted the amendment in the nature of a substitute as agreed to by the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union.
- The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.
- Mr. Connolly moved to recommit with instructions to Natural Resources.
- DEBATE - The House proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Connolly motion to recommit with instructions. The instructions contained in the motion seek to report the same back to the House with an amendment to prohibit the Secretary of Interior from issuing a permit to any applicant that has been required to pay a civil penalty, criminal fine or monetary damages resulting from the applicant's drilling activities on the Outer Continental Shelf, until the penalties have been paid in full, or the applicant has entered a formal agreement to pay the penalties in order to redress economic and environmental harm caused to the Gulf of Mexico Region.
- The previous question on the motion to recommit with instructions was ordered without objection.
- On motion to recommit with instructions Failed by recorded vote: 186 - 239 .
- On passage Passed by recorded vote: 263 - 163 .
- Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
- Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 245 .
- Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 1229 and H.R. 1230 . Measure will be considered read. Specified amendments are in order. H.R. 1229 and H.R. 1230 shall each be debatable for not to exceed one hour, equally divided and controlled. In each case, the previous question shall be considered as ordered and in each case, a motion to recommit, with or without instructions is allowed.
- House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union pursuant to H. Res. 245 and Rule XVIII.
- The Speaker designated the Honorable Steve Womack to act as Chairman of the Committee.
- GENERAL DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of general debate on H.R. 1229 .
- Mr. Lamborn moved that the committee rise.
- On motion that the committee rise Agreed to by voice vote.
- Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving H.R. 1229 as unfinished business.
- Considered as unfinished business.
- The House resolved into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for further consideration.
- H.AMDT.270 Amendment offered by Mr. Polis. Amendment sought to require safety review of permits to take into consideration all applicable safety, environmental and fisheries laws.
- DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 245 , the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Polis amendment no. 1.
- POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Polis amendment no. 1, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote, announced that the noes prevailed. Mr. Polis demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption until a time to be announced.
- H.AMDT.271 Amendment offered by Mr. Garamendi. Amendment sought to require that during the Secretary's determination that permit applications meet pertinent safety requirements, the Secretary should consult with an independent drilling safety organization not affiliated with the American Petroleum Institute.
- DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 245 , the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Garamendi amendment.
- POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Garamendi amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote, announced that the noes prevailed. Mr. Garamendi demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption until a time to be announced.
- H.AMDT.272 Amendment offered by Mr. Markey. Amendment sought to set minimum standards for blowout preventers; require new standards on safe well design and cementing to ensure multiple redundant barriers within the well against uncontrolled oil or gas flow leading to a blowout; require independent third party certification of blowout preventers and well designs; and to ensure that the Department of Interior can institute better alternatives for increased safety as they become available.
- DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 245 , the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Markey amendment.
- POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Markey amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote, announced that the noes prevailed. Mr. Markey demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption until a time to be announced.
- H.AMDT.273 Amendment offered by Ms. Hanabusa. Amendment sought to prohibit the Secretary from issuing an offshore drilling permit without first certifying that the applicant has calculated a worst-case discharge scenario for the proposed drilling operation and has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Secretary that the applicant possesses the capability and technology to respond immediately and effectively to such worst-case discharge scenario.
- DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 245 , the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Hanabusa amendment.
- POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Hanabusa amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote, announced that the noes prevailed. Ms. Hanabusa demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption until a time to be announced.
- H.AMDT.274 Amendment offered by Mr. Holt. Amendment sought to strike provisions in the bill that allow drilling applications to be considered approved even if the Secretary has not made a decision on the application by the end of the 60-day period beginning on the date the application is received by the Secretary.
- DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 245 , the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Holt amendment.
- POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Holt amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote, announced that the noes prevailed. Mr. Holt demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption until a time to be announced.
- H.AMDT.275 Amendment offered by Mr. Polis. Amendment sought to lift timeline requirements if the administering agency or bureau of the Department of Interior lacks an adequate budget or lacks staff expertise to properly review permits.
- DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 245 , the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Polis amendment No. 7.
- POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Polis amendment No. 7, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote, announced that the noes prevailed. Mr. Polis demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption until a time to be announced.
- UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The Chair announced that the unfinished business was the question on adoption of amendments which had been debated earlier and on which further proceedings had been postponed.
- H.AMDT.270 On agreeing to the Polis amendment Failed by recorded vote: 167 - 245 .
- H.AMDT.271 On agreeing to the Garamendi amendment Failed by recorded vote: 169 - 240 .
- H.AMDT.272 On agreeing to the Markey amendment Failed by recorded vote: 176 - 237 .
- Mr. Bishop moved that the Committee rise.
- On motion that the Committee rise Agreed to by voice vote.
- Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving H.R. 1229 as unfinished business.
- Considered as unfinished business.
- The House resolved into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for further consideration.
- H.AMDT.276 Amendment offered by Mr. Hastings . Amendment sought to require a detailed description of the extent to which and by when any oil found on the leased property will decrease the price of crude oil and at the pump for hardworking Americans.
- DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 245 , the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Hastings amendment No. 8.
- POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Hastings amendment No. 8, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote, announced that the noes prevailed. Mr. Hastings demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption until a time to be announced.
- H.AMDT.277 Amendment offered by Mr. Deutch. Amendment sought to strike section 202 of the bill which imposes an exclusive venue in the Fifth Circuit for civil actions relating to the leasing of Federal lands in the Gulf of Mexico for energy development, production and exploration.
- DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 245 , the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Deutch amendment.
- POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Deutch amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote, announced that the noes prevailed. Mr. Deutch demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption until a time to be announced.
- H.AMDT.278 Amendment offered by Mr. Hastings . Amendment sought to emphasize the quality of court decisions rather than the speed of court decisions.
- DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 245 , the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Hastings amendment No. 10.
- H.AMDT.278 On agreeing to the Hastings amendment Failed by voice vote.
- H.AMDT.279 Amendment offered by Mr. Hastings . Amendment sought to strike section 207 of the bill which pertains to limitations on attorneys' fees.
- DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 245 , the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Hastings amendment No. 11.
- POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Hastings amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote, announced that the noes had prevailed. Mr. Hastings demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption of the amendment until a time to be announced.
- Mr. Lamborn moved that the Committee rise.
- On motion that the Committee rise Agreed to by voice vote.
- Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving H.R. 1229 as unfinished business.
- Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 245 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 1229 and H.R. 1230 . Measure will be considered read. Specified amendments are in order. H.R. 1229 and H.R. 1230 shall each be debatable for not to exceed one hour, equally divided and controlled. In each case, the previous question shall be considered as ordered and in each case, a motion to recommit, with or without instructions is allowed.
- Reported by the Committee on Natural Resources. H. Rept. 112-67 , Part I.
- Committee on Judiciary discharged.
- Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 35.
- Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources Discharged.
- Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
- Ordered to be Reported by the Yeas and Nays: 27 - 16.
- Subcommittee Hearings Held.
- Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources.
- Referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
- Referred to House Natural Resources
- Referred to House Judiciary
+ − Amendments (10)
Amendment sought to require safety review of permits to take into consideration all applicable safety, environmental and fisheries laws.
Amendment sought to require that during the Secretary's determination that permit applications meet pertinent safety requirements, the Secretary should consult with an independent drilling safety organization not affiliated with the American Petroleum Institute.
Amendment sought to set minimum standards for blowout preventers; require new standards on safe well design and cementing to ensure multiple redundant barriers within the well against uncontrolled oil or gas flow leading to a blowout; require independent third party certification of blowout preventers and well designs; and to ensure that the Department of Interior can institute better alternatives for increased safety as they become available.
Amendment sought to prohibit the Secretary from issuing an offshore drilling permit without first certifying that the applicant has calculated a worst-case discharge scenario for the proposed drilling operation and has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Secretary that the applicant possesses the capability and technology to respond immediately and effectively to such worst-case discharge scenario.
Amendment sought to strike provisions in the bill that allow drilling applications to be considered approved even if the Secretary has not made a decision on the application by the end of the 60-day period beginning on the date the application is received by the Secretary.
Amendment sought to lift timeline requirements if the administering agency or bureau of the Department of Interior lacks an adequate budget or lacks staff expertise to properly review permits.
Amendment sought to require a detailed description of the extent to which and by when any oil found on the leased property will decrease the price of crude oil and at the pump for hardworking Americans.
Amendment sought to strike section 202 of the bill which imposes an exclusive venue in the Fifth Circuit for civil actions relating to the leasing of Federal lands in the Gulf of Mexico for energy development, production and exploration.
Amendment sought to emphasize the quality of court decisions rather than the speed of court decisions.
Amendment sought to strike section 207 of the bill which pertains to limitations on attorneys' fees.
+ − Votes (11)
May 11, 2011: On Passage
- Yeas: 263
- Nays: 163
- Absent: 5
- Dennis A. Cardoza: aye
- Geoff Davis: aye
- Gabrielle Giffords: absent
- Jay Inslee: no
- Thaddeus G. McCotter: aye
- Donald M. Payne: no
- Anthony D. Weiner: no
- David Wu: no
- Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.: no
- Bob Filner: no
- Gary L. Ackerman: no
- Sandy Adams: aye
- W. Todd Akin: aye
- Jason Altmire: aye
- Steve Austria: aye
- Joe Baca: aye
- Roscoe G. Bartlett: aye
- Charles F. Bass: aye
- Rick Berg: aye
- Shelley Berkley: no
- Howard L. Berman: no
- Judy Biggert: aye
- Brian P. Bilbray: aye
- Mary Bono Mack: aye
- Dan Boren: aye
- Leonard L. Boswell: aye
- Ann Marie Buerkle: aye
- Dan Burton: aye
- Francisco "Quico" Canseco: aye
- Russ Carnahan: no
- Ben Chandler: aye
- Hansen Clarke: no
- Jerry F. Costello: no
- Chip Cravaack: aye
- Mark S. Critz: aye
- Norman D. Dicks: no
- Robert J. Dold: aye
- David Dreier: aye
- Barney Frank: no
- Elton Gallegly: aye
- Charles A. Gonzalez: no
- Frank C. Guinta: aye
- Nan A. S. Hayworth: aye
- Wally Herger: aye
- Maurice D. Hinchey: no
- Tim Holden: aye
- Timothy V. Johnson: aye
- Dale E. Kildee: no
- Larry Kissell: no
- Dennis J. Kucinich: no
- Steven C. LaTourette: aye
- Jeffrey M. Landry: aye
- Jerry Lewis: aye
- Daniel E. Lungren: aye
- Connie Mack: aye
- Donald A. Manzullo: aye
- Brad Miller: no
- Sue Wilkins Myrick: aye
- John W. Olver: no
- Ron Paul: aye
- Mike Pence: aye
- Todd Russell Platts: aye
- Benjamin Quayle: aye
- Denny Rehberg: aye
- Silvestre Reyes: aye
- Laura Richardson: no
- David Rivera: aye
- Mike Ross: aye
- Steven R. Rothman: no
- Robert T. Schilling: aye
- Jean Schmidt: aye
- Heath Shuler: no
- Fortney Pete Stark: no
- Cliff Stearns: aye
- John Sullivan: aye
- Betty Sutton: no
- Edolphus Towns: no
- Joe Walsh: aye
- Allen B. West: aye
- Lynn C. Woolsey: no
- Jo Ann Emerson: aye
- Robert B. Aderholt: aye
- Rodney Alexander: aye
- Justin Amash: aye
- Robert E. Andrews: no
- Michele Bachmann: aye
- Spencer Bachus: aye
- Tammy Baldwin: no
- Lou Barletta: aye
- John Barrow: aye
- Joe Barton: aye
- Karen Bass: no
- Xavier Becerra: no
- Dan Benishek: aye
- Gus M. Bilirakis: aye
- Rob Bishop: aye
- Jr. Sanford D. Bishop: aye
- Timothy H. Bishop: no
- Diane Black: aye
- Marsha Blackburn: aye
- Earl Blumenauer: no
- Jo Bonner: aye
- Charles W. Boustany, Jr.: aye
- Kevin Brady: aye
- Robert A. Brady: no
- Bruce L. Braley: no
- Mo Brooks: aye
- Paul C. Broun: aye
- Corrine Brown: no
- Vern Buchanan: aye
- Larry Bucshon: aye
- Michael C. Burgess: aye
- G. K. Butterfield: no
- Ken Calvert: aye
- Dave Camp: aye
- John Campbell: aye
- Eric Cantor: aye
- Shelley Moore Capito: aye
- Lois Capps: no
- Michael E. Capuano: no
- John C. Carney, Jr.: no
- André Carson: no
- John R. Carter: aye
- Bill Cassidy: aye
- Kathy Castor: no
- Steve Chabot: aye
- Jason Chaffetz: aye
- Judy Chu: no
- David N. Cicilline: no
- Yvette D. Clarke: no
- Wm. Lacy Clay: no
- Emanuel Cleaver: no
- James E. Clyburn: no
- Howard Coble: aye
- Mike Coffman: aye
- Steve Cohen: no
- Tom Cole: aye
- K. Michael Conaway: aye
- Gerald E. Connolly: no
- John Conyers, Jr.: no
- Jim Cooper: no
- Jim Costa: aye
- Joe Courtney: no
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford: aye
- Ander Crenshaw: aye
- Joseph Crowley: no
- Henry Cuellar: aye
- John Abney Culberson: aye
- Elijah E. Cummings: no
- Danny K. Davis: no
- Susan A. Davis: no
- Peter A. DeFazio: no
- Diana DeGette: no
- Rosa L. DeLauro: no
- Jeff Denham: aye
- Charles W. Dent: aye
- Scott DesJarlais: aye
- Theodore E. Deutch: no
- Mario Diaz-Balart: aye
- John D. Dingell: no
- Lloyd Doggett: no
- Joe Donnelly: aye
- Michael F. Doyle: no
- Sean P. Duffy: aye
- Jeff Duncan: aye
- John J. Duncan, Jr.: aye
- Donna F. Edwards: no
- Keith Ellison: no
- Renee L. Ellmers: aye
- Eliot L. Engel: no
- Anna G. Eshoo: no
- Blake Farenthold: aye
- Sam Farr: no
- Chaka Fattah: no
- Stephen Lee Fincher: aye
- Michael G. Fitzpatrick: aye
- Jeff Flake: aye
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann: aye
- John Fleming: aye
- Bill Flores: aye
- J. Randy Forbes: aye
- Jeff Fortenberry: absent
- Virginia Foxx: aye
- Trent Franks: aye
- Rodney P. Frelinghuysen: aye
- Marcia L. Fudge: no
- John Garamendi: no
- Cory Gardner: aye
- Scott Garrett: aye
- Jim Gerlach: aye
- Bob Gibbs: aye
- Christopher P. Gibson: aye
- Phil Gingrey: aye
- Louie Gohmert: aye
- Bob Goodlatte: absent
- Paul A. Gosar: aye
- Trey Gowdy: aye
- Kay Granger: aye
- Sam Graves: aye
- Tom Graves: aye
- Al Green: aye
- Gene Green: aye
- Tim Griffin: aye
- H. Morgan Griffith: aye
- Raúl M. Grijalva: no
- Michael G. Grimm: aye
- Brett Guthrie: aye
- Luis V. Gutierrez: no
- Ralph M. Hall: aye
- Colleen Hanabusa: no
- Richard L. Hanna: aye
- Gregg Harper: aye
- Andy Harris: aye
- Vicky Hartzler: aye
- Alcee L. Hastings: no
- Doc Hastings: absent
- Joseph J. Heck: aye
- Martin Heinrich: no
- Jeb Hensarling: aye
- Jaime Herrera Beutler: aye
- Brian Higgins: no
- James A. Himes: no
- Ruben Hinojosa: aye
- Mazie K. Hirono: no
- Rush Holt: no
- Michael M. Honda: no
- Steny H. Hoyer: no
- Tim Huelskamp: aye
- Bill Huizenga: aye
- Randy Hultgren: aye
- Duncan D. Hunter: aye
- Robert Hurt: aye
- Steve Israel: no
- Darrell Issa: aye
- Sheila Jackson Lee: aye
- Lynn Jenkins: aye
- Bill Johnson: aye
- Eddie Bernice Johnson: aye
- Jr. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson: no
- Sam Johnson: absent
- Walter B. Jones, Jr.: aye
- Jim Jordan: aye
- Marcy Kaptur: no
- William R. Keating: no
- Mike Kelly: aye
- Ron Kind: no
- Peter T. King: aye
- Steve King: aye
- Jack Kingston: aye
- Adam Kinzinger: aye
- John Kline: aye
- Raul R. Labrador: aye
- Doug Lamborn: aye
- Leonard Lance: aye
- James R. Langevin: no
- James Lankford: aye
- Rick Larsen: no
- John B. Larson: no
- Tom Latham: aye
- Robert E. Latta: aye
- Barbara Lee: no
- Sander M. Levin: no
- John Lewis: no
- Daniel Lipinski: no
- Frank A. LoBiondo: aye
- David Loebsack: no
- Zoe Lofgren: no
- Billy Long: aye
- Nita M. Lowey: no
- Frank D. Lucas: aye
- Blaine Luetkemeyer: aye
- Ben Ray Lujan: no
- Cynthia M. Lummis: aye
- Stephen F. Lynch: no
- Carolyn B. Maloney: no
- Kenny Marchant: aye
- Tom Marino: aye
- Edward J. Markey: no
- Jim Matheson: aye
- Doris O. Matsui: no
- Carolyn McCarthy: no
- Kevin McCarthy: aye
- Michael T. McCaul: aye
- Tom McClintock: aye
- Betty McCollum: no
- Jim McDermott: no
- James P. McGovern: no
- Patrick T. McHenry: aye
- Mike McIntyre: aye
- Howard P. "Buck" McKeon: aye
- David B. McKinley: aye
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers: aye
- Jerry McNerney: no
- Patrick Meehan: aye
- Gregory W. Meeks: no
- John L. Mica: aye
- Michael H. Michaud: no
- Candice S. Miller: aye
- Gary G. Miller: aye
- George Miller: no
- Jeff Miller: aye
- Gwen Moore: no
- James P. Moran: no
- Mick Mulvaney: aye
- Christopher Murphy: no
- Tim Murphy: aye
- Jerrold Nadler: no
- Grace F. Napolitano: no
- Richard E. Neal: no
- Randy Neugebauer: aye
- Kristi L. Noem: aye
- Richard B. Nugent: aye
- Devin Nunes: aye
- Alan Nunnelee: aye
- Pete Olson: aye
- William L. Owens: aye
- Steven M. Palazzo: aye
- Jr. Frank Pallone: no
- Jr. Bill Pascrell: no
- Ed Pastor: no
- Erik Paulsen: aye
- Stevan Pearce: aye
- Nancy Pelosi: no
- Ed Perlmutter: aye
- Gary C. Peters: no
- Collin C. Peterson: aye
- Thomas E. Petri: aye
- Chellie Pingree: no
- Joseph R. Pitts: aye
- Ted Poe: aye
- Jared Polis: no
- Mike Pompeo: aye
- Bill Posey: aye
- David E. Price: no
- Tom Price: aye
- Mike Quigley: aye
- Nick J. Rahall, II: no
- Charles B. Rangel: no
- Tom Reed: aye
- David G. Reichert: aye
- James B. Renacci: aye
- Reid J. Ribble: aye
- Cedric L. Richmond: no
- E. Scott Rigell: aye
- Martha Roby: aye
- David P. Roe: aye
- Harold Rogers: aye
- Mike J. Rogers: aye
- Mike Rogers: aye
- Dana Rohrabacher: aye
- Todd Rokita: aye
- Thomas J. Rooney: aye
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: aye
- Peter J. Roskam: aye
- Dennis A. Ross: aye
- Lucille Roybal-Allard: no
- Edward R. Royce: aye
- Jon Runyan: aye
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger: no
- Bobby L. Rush: no
- Paul D. Ryan: aye
- Tim Ryan: no
- Loretta Sanchez: no
- John P. Sarbanes: no
- Steve Scalise: aye
- Janice D. Schakowsky: no
- Adam B. Schiff: no
- Aaron Schock: aye
- Kurt Schrader: no
- Allyson Y. Schwartz: no
- David Schweikert: aye
- Austin Scott: aye
- David Scott: no
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott: no
- Tim Scott: aye
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.: aye
- Jose E. Serrano: no
- Pete Sessions: aye
- Terri A. Sewell: aye
- Brad Sherman: no
- John Shimkus: aye
- Bill Shuster: aye
- Michael K. Simpson: aye
- Albio Sires: no
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter: no
- Adam Smith: no
- Adrian Smith: aye
- Christopher H. Smith: aye
- Lamar Smith: aye
- Steve Southerland, II: aye
- Jackie Speier: no
- Steve Stivers: aye
- Marlin A. Stutzman: aye
- Linda T. Sánchez: no
- Lee Terry: aye
- Bennie G. Thompson: no
- Mike Thompson: no
- Glenn Thompson: aye
- Mac Thornberry: aye
- Patrick J. Tiberi: aye
- John F. Tierney: no
- Scott R. Tipton: aye
- Paul Tonko: no
- Niki Tsongas: no
- Michael R. Turner: aye
- Fred Upton: aye
- Chris Van Hollen: no
- Nydia M. Velázquez: no
- Peter J. Visclosky: no
- Tim Walberg: aye
- Greg Walden: aye
- Timothy J. Walz: aye
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: no
- Maxine Waters: no
- Melvin L. Watt: no
- Henry A. Waxman: no
- Daniel Webster: aye
- Peter Welch: no
- Lynn A. Westmoreland: aye
- Ed Whitfield: aye
- Joe Wilson: aye
- Frederica S. Wilson: no
- Robert J. Wittman: aye
- Frank R. Wolf: aye
- Steve Womack: aye
- Rob Woodall: aye
- John A. Yarmuth: no
- Kevin Yoder: aye
- C. W. Bill Young: aye
- Don Young: aye
- Todd Young: aye
May 11, 2011: On Agreeing to the Amendment
- Yeas: 205
- Nays: 222
- Absent: 4
- Dennis A. Cardoza: aye
- Geoff Davis: no
- Gabrielle Giffords: absent
- Jay Inslee: aye
- Thaddeus G. McCotter: no
- Donald M. Payne: aye
- Anthony D. Weiner: aye
- David Wu: aye
- Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.: aye
- Bob Filner: aye
- Gary L. Ackerman: aye
- Sandy Adams: no
- W. Todd Akin: no
- Jason Altmire: aye
- Steve Austria: no
- Joe Baca: aye
- Roscoe G. Bartlett: no
- Charles F. Bass: no
- Rick Berg: no
- Shelley Berkley: aye
- Howard L. Berman: aye
- Judy Biggert: no
- Brian P. Bilbray: no
- Mary Bono Mack: no
- Dan Boren: no
- Leonard L. Boswell: no
- Ann Marie Buerkle: no
- Dan Burton: no
- Francisco "Quico" Canseco: no
- Russ Carnahan: aye
- Ben Chandler: aye
- Hansen Clarke: aye
- Jerry F. Costello: aye
- Chip Cravaack: no
- Mark S. Critz: aye
- Norman D. Dicks: aye
- Robert J. Dold: no
- David Dreier: no
- Barney Frank: aye
- Elton Gallegly: no
- Charles A. Gonzalez: aye
- Frank C. Guinta: no
- Nan A. S. Hayworth: no
- Wally Herger: no
- Maurice D. Hinchey: aye
- Tim Holden: aye
- Timothy V. Johnson: no
- Dale E. Kildee: aye
- Larry Kissell: aye
- Dennis J. Kucinich: aye
- Steven C. LaTourette: no
- Jeffrey M. Landry: no
- Jerry Lewis: no
- Daniel E. Lungren: no
- Connie Mack: no
- Donald A. Manzullo: no
- Brad Miller: aye
- Sue Wilkins Myrick: no
- John W. Olver: aye
- Ron Paul: no
- Mike Pence: no
- Todd Russell Platts: no
- Benjamin Quayle: no
- Denny Rehberg: no
- Silvestre Reyes: aye
- Laura Richardson: aye
- David Rivera: no
- Mike Ross: no
- Steven R. Rothman: aye
- Robert T. Schilling: aye
- Jean Schmidt: no
- Heath Shuler: aye
- Fortney Pete Stark: aye
- Cliff Stearns: no
- John Sullivan: no
- Betty Sutton: aye
- Edolphus Towns: aye
- Joe Walsh: no
- Allen B. West: aye
- Lynn C. Woolsey: aye
- Jo Ann Emerson: no
- Robert B. Aderholt: aye
- Rodney Alexander: no
- Justin Amash: no
- Robert E. Andrews: aye
- Michele Bachmann: no
- Spencer Bachus: aye
- Tammy Baldwin: aye
- Lou Barletta: no
- John Barrow: aye
- Joe Barton: no
- Karen Bass: aye
- Xavier Becerra: aye
- Dan Benishek: no
- Gus M. Bilirakis: aye
- Rob Bishop: no
- Jr. Sanford D. Bishop: aye
- Timothy H. Bishop: aye
- Diane Black: no
- Marsha Blackburn: no
- Earl Blumenauer: aye
- Jo Bonner: aye
- Charles W. Boustany, Jr.: no
- Kevin Brady: no
- Robert A. Brady: aye
- Bruce L. Braley: aye
- Mo Brooks: aye
- Paul C. Broun: no
- Corrine Brown: aye
- Vern Buchanan: aye
- Larry Bucshon: no
- Michael C. Burgess: no
- G. K. Butterfield: aye
- Ken Calvert: no
- Dave Camp: no
- John Campbell: no
- Eric Cantor: no
- Shelley Moore Capito: no
- Lois Capps: aye
- Michael E. Capuano: aye
- John C. Carney, Jr.: aye
- André Carson: aye
- John R. Carter: no
- Bill Cassidy: no
- Kathy Castor: aye
- Steve Chabot: no
- Jason Chaffetz: no
- Judy Chu: aye
- David N. Cicilline: aye
- Yvette D. Clarke: aye
- Wm. Lacy Clay: aye
- Emanuel Cleaver: aye
- James E. Clyburn: aye
- Howard Coble: no
- Mike Coffman: no
- Steve Cohen: aye
- Tom Cole: no
- K. Michael Conaway: no
- Gerald E. Connolly: aye
- John Conyers, Jr.: aye
- Jim Cooper: aye
- Jim Costa: no
- Joe Courtney: aye
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford: no
- Ander Crenshaw: no
- Joseph Crowley: aye
- Henry Cuellar: aye
- John Abney Culberson: no
- Elijah E. Cummings: aye
- Danny K. Davis: aye
- Susan A. Davis: aye
- Peter A. DeFazio: aye
- Diana DeGette: aye
- Rosa L. DeLauro: aye
- Jeff Denham: no
- Charles W. Dent: no
- Scott DesJarlais: no
- Theodore E. Deutch: aye
- Mario Diaz-Balart: no
- John D. Dingell: aye
- Lloyd Doggett: aye
- Joe Donnelly: aye
- Michael F. Doyle: aye
- Sean P. Duffy: no
- Jeff Duncan: no
- John J. Duncan, Jr.: no
- Donna F. Edwards: aye
- Keith Ellison: aye
- Renee L. Ellmers: no
- Eliot L. Engel: aye
- Anna G. Eshoo: aye
- Blake Farenthold: no
- Sam Farr: aye
- Chaka Fattah: aye
- Stephen Lee Fincher: no
- Michael G. Fitzpatrick: no
- Jeff Flake: no
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann: no
- John Fleming: no
- Bill Flores: no
- J. Randy Forbes: no
- Jeff Fortenberry: no
- Virginia Foxx: no
- Trent Franks: no
- Rodney P. Frelinghuysen: no
- Marcia L. Fudge: aye
- John Garamendi: aye
- Cory Gardner: no
- Scott Garrett: no
- Jim Gerlach: no
- Bob Gibbs: no
- Christopher P. Gibson: aye
- Phil Gingrey: aye
- Louie Gohmert: no
- Bob Goodlatte: no
- Paul A. Gosar: no
- Trey Gowdy: no
- Kay Granger: no
- Sam Graves: no
- Tom Graves: no
- Al Green: no
- Gene Green: no
- Tim Griffin: no
- H. Morgan Griffith: no
- Raúl M. Grijalva: aye
- Michael G. Grimm: no
- Brett Guthrie: aye
- Luis V. Gutierrez: aye
- Ralph M. Hall: no
- Colleen Hanabusa: aye
- Richard L. Hanna: aye
- Gregg Harper: no
- Andy Harris: aye
- Vicky Hartzler: no
- Alcee L. Hastings: aye
- Doc Hastings: absent
- Joseph J. Heck: no
- Martin Heinrich: aye
- Jeb Hensarling: no
- Jaime Herrera Beutler: no
- Brian Higgins: aye
- James A. Himes: aye
- Ruben Hinojosa: no
- Mazie K. Hirono: aye
- Rush Holt: aye
- Michael M. Honda: aye
- Steny H. Hoyer: aye
- Tim Huelskamp: no
- Bill Huizenga: no
- Randy Hultgren: no
- Duncan D. Hunter: no
- Robert Hurt: no
- Steve Israel: aye
- Darrell Issa: no
- Sheila Jackson Lee: aye
- Lynn Jenkins: no
- Bill Johnson: no
- Eddie Bernice Johnson: aye
- Jr. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson: aye
- Sam Johnson: absent
- Walter B. Jones, Jr.: aye
- Jim Jordan: no
- Marcy Kaptur: aye
- William R. Keating: aye
- Mike Kelly: no
- Ron Kind: aye
- Peter T. King: no
- Steve King: no
- Jack Kingston: no
- Adam Kinzinger: no
- John Kline: no
- Raul R. Labrador: no
- Doug Lamborn: no
- Leonard Lance: no
- James R. Langevin: aye
- James Lankford: no
- Rick Larsen: aye
- John B. Larson: aye
- Tom Latham: no
- Robert E. Latta: no
- Barbara Lee: aye
- Sander M. Levin: aye
- John Lewis: aye
- Daniel Lipinski: aye
- Frank A. LoBiondo: no
- David Loebsack: aye
- Zoe Lofgren: aye
- Billy Long: no
- Nita M. Lowey: aye
- Frank D. Lucas: no
- Blaine Luetkemeyer: no
- Ben Ray Lujan: aye
- Cynthia M. Lummis: no
- Stephen F. Lynch: aye
- Carolyn B. Maloney: aye
- Kenny Marchant: no
- Tom Marino: no
- Edward J. Markey: aye
- Jim Matheson: aye
- Doris O. Matsui: aye
- Carolyn McCarthy: aye
- Kevin McCarthy: no
- Michael T. McCaul: no
- Tom McClintock: no
- Betty McCollum: aye
- Jim McDermott: aye
- James P. McGovern: aye
- Patrick T. McHenry: no
- Mike McIntyre: aye
- Howard P. "Buck" McKeon: no
- David B. McKinley: no
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers: no
- Jerry McNerney: aye
- Patrick Meehan: no
- Gregory W. Meeks: aye
- John L. Mica: no
- Michael H. Michaud: aye
- Candice S. Miller: no
- Gary G. Miller: no
- George Miller: aye
- Jeff Miller: no
- Gwen Moore: aye
- James P. Moran: aye
- Mick Mulvaney: no
- Christopher Murphy: aye
- Tim Murphy: no
- Jerrold Nadler: aye
- Grace F. Napolitano: aye
- Richard E. Neal: aye
- Randy Neugebauer: no
- Kristi L. Noem: no
- Richard B. Nugent: no
- Devin Nunes: no
- Alan Nunnelee: no
- Pete Olson: no
- William L. Owens: no
- Steven M. Palazzo: no
- Jr. Frank Pallone: aye
- Jr. Bill Pascrell: aye
- Ed Pastor: aye
- Erik Paulsen: no
- Stevan Pearce: no
- Nancy Pelosi: aye
- Ed Perlmutter: aye
- Gary C. Peters: aye
- Collin C. Peterson: no
- Thomas E. Petri: no
- Chellie Pingree: aye
- Joseph R. Pitts: no
- Ted Poe: no
- Jared Polis: aye
- Mike Pompeo: no
- Bill Posey: aye
- David E. Price: aye
- Tom Price: no
- Mike Quigley: aye
- Nick J. Rahall, II: aye
- Charles B. Rangel: aye
- Tom Reed: no
- David G. Reichert: no
- James B. Renacci: no
- Reid J. Ribble: no
- Cedric L. Richmond: aye
- E. Scott Rigell: no
- Martha Roby: aye
- David P. Roe: aye
- Harold Rogers: no
- Mike J. Rogers: no
- Mike Rogers: aye
- Dana Rohrabacher: no
- Todd Rokita: no
- Thomas J. Rooney: no
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: aye
- Peter J. Roskam: no
- Dennis A. Ross: no
- Lucille Roybal-Allard: aye
- Edward R. Royce: no
- Jon Runyan: no
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger: aye
- Bobby L. Rush: aye
- Paul D. Ryan: no
- Tim Ryan: aye
- Loretta Sanchez: aye
- John P. Sarbanes: aye
- Steve Scalise: no
- Janice D. Schakowsky: aye
- Adam B. Schiff: aye
- Aaron Schock: absent
- Kurt Schrader: no
- Allyson Y. Schwartz: aye
- David Schweikert: no
- Austin Scott: aye
- David Scott: aye
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott: aye
- Tim Scott: no
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.: no
- Jose E. Serrano: aye
- Pete Sessions: no
- Terri A. Sewell: aye
- Brad Sherman: aye
- John Shimkus: no
- Bill Shuster: no
- Michael K. Simpson: no
- Albio Sires: aye
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter: aye
- Adam Smith: aye
- Adrian Smith: no
- Christopher H. Smith: no
- Lamar Smith: no
- Steve Southerland, II: aye
- Jackie Speier: aye
- Steve Stivers: no
- Marlin A. Stutzman: no
- Linda T. Sánchez: aye
- Lee Terry: no
- Bennie G. Thompson: aye
- Mike Thompson: aye
- Glenn Thompson: no
- Mac Thornberry: no
- Patrick J. Tiberi: no
- John F. Tierney: aye
- Scott R. Tipton: no
- Paul Tonko: aye
- Niki Tsongas: aye
- Michael R. Turner: no
- Fred Upton: no
- Chris Van Hollen: aye
- Nydia M. Velázquez: aye
- Peter J. Visclosky: aye
- Tim Walberg: no
- Greg Walden: no
- Timothy J. Walz: aye
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: aye
- Maxine Waters: aye
- Melvin L. Watt: aye
- Henry A. Waxman: aye
- Daniel Webster: aye
- Peter Welch: aye
- Lynn A. Westmoreland: aye
- Ed Whitfield: no
- Joe Wilson: no
- Frederica S. Wilson: aye
- Robert J. Wittman: no
- Frank R. Wolf: no
- Steve Womack: no
- Rob Woodall: no
- John A. Yarmuth: aye
- Kevin Yoder: no
- C. W. Bill Young: aye
- Don Young: no
- Todd Young: no
May 11, 2011: On Agreeing to the Amendment
- Yeas: 185
- Nays: 239
- Absent: 7
- Dennis A. Cardoza: no
- Geoff Davis: no
- Gabrielle Giffords: absent
- Jay Inslee: aye
- Thaddeus G. McCotter: no
- Donald M. Payne: aye
- Anthony D. Weiner: aye
- David Wu: aye
- Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.: aye
- Bob Filner: aye
- Gary L. Ackerman: aye
- Sandy Adams: no
- W. Todd Akin: no
- Jason Altmire: aye
- Steve Austria: no
- Joe Baca: aye
- Roscoe G. Bartlett: no
- Charles F. Bass: no
- Rick Berg: no
- Shelley Berkley: aye
- Howard L. Berman: aye
- Judy Biggert: no
- Brian P. Bilbray: no
- Mary Bono Mack: no
- Dan Boren: no
- Leonard L. Boswell: aye
- Ann Marie Buerkle: no
- Dan Burton: no
- Francisco "Quico" Canseco: no
- Russ Carnahan: aye
- Ben Chandler: aye
- Hansen Clarke: aye
- Jerry F. Costello: aye
- Chip Cravaack: no
- Mark S. Critz: aye
- Norman D. Dicks: aye
- Robert J. Dold: no
- David Dreier: no
- Barney Frank: aye
- Elton Gallegly: no
- Charles A. Gonzalez: aye
- Frank C. Guinta: no
- Nan A. S. Hayworth: no
- Wally Herger: no
- Maurice D. Hinchey: aye
- Tim Holden: aye
- Timothy V. Johnson: no
- Dale E. Kildee: aye
- Larry Kissell: aye
- Dennis J. Kucinich: aye
- Steven C. LaTourette: no
- Jeffrey M. Landry: no
- Jerry Lewis: no
- Daniel E. Lungren: no
- Connie Mack: no
- Donald A. Manzullo: no
- Brad Miller: aye
- Sue Wilkins Myrick: no
- John W. Olver: aye
- Ron Paul: no
- Mike Pence: no
- Todd Russell Platts: no
- Benjamin Quayle: no
- Denny Rehberg: no
- Silvestre Reyes: aye
- Laura Richardson: no
- David Rivera: no
- Mike Ross: no
- Steven R. Rothman: aye
- Robert T. Schilling: no
- Jean Schmidt: no
- Heath Shuler: aye
- Fortney Pete Stark: aye
- Cliff Stearns: no
- John Sullivan: no
- Betty Sutton: aye
- Edolphus Towns: aye
- Joe Walsh: no
- Allen B. West: no
- Lynn C. Woolsey: aye
- Jo Ann Emerson: no
- Robert B. Aderholt: no
- Rodney Alexander: no
- Justin Amash: no
- Robert E. Andrews: aye
- Michele Bachmann: no
- Spencer Bachus: no
- Tammy Baldwin: aye
- Lou Barletta: no
- John Barrow: aye
- Joe Barton: no
- Karen Bass: aye
- Xavier Becerra: aye
- Dan Benishek: no
- Gus M. Bilirakis: no
- Rob Bishop: no
- Jr. Sanford D. Bishop: aye
- Timothy H. Bishop: aye
- Diane Black: no
- Marsha Blackburn: no
- Earl Blumenauer: aye
- Jo Bonner: no
- Charles W. Boustany, Jr.: no
- Kevin Brady: no
- Robert A. Brady: aye
- Bruce L. Braley: aye
- Mo Brooks: no
- Paul C. Broun: no
- Corrine Brown: aye
- Vern Buchanan: no
- Larry Bucshon: no
- Michael C. Burgess: no
- G. K. Butterfield: aye
- Ken Calvert: no
- Dave Camp: no
- John Campbell: no
- Eric Cantor: no
- Shelley Moore Capito: no
- Lois Capps: aye
- Michael E. Capuano: aye
- John C. Carney, Jr.: aye
- André Carson: aye
- John R. Carter: no
- Bill Cassidy: no
- Kathy Castor: aye
- Steve Chabot: no
- Jason Chaffetz: no
- Judy Chu: aye
- David N. Cicilline: aye
- Yvette D. Clarke: aye
- Wm. Lacy Clay: aye
- Emanuel Cleaver: aye
- James E. Clyburn: aye
- Howard Coble: aye
- Mike Coffman: no
- Steve Cohen: aye
- Tom Cole: no
- K. Michael Conaway: no
- Gerald E. Connolly: aye
- John Conyers, Jr.: aye
- Jim Cooper: aye
- Jim Costa: no
- Joe Courtney: aye
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford: no
- Ander Crenshaw: no
- Joseph Crowley: aye
- Henry Cuellar: aye
- John Abney Culberson: no
- Elijah E. Cummings: aye
- Danny K. Davis: aye
- Susan A. Davis: aye
- Peter A. DeFazio: aye
- Diana DeGette: aye
- Rosa L. DeLauro: aye
- Jeff Denham: no
- Charles W. Dent: no
- Scott DesJarlais: no
- Theodore E. Deutch: aye
- Mario Diaz-Balart: no
- John D. Dingell: aye
- Lloyd Doggett: aye
- Joe Donnelly: aye
- Michael F. Doyle: aye
- Sean P. Duffy: no
- Jeff Duncan: no
- John J. Duncan, Jr.: no
- Donna F. Edwards: aye
- Keith Ellison: aye
- Renee L. Ellmers: no
- Eliot L. Engel: aye
- Anna G. Eshoo: aye
- Blake Farenthold: no
- Sam Farr: aye
- Chaka Fattah: aye
- Stephen Lee Fincher: no
- Michael G. Fitzpatrick: no
- Jeff Flake: no
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann: no
- John Fleming: no
- Bill Flores: no
- J. Randy Forbes: no
- Jeff Fortenberry: no
- Virginia Foxx: no
- Trent Franks: no
- Rodney P. Frelinghuysen: no
- Marcia L. Fudge: aye
- John Garamendi: aye
- Cory Gardner: no
- Scott Garrett: no
- Jim Gerlach: no
- Bob Gibbs: no
- Christopher P. Gibson: no
- Phil Gingrey: no
- Louie Gohmert: no
- Bob Goodlatte: no
- Paul A. Gosar: no
- Trey Gowdy: no
- Kay Granger: no
- Sam Graves: no
- Tom Graves: no
- Al Green: aye
- Gene Green: aye
- Tim Griffin: no
- H. Morgan Griffith: no
- Raúl M. Grijalva: aye
- Michael G. Grimm: no
- Brett Guthrie: no
- Luis V. Gutierrez: aye
- Ralph M. Hall: no
- Colleen Hanabusa: aye
- Richard L. Hanna: no
- Gregg Harper: no
- Andy Harris: no
- Vicky Hartzler: no
- Alcee L. Hastings: aye
- Doc Hastings: absent
- Joseph J. Heck: no
- Martin Heinrich: aye
- Jeb Hensarling: no
- Jaime Herrera Beutler: no
- Brian Higgins: aye
- James A. Himes: aye
- Ruben Hinojosa: no
- Mazie K. Hirono: aye
- Rush Holt: aye
- Michael M. Honda: aye
- Steny H. Hoyer: aye
- Tim Huelskamp: no
- Bill Huizenga: no
- Randy Hultgren: no
- Duncan D. Hunter: no
- Robert Hurt: no
- Steve Israel: aye
- Darrell Issa: no
- Sheila Jackson Lee: aye
- Lynn Jenkins: no
- Bill Johnson: no
- Eddie Bernice Johnson: aye
- Jr. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson: aye
- Sam Johnson: absent
- Walter B. Jones, Jr.: no
- Jim Jordan: no
- Marcy Kaptur: aye
- William R. Keating: aye
- Mike Kelly: no
- Ron Kind: aye
- Peter T. King: no
- Steve King: absent
- Jack Kingston: no
- Adam Kinzinger: no
- John Kline: no
- Raul R. Labrador: no
- Doug Lamborn: no
- Leonard Lance: no
- James R. Langevin: aye
- James Lankford: no
- Rick Larsen: aye
- John B. Larson: aye
- Tom Latham: no
- Robert E. Latta: no
- Barbara Lee: aye
- Sander M. Levin: aye
- John Lewis: aye
- Daniel Lipinski: aye
- Frank A. LoBiondo: no
- David Loebsack: aye
- Zoe Lofgren: aye
- Billy Long: no
- Nita M. Lowey: aye
- Frank D. Lucas: no
- Blaine Luetkemeyer: no
- Ben Ray Lujan: aye
- Cynthia M. Lummis: no
- Stephen F. Lynch: aye
- Carolyn B. Maloney: aye
- Kenny Marchant: no
- Tom Marino: no
- Edward J. Markey: aye
- Jim Matheson: no
- Doris O. Matsui: aye
- Carolyn McCarthy: aye
- Kevin McCarthy: no
- Michael T. McCaul: no
- Tom McClintock: no
- Betty McCollum: aye
- Jim McDermott: aye
- James P. McGovern: aye
- Patrick T. McHenry: no
- Mike McIntyre: aye
- Howard P. "Buck" McKeon: no
- David B. McKinley: no
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers: no
- Jerry McNerney: aye
- Patrick Meehan: aye
- Gregory W. Meeks: aye
- John L. Mica: no
- Michael H. Michaud: aye
- Candice S. Miller: no
- Gary G. Miller: no
- George Miller: aye
- Jeff Miller: no
- Gwen Moore: aye
- James P. Moran: aye
- Mick Mulvaney: no
- Christopher Murphy: aye
- Tim Murphy: no
- Jerrold Nadler: aye
- Grace F. Napolitano: aye
- Richard E. Neal: aye
- Randy Neugebauer: no
- Kristi L. Noem: no
- Richard B. Nugent: no
- Devin Nunes: absent
- Alan Nunnelee: no
- Pete Olson: no
- William L. Owens: aye
- Steven M. Palazzo: no
- Jr. Frank Pallone: aye
- Jr. Bill Pascrell: aye
- Ed Pastor: aye
- Erik Paulsen: no
- Stevan Pearce: no
- Nancy Pelosi: aye
- Ed Perlmutter: aye
- Gary C. Peters: aye
- Collin C. Peterson: no
- Thomas E. Petri: no
- Chellie Pingree: aye
- Joseph R. Pitts: no
- Ted Poe: no
- Jared Polis: aye
- Mike Pompeo: no
- Bill Posey: no
- David E. Price: aye
- Tom Price: no
- Mike Quigley: aye
- Nick J. Rahall, II: aye
- Charles B. Rangel: aye
- Tom Reed: no
- David G. Reichert: no
- James B. Renacci: no
- Reid J. Ribble: no
- Cedric L. Richmond: aye
- E. Scott Rigell: no
- Martha Roby: no
- David P. Roe: no
- Harold Rogers: no
- Mike J. Rogers: no
- Mike Rogers: no
- Dana Rohrabacher: no
- Todd Rokita: no
- Thomas J. Rooney: no
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: no
- Peter J. Roskam: no
- Dennis A. Ross: no
- Lucille Roybal-Allard: aye
- Edward R. Royce: no
- Jon Runyan: no
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger: aye
- Bobby L. Rush: aye
- Paul D. Ryan: no
- Tim Ryan: aye
- Loretta Sanchez: aye
- John P. Sarbanes: aye
- Steve Scalise: no
- Janice D. Schakowsky: aye
- Adam B. Schiff: aye
- Aaron Schock: absent
- Kurt Schrader: aye
- Allyson Y. Schwartz: aye
- David Schweikert: no
- Austin Scott: no
- David Scott: aye
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott: aye
- Tim Scott: no
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.: no
- Jose E. Serrano: aye
- Pete Sessions: no
- Terri A. Sewell: aye
- Brad Sherman: aye
- John Shimkus: no
- Bill Shuster: no
- Michael K. Simpson: no
- Albio Sires: aye
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter: aye
- Adam Smith: aye
- Adrian Smith: no
- Christopher H. Smith: no
- Lamar Smith: no
- Steve Southerland, II: no
- Jackie Speier: aye
- Steve Stivers: no
- Marlin A. Stutzman: no
- Linda T. Sánchez: aye
- Lee Terry: no
- Bennie G. Thompson: aye
- Mike Thompson: aye
- Glenn Thompson: no
- Mac Thornberry: no
- Patrick J. Tiberi: no
- John F. Tierney: aye
- Scott R. Tipton: no
- Paul Tonko: aye
- Niki Tsongas: aye
- Michael R. Turner: no
- Fred Upton: no
- Chris Van Hollen: aye
- Nydia M. Velázquez: aye
- Peter J. Visclosky: aye
- Tim Walberg: no
- Greg Walden: no
- Timothy J. Walz: aye
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: aye
- Maxine Waters: aye
- Melvin L. Watt: aye
- Henry A. Waxman: aye
- Daniel Webster: no
- Peter Welch: aye
- Lynn A. Westmoreland: no
- Ed Whitfield: no
- Joe Wilson: absent
- Frederica S. Wilson: aye
- Robert J. Wittman: no
- Frank R. Wolf: no
- Steve Womack: no
- Rob Woodall: no
- John A. Yarmuth: aye
- Kevin Yoder: no
- C. W. Bill Young: no
- Don Young: no
- Todd Young: no
May 11, 2011: On Motion to Recommit with Instructions
- Yeas: 186
- Nays: 239
- Absent: 6
- Dennis A. Cardoza: aye
- Geoff Davis: no
- Gabrielle Giffords: absent
- Jay Inslee: aye
- Thaddeus G. McCotter: no
- Donald M. Payne: aye
- Anthony D. Weiner: aye
- David Wu: aye
- Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.: aye
- Bob Filner: aye
- Gary L. Ackerman: aye
- Sandy Adams: no
- W. Todd Akin: no
- Jason Altmire: aye
- Steve Austria: no
- Joe Baca: aye
- Roscoe G. Bartlett: no
- Charles F. Bass: no
- Rick Berg: no
- Shelley Berkley: aye
- Howard L. Berman: aye
- Judy Biggert: no
- Brian P. Bilbray: no
- Mary Bono Mack: no
- Dan Boren: no
- Leonard L. Boswell: aye
- Ann Marie Buerkle: no
- Dan Burton: no
- Francisco "Quico" Canseco: no
- Russ Carnahan: aye
- Ben Chandler: aye
- Hansen Clarke: aye
- Jerry F. Costello: aye
- Chip Cravaack: no
- Mark S. Critz: aye
- Norman D. Dicks: aye
- Robert J. Dold: no
- David Dreier: no
- Barney Frank: aye
- Elton Gallegly: no
- Charles A. Gonzalez: aye
- Frank C. Guinta: no
- Nan A. S. Hayworth: no
- Wally Herger: no
- Maurice D. Hinchey: aye
- Tim Holden: aye
- Timothy V. Johnson: no
- Dale E. Kildee: aye
- Larry Kissell: aye
- Dennis J. Kucinich: aye
- Steven C. LaTourette: no
- Jeffrey M. Landry: no
- Jerry Lewis: no
- Daniel E. Lungren: no
- Connie Mack: no
- Donald A. Manzullo: no
- Brad Miller: aye
- Sue Wilkins Myrick: no
- John W. Olver: aye
- Ron Paul: no
- Mike Pence: no
- Todd Russell Platts: no
- Benjamin Quayle: no
- Denny Rehberg: no
- Silvestre Reyes: aye
- Laura Richardson: aye
- David Rivera: no
- Mike Ross: aye
- Steven R. Rothman: aye
- Robert T. Schilling: no
- Jean Schmidt: no
- Heath Shuler: aye
- Fortney Pete Stark: aye
- Cliff Stearns: no
- John Sullivan: no
- Betty Sutton: aye
- Edolphus Towns: aye
- Joe Walsh: no
- Allen B. West: no
- Lynn C. Woolsey: aye
- Jo Ann Emerson: no
- Robert B. Aderholt: no
- Rodney Alexander: no
- Justin Amash: no
- Robert E. Andrews: aye
- Michele Bachmann: no
- Spencer Bachus: no
- Tammy Baldwin: aye
- Lou Barletta: no
- John Barrow: aye
- Joe Barton: no
- Karen Bass: aye
- Xavier Becerra: aye
- Dan Benishek: no
- Gus M. Bilirakis: no
- Rob Bishop: no
- Jr. Sanford D. Bishop: aye
- Timothy H. Bishop: aye
- Diane Black: no
- Marsha Blackburn: no
- Earl Blumenauer: aye
- Jo Bonner: no
- Charles W. Boustany, Jr.: no
- Kevin Brady: no
- Robert A. Brady: aye
- Bruce L. Braley: aye
- Mo Brooks: no
- Paul C. Broun: no
- Corrine Brown: aye
- Vern Buchanan: no
- Larry Bucshon: no
- Michael C. Burgess: no
- G. K. Butterfield: aye
- Ken Calvert: no
- Dave Camp: no
- John Campbell: no
- Eric Cantor: no
- Shelley Moore Capito: no
- Lois Capps: aye
- Michael E. Capuano: aye
- John C. Carney, Jr.: aye
- André Carson: aye
- John R. Carter: no
- Bill Cassidy: no
- Kathy Castor: aye
- Steve Chabot: no
- Jason Chaffetz: no
- Judy Chu: aye
- David N. Cicilline: aye
- Yvette D. Clarke: absent
- Wm. Lacy Clay: aye
- Emanuel Cleaver: aye
- James E. Clyburn: aye
- Howard Coble: no
- Mike Coffman: no
- Steve Cohen: aye
- Tom Cole: no
- K. Michael Conaway: no
- Gerald E. Connolly: aye
- John Conyers, Jr.: aye
- Jim Cooper: no
- Jim Costa: no
- Joe Courtney: aye
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford: no
- Ander Crenshaw: no
- Joseph Crowley: aye
- Henry Cuellar: aye
- John Abney Culberson: no
- Elijah E. Cummings: aye
- Danny K. Davis: aye
- Susan A. Davis: aye
- Peter A. DeFazio: aye
- Diana DeGette: aye
- Rosa L. DeLauro: aye
- Jeff Denham: no
- Charles W. Dent: no
- Scott DesJarlais: no
- Theodore E. Deutch: aye
- Mario Diaz-Balart: no
- John D. Dingell: aye
- Lloyd Doggett: aye
- Joe Donnelly: aye
- Michael F. Doyle: aye
- Sean P. Duffy: no
- Jeff Duncan: no
- John J. Duncan, Jr.: no
- Donna F. Edwards: aye
- Keith Ellison: aye
- Renee L. Ellmers: no
- Eliot L. Engel: aye
- Anna G. Eshoo: aye
- Blake Farenthold: no
- Sam Farr: aye
- Chaka Fattah: aye
- Stephen Lee Fincher: no
- Michael G. Fitzpatrick: no
- Jeff Flake: no
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann: no
- John Fleming: no
- Bill Flores: no
- J. Randy Forbes: no
- Jeff Fortenberry: no
- Virginia Foxx: no
- Trent Franks: no
- Rodney P. Frelinghuysen: no
- Marcia L. Fudge: aye
- John Garamendi: aye
- Cory Gardner: no
- Scott Garrett: no
- Jim Gerlach: no
- Bob Gibbs: no
- Christopher P. Gibson: no
- Phil Gingrey: no
- Louie Gohmert: no
- Bob Goodlatte: no
- Paul A. Gosar: no
- Trey Gowdy: no
- Kay Granger: no
- Sam Graves: no
- Tom Graves: no
- Al Green: aye
- Gene Green: aye
- Tim Griffin: no
- H. Morgan Griffith: no
- Raúl M. Grijalva: aye
- Michael G. Grimm: no
- Brett Guthrie: no
- Luis V. Gutierrez: aye
- Ralph M. Hall: no
- Colleen Hanabusa: aye
- Richard L. Hanna: no
- Gregg Harper: no
- Andy Harris: no
- Vicky Hartzler: no
- Alcee L. Hastings: aye
- Doc Hastings: absent
- Joseph J. Heck: no
- Martin Heinrich: aye
- Jeb Hensarling: no
- Jaime Herrera Beutler: no
- Brian Higgins: aye
- James A. Himes: aye
- Ruben Hinojosa: aye
- Mazie K. Hirono: aye
- Rush Holt: aye
- Michael M. Honda: aye
- Steny H. Hoyer: aye
- Tim Huelskamp: no
- Bill Huizenga: no
- Randy Hultgren: no
- Duncan D. Hunter: no
- Robert Hurt: no
- Steve Israel: aye
- Darrell Issa: no
- Sheila Jackson Lee: aye
- Lynn Jenkins: no
- Bill Johnson: no
- Eddie Bernice Johnson: aye
- Jr. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson: aye
- Sam Johnson: absent
- Walter B. Jones, Jr.: aye
- Jim Jordan: no
- Marcy Kaptur: aye
- William R. Keating: aye
- Mike Kelly: no
- Ron Kind: aye
- Peter T. King: no
- Steve King: absent
- Jack Kingston: no
- Adam Kinzinger: no
- John Kline: no
- Raul R. Labrador: no
- Doug Lamborn: no
- Leonard Lance: no
- James R. Langevin: aye
- James Lankford: no
- Rick Larsen: aye
- John B. Larson: aye
- Tom Latham: no
- Robert E. Latta: no
- Barbara Lee: aye
- Sander M. Levin: aye
- John Lewis: aye
- Daniel Lipinski: aye
- Frank A. LoBiondo: no
- David Loebsack: aye
- Zoe Lofgren: aye
- Billy Long: no
- Nita M. Lowey: aye
- Frank D. Lucas: no
- Blaine Luetkemeyer: no
- Ben Ray Lujan: aye
- Cynthia M. Lummis: no
- Stephen F. Lynch: aye
- Carolyn B. Maloney: aye
- Kenny Marchant: no
- Tom Marino: no
- Edward J. Markey: aye
- Jim Matheson: aye
- Doris O. Matsui: aye
- Carolyn McCarthy: aye
- Kevin McCarthy: no
- Michael T. McCaul: no
- Tom McClintock: no
- Betty McCollum: aye
- Jim McDermott: aye
- James P. McGovern: aye
- Patrick T. McHenry: no
- Mike McIntyre: aye
- Howard P. "Buck" McKeon: no
- David B. McKinley: no
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers: no
- Jerry McNerney: aye
- Patrick Meehan: no
- Gregory W. Meeks: aye
- John L. Mica: no
- Michael H. Michaud: aye
- Candice S. Miller: no
- Gary G. Miller: no
- George Miller: aye
- Jeff Miller: no
- Gwen Moore: aye
- James P. Moran: aye
- Mick Mulvaney: no
- Christopher Murphy: aye
- Tim Murphy: no
- Jerrold Nadler: aye
- Grace F. Napolitano: aye
- Richard E. Neal: aye
- Randy Neugebauer: no
- Kristi L. Noem: no
- Richard B. Nugent: no
- Devin Nunes: no
- Alan Nunnelee: no
- Pete Olson: no
- William L. Owens: aye
- Steven M. Palazzo: no
- Jr. Frank Pallone: aye
- Jr. Bill Pascrell: aye
- Ed Pastor: aye
- Erik Paulsen: no
- Stevan Pearce: no
- Nancy Pelosi: aye
- Ed Perlmutter: aye
- Gary C. Peters: aye
- Collin C. Peterson: no
- Thomas E. Petri: no
- Chellie Pingree: aye
- Joseph R. Pitts: no
- Ted Poe: no
- Jared Polis: absent
- Mike Pompeo: no
- Bill Posey: no
- David E. Price: aye
- Tom Price: no
- Mike Quigley: aye
- Nick J. Rahall, II: aye
- Charles B. Rangel: aye
- Tom Reed: no
- David G. Reichert: no
- James B. Renacci: no
- Reid J. Ribble: no
- Cedric L. Richmond: aye
- E. Scott Rigell: no
- Martha Roby: no
- David P. Roe: no
- Harold Rogers: no
- Mike J. Rogers: no
- Mike Rogers: no
- Dana Rohrabacher: no
- Todd Rokita: no
- Thomas J. Rooney: no
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: no
- Peter J. Roskam: no
- Dennis A. Ross: no
- Lucille Roybal-Allard: aye
- Edward R. Royce: no
- Jon Runyan: no
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger: aye
- Bobby L. Rush: aye
- Paul D. Ryan: no
- Tim Ryan: aye
- Loretta Sanchez: aye
- John P. Sarbanes: aye
- Steve Scalise: no
- Janice D. Schakowsky: aye
- Adam B. Schiff: aye
- Aaron Schock: no
- Kurt Schrader: aye
- Allyson Y. Schwartz: aye
- David Schweikert: no
- Austin Scott: no
- David Scott: aye
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott: aye
- Tim Scott: no
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.: no
- Jose E. Serrano: aye
- Pete Sessions: no
- Terri A. Sewell: aye
- Brad Sherman: aye
- John Shimkus: no
- Bill Shuster: no
- Michael K. Simpson: no
- Albio Sires: aye
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter: aye
- Adam Smith: aye
- Adrian Smith: no
- Christopher H. Smith: no
- Lamar Smith: no
- Steve Southerland, II: no
- Jackie Speier: aye
- Steve Stivers: no
- Marlin A. Stutzman: no
- Linda T. Sánchez: aye
- Lee Terry: no
- Bennie G. Thompson: aye
- Mike Thompson: aye
- Glenn Thompson: no
- Mac Thornberry: no
- Patrick J. Tiberi: no
- John F. Tierney: aye
- Scott R. Tipton: no
- Paul Tonko: aye
- Niki Tsongas: aye
- Michael R. Turner: no
- Fred Upton: no
- Chris Van Hollen: aye
- Nydia M. Velázquez: aye
- Peter J. Visclosky: aye
- Tim Walberg: no
- Greg Walden: no
- Timothy J. Walz: aye
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: aye
- Maxine Waters: aye
- Melvin L. Watt: aye
- Henry A. Waxman: aye
- Daniel Webster: no
- Peter Welch: aye
- Lynn A. Westmoreland: no
- Ed Whitfield: no
- Joe Wilson: no
- Frederica S. Wilson: aye
- Robert J. Wittman: no
- Frank R. Wolf: no
- Steve Womack: no
- Rob Woodall: no
- John A. Yarmuth: aye
- Kevin Yoder: no
- C. W. Bill Young: no
- Don Young: no
- Todd Young: no
May 11, 2011: On Agreeing to the Amendment
- Yeas: 187
- Nays: 235
- Absent: 9
- Dennis A. Cardoza: no
- Geoff Davis: absent
- Gabrielle Giffords: absent
- Jay Inslee: aye
- Thaddeus G. McCotter: no
- Donald M. Payne: aye
- Anthony D. Weiner: aye
- David Wu: aye
- Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.: aye
- Bob Filner: aye
- Gary L. Ackerman: aye
- Sandy Adams: no
- W. Todd Akin: no
- Jason Altmire: aye
- Steve Austria: no
- Joe Baca: aye
- Roscoe G. Bartlett: no
- Charles F. Bass: no
- Rick Berg: no
- Shelley Berkley: aye
- Howard L. Berman: aye
- Judy Biggert: no
- Brian P. Bilbray: no
- Mary Bono Mack: no
- Dan Boren: no
- Leonard L. Boswell: aye
- Ann Marie Buerkle: no
- Dan Burton: no
- Francisco "Quico" Canseco: no
- Russ Carnahan: aye
- Ben Chandler: aye
- Hansen Clarke: aye
- Jerry F. Costello: aye
- Chip Cravaack: no
- Mark S. Critz: aye
- Norman D. Dicks: aye
- Robert J. Dold: no
- David Dreier: no
- Barney Frank: aye
- Elton Gallegly: no
- Charles A. Gonzalez: aye
- Frank C. Guinta: no
- Nan A. S. Hayworth: no
- Wally Herger: no
- Maurice D. Hinchey: aye
- Tim Holden: no
- Timothy V. Johnson: no
- Dale E. Kildee: aye
- Larry Kissell: aye
- Dennis J. Kucinich: aye
- Steven C. LaTourette: no
- Jeffrey M. Landry: no
- Jerry Lewis: no
- Daniel E. Lungren: no
- Connie Mack: no
- Donald A. Manzullo: no
- Brad Miller: aye
- Sue Wilkins Myrick: no
- John W. Olver: aye
- Ron Paul: no
- Mike Pence: no
- Todd Russell Platts: no
- Benjamin Quayle: no
- Denny Rehberg: no
- Silvestre Reyes: aye
- Laura Richardson: aye
- David Rivera: no
- Mike Ross: no
- Steven R. Rothman: aye
- Robert T. Schilling: no
- Jean Schmidt: no
- Heath Shuler: no
- Fortney Pete Stark: aye
- Cliff Stearns: no
- John Sullivan: no
- Betty Sutton: aye
- Edolphus Towns: aye
- Joe Walsh: no
- Allen B. West: no
- Lynn C. Woolsey: aye
- Jo Ann Emerson: no
- Robert B. Aderholt: no
- Rodney Alexander: no
- Justin Amash: no
- Robert E. Andrews: aye
- Michele Bachmann: no
- Spencer Bachus: no
- Tammy Baldwin: aye
- Lou Barletta: no
- John Barrow: no
- Joe Barton: no
- Karen Bass: aye
- Xavier Becerra: aye
- Dan Benishek: no
- Gus M. Bilirakis: absent
- Rob Bishop: no
- Jr. Sanford D. Bishop: aye
- Timothy H. Bishop: aye
- Diane Black: no
- Marsha Blackburn: no
- Earl Blumenauer: aye
- Jo Bonner: no
- Charles W. Boustany, Jr.: no
- Kevin Brady: no
- Robert A. Brady: aye
- Bruce L. Braley: absent
- Mo Brooks: no
- Paul C. Broun: no
- Corrine Brown: aye
- Vern Buchanan: aye
- Larry Bucshon: no
- Michael C. Burgess: no
- G. K. Butterfield: aye
- Ken Calvert: no
- Dave Camp: no
- John Campbell: no
- Eric Cantor: no
- Shelley Moore Capito: no
- Lois Capps: aye
- Michael E. Capuano: aye
- John C. Carney, Jr.: aye
- André Carson: aye
- John R. Carter: no
- Bill Cassidy: no
- Kathy Castor: aye
- Steve Chabot: no
- Jason Chaffetz: no
- Judy Chu: aye
- David N. Cicilline: aye
- Yvette D. Clarke: aye
- Wm. Lacy Clay: aye
- Emanuel Cleaver: aye
- James E. Clyburn: aye
- Howard Coble: no
- Mike Coffman: no
- Steve Cohen: aye
- Tom Cole: no
- K. Michael Conaway: no
- Gerald E. Connolly: aye
- John Conyers, Jr.: aye
- Jim Cooper: aye
- Jim Costa: absent
- Joe Courtney: aye
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford: no
- Ander Crenshaw: no
- Joseph Crowley: aye
- Henry Cuellar: aye
- John Abney Culberson: no
- Elijah E. Cummings: aye
- Danny K. Davis: aye
- Susan A. Davis: aye
- Peter A. DeFazio: aye
- Diana DeGette: aye
- Rosa L. DeLauro: aye
- Jeff Denham: no
- Charles W. Dent: aye
- Scott DesJarlais: no
- Theodore E. Deutch: aye
- Mario Diaz-Balart: no
- John D. Dingell: aye
- Lloyd Doggett: aye
- Joe Donnelly: aye
- Michael F. Doyle: aye
- Sean P. Duffy: no
- Jeff Duncan: no
- John J. Duncan, Jr.: no
- Donna F. Edwards: aye
- Keith Ellison: aye
- Renee L. Ellmers: no
- Eliot L. Engel: aye
- Anna G. Eshoo: aye
- Blake Farenthold: no
- Sam Farr: aye
- Chaka Fattah: aye
- Stephen Lee Fincher: no
- Michael G. Fitzpatrick: aye
- Jeff Flake: no
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann: no
- John Fleming: no
- Bill Flores: no
- J. Randy Forbes: no
- Jeff Fortenberry: no
- Virginia Foxx: no
- Trent Franks: no
- Rodney P. Frelinghuysen: no
- Marcia L. Fudge: aye
- John Garamendi: aye
- Cory Gardner: no
- Scott Garrett: no
- Jim Gerlach: aye
- Bob Gibbs: no
- Christopher P. Gibson: aye
- Phil Gingrey: no
- Louie Gohmert: no
- Bob Goodlatte: no
- Paul A. Gosar: no
- Trey Gowdy: no
- Kay Granger: no
- Sam Graves: no
- Tom Graves: no
- Al Green: aye
- Gene Green: no
- Tim Griffin: no
- H. Morgan Griffith: no
- Raúl M. Grijalva: aye
- Michael G. Grimm: no
- Brett Guthrie: no
- Luis V. Gutierrez: aye
- Ralph M. Hall: no
- Colleen Hanabusa: aye
- Richard L. Hanna: no
- Gregg Harper: no
- Andy Harris: no
- Vicky Hartzler: no
- Alcee L. Hastings: aye
- Doc Hastings: absent
- Joseph J. Heck: no
- Martin Heinrich: aye
- Jeb Hensarling: no
- Jaime Herrera Beutler: no
- Brian Higgins: aye
- James A. Himes: aye
- Ruben Hinojosa: no
- Mazie K. Hirono: aye
- Rush Holt: aye
- Michael M. Honda: aye
- Steny H. Hoyer: aye
- Tim Huelskamp: no
- Bill Huizenga: no
- Randy Hultgren: no
- Duncan D. Hunter: no
- Robert Hurt: no
- Steve Israel: aye
- Darrell Issa: no
- Sheila Jackson Lee: aye
- Lynn Jenkins: no
- Bill Johnson: no
- Eddie Bernice Johnson: aye
- Jr. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson: aye
- Sam Johnson: absent
- Walter B. Jones, Jr.: aye
- Jim Jordan: no
- Marcy Kaptur: aye
- William R. Keating: aye
- Mike Kelly: no
- Ron Kind: aye
- Peter T. King: no
- Steve King: no
- Jack Kingston: no
- Adam Kinzinger: no
- John Kline: no
- Raul R. Labrador: no
- Doug Lamborn: no
- Leonard Lance: no
- James R. Langevin: aye
- James Lankford: no
- Rick Larsen: aye
- John B. Larson: aye
- Tom Latham: no
- Robert E. Latta: no
- Barbara Lee: aye
- Sander M. Levin: aye
- John Lewis: aye
- Daniel Lipinski: aye
- Frank A. LoBiondo: aye
- David Loebsack: aye
- Zoe Lofgren: aye
- Billy Long: no
- Nita M. Lowey: aye
- Frank D. Lucas: no
- Blaine Luetkemeyer: no
- Ben Ray Lujan: aye
- Cynthia M. Lummis: no
- Stephen F. Lynch: aye
- Carolyn B. Maloney: aye
- Kenny Marchant: no
- Tom Marino: no
- Edward J. Markey: aye
- Jim Matheson: aye
- Doris O. Matsui: aye
- Carolyn McCarthy: aye
- Kevin McCarthy: no
- Michael T. McCaul: no
- Tom McClintock: no
- Betty McCollum: aye
- Jim McDermott: aye
- James P. McGovern: aye
- Patrick T. McHenry: no
- Mike McIntyre: aye
- Howard P. "Buck" McKeon: no
- David B. McKinley: no
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers: no
- Jerry McNerney: aye
- Patrick Meehan: no
- Gregory W. Meeks: aye
- John L. Mica: no
- Michael H. Michaud: aye
- Candice S. Miller: no
- Gary G. Miller: no
- George Miller: aye
- Jeff Miller: no
- Gwen Moore: aye
- James P. Moran: aye
- Mick Mulvaney: no
- Christopher Murphy: aye
- Tim Murphy: no
- Jerrold Nadler: aye
- Grace F. Napolitano: aye
- Richard E. Neal: aye
- Randy Neugebauer: no
- Kristi L. Noem: no
- Richard B. Nugent: no
- Devin Nunes: no
- Alan Nunnelee: no
- Pete Olson: no
- William L. Owens: no
- Steven M. Palazzo: no
- Jr. Frank Pallone: aye
- Jr. Bill Pascrell: aye
- Ed Pastor: aye
- Erik Paulsen: no
- Stevan Pearce: no
- Nancy Pelosi: aye
- Ed Perlmutter: aye
- Gary C. Peters: aye
- Collin C. Peterson: no
- Thomas E. Petri: no
- Chellie Pingree: aye
- Joseph R. Pitts: no
- Ted Poe: no
- Jared Polis: aye
- Mike Pompeo: no
- Bill Posey: no
- David E. Price: aye
- Tom Price: no
- Mike Quigley: aye
- Nick J. Rahall, II: aye
- Charles B. Rangel: aye
- Tom Reed: no
- David G. Reichert: aye
- James B. Renacci: no
- Reid J. Ribble: no
- Cedric L. Richmond: aye
- E. Scott Rigell: no
- Martha Roby: no
- David P. Roe: no
- Harold Rogers: no
- Mike J. Rogers: no
- Mike Rogers: no
- Dana Rohrabacher: no
- Todd Rokita: no
- Thomas J. Rooney: no
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: aye
- Peter J. Roskam: no
- Dennis A. Ross: no
- Lucille Roybal-Allard: aye
- Edward R. Royce: no
- Jon Runyan: no
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger: aye
- Bobby L. Rush: aye
- Paul D. Ryan: no
- Tim Ryan: aye
- Loretta Sanchez: aye
- John P. Sarbanes: aye
- Steve Scalise: no
- Janice D. Schakowsky: aye
- Adam B. Schiff: aye
- Aaron Schock: no
- Kurt Schrader: no
- Allyson Y. Schwartz: aye
- David Schweikert: no
- Austin Scott: no
- David Scott: aye
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott: aye
- Tim Scott: no
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.: no
- Jose E. Serrano: aye
- Pete Sessions: no
- Terri A. Sewell: aye
- Brad Sherman: aye
- John Shimkus: no
- Bill Shuster: no
- Michael K. Simpson: no
- Albio Sires: aye
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter: aye
- Adam Smith: aye
- Adrian Smith: no
- Christopher H. Smith: aye
- Lamar Smith: no
- Steve Southerland, II: no
- Jackie Speier: aye
- Steve Stivers: no
- Marlin A. Stutzman: no
- Linda T. Sánchez: aye
- Lee Terry: no
- Bennie G. Thompson: aye
- Mike Thompson: aye
- Glenn Thompson: no
- Mac Thornberry: no
- Patrick J. Tiberi: no
- John F. Tierney: aye
- Scott R. Tipton: no
- Paul Tonko: aye
- Niki Tsongas: aye
- Michael R. Turner: no
- Fred Upton: no
- Chris Van Hollen: absent
- Nydia M. Velázquez: aye
- Peter J. Visclosky: aye
- Tim Walberg: no
- Greg Walden: no
- Timothy J. Walz: aye
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: aye
- Maxine Waters: aye
- Melvin L. Watt: aye
- Henry A. Waxman: aye
- Daniel Webster: no
- Peter Welch: aye
- Lynn A. Westmoreland: absent
- Ed Whitfield: no
- Joe Wilson: no
- Frederica S. Wilson: aye
- Robert J. Wittman: no
- Frank R. Wolf: no
- Steve Womack: no
- Rob Woodall: no
- John A. Yarmuth: aye
- Kevin Yoder: no
- C. W. Bill Young: no
- Don Young: no
- Todd Young: no
May 11, 2011: On Agreeing to the Amendment
- Yeas: 179
- Nays: 247
- Absent: 5
- Dennis A. Cardoza: aye
- Geoff Davis: no
- Gabrielle Giffords: absent
- Jay Inslee: aye
- Thaddeus G. McCotter: no
- Donald M. Payne: aye
- Anthony D. Weiner: aye
- David Wu: aye
- Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.: aye
- Bob Filner: aye
- Gary L. Ackerman: aye
- Sandy Adams: no
- W. Todd Akin: no
- Jason Altmire: no
- Steve Austria: no
- Joe Baca: aye
- Roscoe G. Bartlett: no
- Charles F. Bass: aye
- Rick Berg: no
- Shelley Berkley: aye
- Howard L. Berman: aye
- Judy Biggert: no
- Brian P. Bilbray: no
- Mary Bono Mack: no
- Dan Boren: no
- Leonard L. Boswell: aye
- Ann Marie Buerkle: no
- Dan Burton: no
- Francisco "Quico" Canseco: no
- Russ Carnahan: aye
- Ben Chandler: aye
- Hansen Clarke: aye
- Jerry F. Costello: aye
- Chip Cravaack: no
- Mark S. Critz: aye
- Norman D. Dicks: aye
- Robert J. Dold: no
- David Dreier: no
- Barney Frank: aye
- Elton Gallegly: no
- Charles A. Gonzalez: aye
- Frank C. Guinta: no
- Nan A. S. Hayworth: no
- Wally Herger: no
- Maurice D. Hinchey: aye
- Tim Holden: no
- Timothy V. Johnson: no
- Dale E. Kildee: aye
- Larry Kissell: aye
- Dennis J. Kucinich: aye
- Steven C. LaTourette: no
- Jeffrey M. Landry: no
- Jerry Lewis: no
- Daniel E. Lungren: no
- Connie Mack: no
- Donald A. Manzullo: no
- Brad Miller: aye
- Sue Wilkins Myrick: no
- John W. Olver: aye
- Ron Paul: no
- Mike Pence: no
- Todd Russell Platts: no
- Benjamin Quayle: no
- Denny Rehberg: no
- Silvestre Reyes: aye
- Laura Richardson: aye
- David Rivera: no
- Mike Ross: no
- Steven R. Rothman: aye
- Robert T. Schilling: no
- Jean Schmidt: no
- Heath Shuler: aye
- Fortney Pete Stark: aye
- Cliff Stearns: no
- John Sullivan: absent
- Betty Sutton: aye
- Edolphus Towns: aye
- Joe Walsh: no
- Allen B. West: no
- Lynn C. Woolsey: aye
- Jo Ann Emerson: no
- Robert B. Aderholt: no
- Rodney Alexander: no
- Justin Amash: no
- Robert E. Andrews: aye
- Michele Bachmann: no
- Spencer Bachus: no
- Tammy Baldwin: aye
- Lou Barletta: no
- John Barrow: no
- Joe Barton: no
- Karen Bass: aye
- Xavier Becerra: aye
- Dan Benishek: no
- Gus M. Bilirakis: no
- Rob Bishop: no
- Jr. Sanford D. Bishop: aye
- Timothy H. Bishop: aye
- Diane Black: no
- Marsha Blackburn: no
- Earl Blumenauer: aye
- Jo Bonner: no
- Charles W. Boustany, Jr.: no
- Kevin Brady: no
- Robert A. Brady: aye
- Bruce L. Braley: aye
- Mo Brooks: no
- Paul C. Broun: no
- Corrine Brown: aye
- Vern Buchanan: no
- Larry Bucshon: no
- Michael C. Burgess: no
- G. K. Butterfield: aye
- Ken Calvert: no
- Dave Camp: no
- John Campbell: no
- Eric Cantor: no
- Shelley Moore Capito: no
- Lois Capps: aye
- Michael E. Capuano: aye
- John C. Carney, Jr.: aye
- André Carson: aye
- John R. Carter: no
- Bill Cassidy: no
- Kathy Castor: aye
- Steve Chabot: no
- Jason Chaffetz: no
- Judy Chu: aye
- David N. Cicilline: aye
- Yvette D. Clarke: aye
- Wm. Lacy Clay: aye
- Emanuel Cleaver: aye
- James E. Clyburn: aye
- Howard Coble: no
- Mike Coffman: no
- Steve Cohen: aye
- Tom Cole: no
- K. Michael Conaway: no
- Gerald E. Connolly: aye
- John Conyers, Jr.: aye
- Jim Cooper: aye
- Jim Costa: no
- Joe Courtney: aye
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford: no
- Ander Crenshaw: no
- Joseph Crowley: aye
- Henry Cuellar: aye
- John Abney Culberson: no
- Elijah E. Cummings: aye
- Danny K. Davis: aye
- Susan A. Davis: aye
- Peter A. DeFazio: aye
- Diana DeGette: aye
- Rosa L. DeLauro: aye
- Jeff Denham: no
- Charles W. Dent: no
- Scott DesJarlais: no
- Theodore E. Deutch: aye
- Mario Diaz-Balart: no
- John D. Dingell: aye
- Lloyd Doggett: aye
- Joe Donnelly: no
- Michael F. Doyle: aye
- Sean P. Duffy: no
- Jeff Duncan: no
- John J. Duncan, Jr.: no
- Donna F. Edwards: aye
- Keith Ellison: aye
- Renee L. Ellmers: no
- Eliot L. Engel: aye
- Anna G. Eshoo: aye
- Blake Farenthold: no
- Sam Farr: aye
- Chaka Fattah: aye
- Stephen Lee Fincher: no
- Michael G. Fitzpatrick: no
- Jeff Flake: no
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann: no
- John Fleming: no
- Bill Flores: no
- J. Randy Forbes: no
- Jeff Fortenberry: no
- Virginia Foxx: no
- Trent Franks: no
- Rodney P. Frelinghuysen: no
- Marcia L. Fudge: aye
- John Garamendi: aye
- Cory Gardner: no
- Scott Garrett: no
- Jim Gerlach: no
- Bob Gibbs: no
- Christopher P. Gibson: no
- Phil Gingrey: no
- Louie Gohmert: no
- Bob Goodlatte: no
- Paul A. Gosar: no
- Trey Gowdy: no
- Kay Granger: no
- Sam Graves: no
- Tom Graves: no
- Al Green: no
- Gene Green: no
- Tim Griffin: no
- H. Morgan Griffith: no
- Raúl M. Grijalva: aye
- Michael G. Grimm: no
- Brett Guthrie: no
- Luis V. Gutierrez: aye
- Ralph M. Hall: no
- Colleen Hanabusa: aye
- Richard L. Hanna: no
- Gregg Harper: no
- Andy Harris: no
- Vicky Hartzler: no
- Alcee L. Hastings: aye
- Doc Hastings: absent
- Joseph J. Heck: no
- Martin Heinrich: aye
- Jeb Hensarling: no
- Jaime Herrera Beutler: no
- Brian Higgins: aye
- James A. Himes: aye
- Ruben Hinojosa: no
- Mazie K. Hirono: aye
- Rush Holt: aye
- Michael M. Honda: aye
- Steny H. Hoyer: aye
- Tim Huelskamp: no
- Bill Huizenga: absent
- Randy Hultgren: no
- Duncan D. Hunter: no
- Robert Hurt: no
- Steve Israel: aye
- Darrell Issa: no
- Sheila Jackson Lee: no
- Lynn Jenkins: no
- Bill Johnson: no
- Eddie Bernice Johnson: aye
- Jr. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson: aye
- Sam Johnson: absent
- Walter B. Jones, Jr.: aye
- Jim Jordan: no
- Marcy Kaptur: aye
- William R. Keating: aye
- Mike Kelly: no
- Ron Kind: aye
- Peter T. King: no
- Steve King: no
- Jack Kingston: no
- Adam Kinzinger: no
- John Kline: no
- Raul R. Labrador: no
- Doug Lamborn: no
- Leonard Lance: no
- James R. Langevin: aye
- James Lankford: no
- Rick Larsen: aye
- John B. Larson: aye
- Tom Latham: no
- Robert E. Latta: no
- Barbara Lee: aye
- Sander M. Levin: aye
- John Lewis: aye
- Daniel Lipinski: aye
- Frank A. LoBiondo: no
- David Loebsack: aye
- Zoe Lofgren: aye
- Billy Long: no
- Nita M. Lowey: aye
- Frank D. Lucas: no
- Blaine Luetkemeyer: no
- Ben Ray Lujan: aye
- Cynthia M. Lummis: no
- Stephen F. Lynch: aye
- Carolyn B. Maloney: aye
- Kenny Marchant: no
- Tom Marino: no
- Edward J. Markey: aye
- Jim Matheson: no
- Doris O. Matsui: aye
- Carolyn McCarthy: aye
- Kevin McCarthy: no
- Michael T. McCaul: no
- Tom McClintock: no
- Betty McCollum: aye
- Jim McDermott: aye
- James P. McGovern: aye
- Patrick T. McHenry: no
- Mike McIntyre: aye
- Howard P. "Buck" McKeon: no
- David B. McKinley: no
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers: no
- Jerry McNerney: aye
- Patrick Meehan: no
- Gregory W. Meeks: aye
- John L. Mica: no
- Michael H. Michaud: aye
- Candice S. Miller: no
- Gary G. Miller: no
- George Miller: aye
- Jeff Miller: no
- Gwen Moore: aye
- James P. Moran: aye
- Mick Mulvaney: no
- Christopher Murphy: aye
- Tim Murphy: no
- Jerrold Nadler: aye
- Grace F. Napolitano: aye
- Richard E. Neal: aye
- Randy Neugebauer: no
- Kristi L. Noem: no
- Richard B. Nugent: no
- Devin Nunes: no
- Alan Nunnelee: no
- Pete Olson: no
- William L. Owens: no
- Steven M. Palazzo: no
- Jr. Frank Pallone: aye
- Jr. Bill Pascrell: aye
- Ed Pastor: aye
- Erik Paulsen: no
- Stevan Pearce: no
- Nancy Pelosi: aye
- Ed Perlmutter: aye
- Gary C. Peters: aye
- Collin C. Peterson: no
- Thomas E. Petri: no
- Chellie Pingree: aye
- Joseph R. Pitts: no
- Ted Poe: no
- Jared Polis: aye
- Mike Pompeo: no
- Bill Posey: no
- David E. Price: aye
- Tom Price: no
- Mike Quigley: aye
- Nick J. Rahall, II: aye
- Charles B. Rangel: aye
- Tom Reed: no
- David G. Reichert: no
- James B. Renacci: no
- Reid J. Ribble: no
- Cedric L. Richmond: aye
- E. Scott Rigell: no
- Martha Roby: no
- David P. Roe: no
- Harold Rogers: no
- Mike J. Rogers: no
- Mike Rogers: no
- Dana Rohrabacher: no
- Todd Rokita: no
- Thomas J. Rooney: no
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: no
- Peter J. Roskam: no
- Dennis A. Ross: no
- Lucille Roybal-Allard: aye
- Edward R. Royce: no
- Jon Runyan: no
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger: aye
- Bobby L. Rush: aye
- Paul D. Ryan: no
- Tim Ryan: aye
- Loretta Sanchez: aye
- John P. Sarbanes: aye
- Steve Scalise: no
- Janice D. Schakowsky: aye
- Adam B. Schiff: aye
- Aaron Schock: no
- Kurt Schrader: aye
- Allyson Y. Schwartz: aye
- David Schweikert: no
- Austin Scott: no
- David Scott: aye
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott: aye
- Tim Scott: no
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.: no
- Jose E. Serrano: aye
- Pete Sessions: no
- Terri A. Sewell: aye
- Brad Sherman: aye
- John Shimkus: no
- Bill Shuster: no
- Michael K. Simpson: no
- Albio Sires: aye
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter: aye
- Adam Smith: aye
- Adrian Smith: no
- Christopher H. Smith: no
- Lamar Smith: no
- Steve Southerland, II: no
- Jackie Speier: aye
- Steve Stivers: no
- Marlin A. Stutzman: no
- Linda T. Sánchez: aye
- Lee Terry: no
- Bennie G. Thompson: aye
- Mike Thompson: aye
- Glenn Thompson: no
- Mac Thornberry: no
- Patrick J. Tiberi: no
- John F. Tierney: aye
- Scott R. Tipton: no
- Paul Tonko: aye
- Niki Tsongas: aye
- Michael R. Turner: no
- Fred Upton: no
- Chris Van Hollen: aye
- Nydia M. Velázquez: aye
- Peter J. Visclosky: aye
- Tim Walberg: no
- Greg Walden: no
- Timothy J. Walz: aye
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: aye
- Maxine Waters: aye
- Melvin L. Watt: aye
- Henry A. Waxman: aye
- Daniel Webster: no
- Peter Welch: aye
- Lynn A. Westmoreland: no
- Ed Whitfield: no
- Joe Wilson: no
- Frederica S. Wilson: aye
- Robert J. Wittman: no
- Frank R. Wolf: no
- Steve Womack: no
- Rob Woodall: no
- John A. Yarmuth: aye
- Kevin Yoder: no
- C. W. Bill Young: no
- Don Young: no
- Todd Young: no
May 11, 2011: On Agreeing to the Amendment
- Yeas: 174
- Nays: 254
- Absent: 3
- Dennis A. Cardoza: no
- Geoff Davis: no
- Gabrielle Giffords: absent
- Jay Inslee: aye
- Thaddeus G. McCotter: no
- Donald M. Payne: aye
- Anthony D. Weiner: aye
- David Wu: aye
- Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.: aye
- Bob Filner: aye
- Gary L. Ackerman: aye
- Sandy Adams: no
- W. Todd Akin: no
- Jason Altmire: no
- Steve Austria: no
- Joe Baca: aye
- Roscoe G. Bartlett: no
- Charles F. Bass: no
- Rick Berg: no
- Shelley Berkley: aye
- Howard L. Berman: aye
- Judy Biggert: no
- Brian P. Bilbray: no
- Mary Bono Mack: no
- Dan Boren: no
- Leonard L. Boswell: no
- Ann Marie Buerkle: no
- Dan Burton: no
- Francisco "Quico" Canseco: no
- Russ Carnahan: aye
- Ben Chandler: aye
- Hansen Clarke: aye
- Jerry F. Costello: aye
- Chip Cravaack: no
- Mark S. Critz: no
- Norman D. Dicks: aye
- Robert J. Dold: no
- David Dreier: no
- Barney Frank: aye
- Elton Gallegly: no
- Charles A. Gonzalez: aye
- Frank C. Guinta: no
- Nan A. S. Hayworth: no
- Wally Herger: no
- Maurice D. Hinchey: aye
- Tim Holden: no
- Timothy V. Johnson: no
- Dale E. Kildee: aye
- Larry Kissell: aye
- Dennis J. Kucinich: aye
- Steven C. LaTourette: no
- Jeffrey M. Landry: no
- Jerry Lewis: no
- Daniel E. Lungren: no
- Connie Mack: no
- Donald A. Manzullo: no
- Brad Miller: aye
- Sue Wilkins Myrick: no
- John W. Olver: aye
- Ron Paul: no
- Mike Pence: no
- Todd Russell Platts: no
- Benjamin Quayle: no
- Denny Rehberg: no
- Silvestre Reyes: aye
- Laura Richardson: aye
- David Rivera: no
- Mike Ross: no
- Steven R. Rothman: aye
- Robert T. Schilling: no
- Jean Schmidt: no
- Heath Shuler: aye
- Fortney Pete Stark: aye
- Cliff Stearns: no
- John Sullivan: no
- Betty Sutton: aye
- Edolphus Towns: aye
- Joe Walsh: no
- Allen B. West: no
- Lynn C. Woolsey: aye
- Jo Ann Emerson: no
- Robert B. Aderholt: no
- Rodney Alexander: no
- Justin Amash: no
- Robert E. Andrews: aye
- Michele Bachmann: no
- Spencer Bachus: no
- Tammy Baldwin: aye
- Lou Barletta: no
- John Barrow: no
- Joe Barton: no
- Karen Bass: aye
- Xavier Becerra: aye
- Dan Benishek: no
- Gus M. Bilirakis: no
- Rob Bishop: no
- Jr. Sanford D. Bishop: aye
- Timothy H. Bishop: aye
- Diane Black: no
- Marsha Blackburn: no
- Earl Blumenauer: aye
- Jo Bonner: no
- Charles W. Boustany, Jr.: no
- Kevin Brady: no
- Robert A. Brady: aye
- Bruce L. Braley: aye
- Mo Brooks: no
- Paul C. Broun: no
- Corrine Brown: aye
- Vern Buchanan: no
- Larry Bucshon: no
- Michael C. Burgess: no
- G. K. Butterfield: aye
- Ken Calvert: no
- Dave Camp: no
- John Campbell: no
- Eric Cantor: no
- Shelley Moore Capito: no
- Lois Capps: aye
- Michael E. Capuano: aye
- John C. Carney, Jr.: aye
- André Carson: aye
- John R. Carter: no
- Bill Cassidy: no
- Kathy Castor: aye
- Steve Chabot: no
- Jason Chaffetz: no
- Judy Chu: aye
- David N. Cicilline: aye
- Yvette D. Clarke: aye
- Wm. Lacy Clay: aye
- Emanuel Cleaver: aye
- James E. Clyburn: aye
- Howard Coble: no
- Mike Coffman: no
- Steve Cohen: aye
- Tom Cole: no
- K. Michael Conaway: no
- Gerald E. Connolly: aye
- John Conyers, Jr.: aye
- Jim Cooper: aye
- Jim Costa: no
- Joe Courtney: aye
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford: no
- Ander Crenshaw: no
- Joseph Crowley: aye
- Henry Cuellar: no
- John Abney Culberson: no
- Elijah E. Cummings: aye
- Danny K. Davis: aye
- Susan A. Davis: aye
- Peter A. DeFazio: aye
- Diana DeGette: aye
- Rosa L. DeLauro: aye
- Jeff Denham: no
- Charles W. Dent: no
- Scott DesJarlais: no
- Theodore E. Deutch: aye
- Mario Diaz-Balart: no
- John D. Dingell: aye
- Lloyd Doggett: aye
- Joe Donnelly: no
- Michael F. Doyle: aye
- Sean P. Duffy: no
- Jeff Duncan: no
- John J. Duncan, Jr.: no
- Donna F. Edwards: aye
- Keith Ellison: aye
- Renee L. Ellmers: no
- Eliot L. Engel: aye
- Anna G. Eshoo: aye
- Blake Farenthold: no
- Sam Farr: aye
- Chaka Fattah: aye
- Stephen Lee Fincher: no
- Michael G. Fitzpatrick: no
- Jeff Flake: no
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann: no
- John Fleming: no
- Bill Flores: no
- J. Randy Forbes: no
- Jeff Fortenberry: no
- Virginia Foxx: no
- Trent Franks: no
- Rodney P. Frelinghuysen: no
- Marcia L. Fudge: aye
- John Garamendi: aye
- Cory Gardner: no
- Scott Garrett: no
- Jim Gerlach: no
- Bob Gibbs: no
- Christopher P. Gibson: no
- Phil Gingrey: no
- Louie Gohmert: no
- Bob Goodlatte: no
- Paul A. Gosar: no
- Trey Gowdy: no
- Kay Granger: no
- Sam Graves: no
- Tom Graves: no
- Al Green: no
- Gene Green: no
- Tim Griffin: no
- H. Morgan Griffith: no
- Raúl M. Grijalva: aye
- Michael G. Grimm: no
- Brett Guthrie: no
- Luis V. Gutierrez: aye
- Ralph M. Hall: no
- Colleen Hanabusa: aye
- Richard L. Hanna: no
- Gregg Harper: no
- Andy Harris: no
- Vicky Hartzler: no
- Alcee L. Hastings: aye
- Doc Hastings: absent
- Joseph J. Heck: no
- Martin Heinrich: aye
- Jeb Hensarling: no
- Jaime Herrera Beutler: no
- Brian Higgins: aye
- James A. Himes: aye
- Ruben Hinojosa: no
- Mazie K. Hirono: aye
- Rush Holt: aye
- Michael M. Honda: aye
- Steny H. Hoyer: aye
- Tim Huelskamp: no
- Bill Huizenga: no
- Randy Hultgren: no
- Duncan D. Hunter: no
- Robert Hurt: no
- Steve Israel: aye
- Darrell Issa: no
- Sheila Jackson Lee: aye
- Lynn Jenkins: no
- Bill Johnson: no
- Eddie Bernice Johnson: aye
- Jr. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson: aye
- Sam Johnson: absent
- Walter B. Jones, Jr.: aye
- Jim Jordan: no
- Marcy Kaptur: aye
- William R. Keating: aye
- Mike Kelly: no
- Ron Kind: aye
- Peter T. King: no
- Steve King: no
- Jack Kingston: no
- Adam Kinzinger: no
- John Kline: no
- Raul R. Labrador: no
- Doug Lamborn: no
- Leonard Lance: no
- James R. Langevin: aye
- James Lankford: no
- Rick Larsen: aye
- John B. Larson: aye
- Tom Latham: no
- Robert E. Latta: no
- Barbara Lee: aye
- Sander M. Levin: aye
- John Lewis: aye
- Daniel Lipinski: aye
- Frank A. LoBiondo: no
- David Loebsack: aye
- Zoe Lofgren: aye
- Billy Long: no
- Nita M. Lowey: aye
- Frank D. Lucas: no
- Blaine Luetkemeyer: no
- Ben Ray Lujan: aye
- Cynthia M. Lummis: no
- Stephen F. Lynch: aye
- Carolyn B. Maloney: aye
- Kenny Marchant: no
- Tom Marino: no
- Edward J. Markey: aye
- Jim Matheson: no
- Doris O. Matsui: aye
- Carolyn McCarthy: aye
- Kevin McCarthy: no
- Michael T. McCaul: no
- Tom McClintock: no
- Betty McCollum: aye
- Jim McDermott: aye
- James P. McGovern: aye
- Patrick T. McHenry: no
- Mike McIntyre: aye
- Howard P. "Buck" McKeon: no
- David B. McKinley: no
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers: no
- Jerry McNerney: aye
- Patrick Meehan: no
- Gregory W. Meeks: aye
- John L. Mica: no
- Michael H. Michaud: aye
- Candice S. Miller: no
- Gary G. Miller: no
- George Miller: aye
- Jeff Miller: no
- Gwen Moore: aye
- James P. Moran: aye
- Mick Mulvaney: no
- Christopher Murphy: aye
- Tim Murphy: no
- Jerrold Nadler: aye
- Grace F. Napolitano: aye
- Richard E. Neal: aye
- Randy Neugebauer: no
- Kristi L. Noem: no
- Richard B. Nugent: no
- Devin Nunes: no
- Alan Nunnelee: no
- Pete Olson: no
- William L. Owens: no
- Steven M. Palazzo: no
- Jr. Frank Pallone: aye
- Jr. Bill Pascrell: aye
- Ed Pastor: aye
- Erik Paulsen: no
- Stevan Pearce: no
- Nancy Pelosi: aye
- Ed Perlmutter: aye
- Gary C. Peters: aye
- Collin C. Peterson: no
- Thomas E. Petri: no
- Chellie Pingree: aye
- Joseph R. Pitts: no
- Ted Poe: no
- Jared Polis: aye
- Mike Pompeo: no
- Bill Posey: no
- David E. Price: aye
- Tom Price: no
- Mike Quigley: aye
- Nick J. Rahall, II: aye
- Charles B. Rangel: aye
- Tom Reed: no
- David G. Reichert: no
- James B. Renacci: no
- Reid J. Ribble: no
- Cedric L. Richmond: aye
- E. Scott Rigell: no
- Martha Roby: no
- David P. Roe: no
- Harold Rogers: no
- Mike J. Rogers: no
- Mike Rogers: no
- Dana Rohrabacher: no
- Todd Rokita: no
- Thomas J. Rooney: no
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: no
- Peter J. Roskam: no
- Dennis A. Ross: no
- Lucille Roybal-Allard: aye
- Edward R. Royce: no
- Jon Runyan: no
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger: aye
- Bobby L. Rush: aye
- Paul D. Ryan: no
- Tim Ryan: aye
- Loretta Sanchez: aye
- John P. Sarbanes: aye
- Steve Scalise: no
- Janice D. Schakowsky: aye
- Adam B. Schiff: aye
- Aaron Schock: no
- Kurt Schrader: no
- Allyson Y. Schwartz: aye
- David Schweikert: no
- Austin Scott: no
- David Scott: aye
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott: aye
- Tim Scott: no
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.: no
- Jose E. Serrano: aye
- Pete Sessions: no
- Terri A. Sewell: aye
- Brad Sherman: aye
- John Shimkus: no
- Bill Shuster: no
- Michael K. Simpson: no
- Albio Sires: aye
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter: aye
- Adam Smith: aye
- Adrian Smith: no
- Christopher H. Smith: no
- Lamar Smith: no
- Steve Southerland, II: no
- Jackie Speier: aye
- Steve Stivers: no
- Marlin A. Stutzman: no
- Linda T. Sánchez: aye
- Lee Terry: no
- Bennie G. Thompson: aye
- Mike Thompson: aye
- Glenn Thompson: no
- Mac Thornberry: no
- Patrick J. Tiberi: no
- John F. Tierney: aye
- Scott R. Tipton: no
- Paul Tonko: aye
- Niki Tsongas: aye
- Michael R. Turner: no
- Fred Upton: no
- Chris Van Hollen: aye
- Nydia M. Velázquez: aye
- Peter J. Visclosky: aye
- Tim Walberg: no
- Greg Walden: no
- Timothy J. Walz: aye
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: aye
- Maxine Waters: aye
- Melvin L. Watt: aye
- Henry A. Waxman: aye
- Daniel Webster: no
- Peter Welch: aye
- Lynn A. Westmoreland: no
- Ed Whitfield: no
- Joe Wilson: no
- Frederica S. Wilson: aye
- Robert J. Wittman: no
- Frank R. Wolf: no
- Steve Womack: no
- Rob Woodall: no
- John A. Yarmuth: aye
- Kevin Yoder: no
- C. W. Bill Young: no
- Don Young: no
- Todd Young: no
May 11, 2011: On Agreeing to the Amendment
- Yeas: 169
- Nays: 258
- Absent: 4
- Dennis A. Cardoza: no
- Geoff Davis: no
- Gabrielle Giffords: absent
- Jay Inslee: aye
- Thaddeus G. McCotter: no
- Donald M. Payne: aye
- Anthony D. Weiner: aye
- David Wu: aye
- Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.: aye
- Bob Filner: aye
- Gary L. Ackerman: aye
- Sandy Adams: no
- W. Todd Akin: no
- Jason Altmire: no
- Steve Austria: no
- Joe Baca: aye
- Roscoe G. Bartlett: no
- Charles F. Bass: no
- Rick Berg: no
- Shelley Berkley: aye
- Howard L. Berman: aye
- Judy Biggert: no
- Brian P. Bilbray: absent
- Mary Bono Mack: no
- Dan Boren: no
- Leonard L. Boswell: aye
- Ann Marie Buerkle: no
- Dan Burton: no
- Francisco "Quico" Canseco: no
- Russ Carnahan: aye
- Ben Chandler: aye
- Hansen Clarke: aye
- Jerry F. Costello: no
- Chip Cravaack: no
- Mark S. Critz: aye
- Norman D. Dicks: aye
- Robert J. Dold: no
- David Dreier: no
- Barney Frank: aye
- Elton Gallegly: no
- Charles A. Gonzalez: no
- Frank C. Guinta: no
- Nan A. S. Hayworth: no
- Wally Herger: no
- Maurice D. Hinchey: aye
- Tim Holden: no
- Timothy V. Johnson: no
- Dale E. Kildee: aye
- Larry Kissell: aye
- Dennis J. Kucinich: aye
- Steven C. LaTourette: no
- Jeffrey M. Landry: no
- Jerry Lewis: no
- Daniel E. Lungren: no
- Connie Mack: no
- Donald A. Manzullo: no
- Brad Miller: aye
- Sue Wilkins Myrick: no
- John W. Olver: aye
- Ron Paul: no
- Mike Pence: no
- Todd Russell Platts: no
- Benjamin Quayle: no
- Denny Rehberg: no
- Silvestre Reyes: aye
- Laura Richardson: aye
- David Rivera: no
- Mike Ross: no
- Steven R. Rothman: aye
- Robert T. Schilling: no
- Jean Schmidt: no
- Heath Shuler: no
- Fortney Pete Stark: aye
- Cliff Stearns: no
- John Sullivan: no
- Betty Sutton: aye
- Edolphus Towns: aye
- Joe Walsh: no
- Allen B. West: no
- Lynn C. Woolsey: aye
- Jo Ann Emerson: no
- Robert B. Aderholt: no
- Rodney Alexander: no
- Justin Amash: no
- Robert E. Andrews: aye
- Michele Bachmann: no
- Spencer Bachus: no
- Tammy Baldwin: aye
- Lou Barletta: no
- John Barrow: no
- Joe Barton: no
- Karen Bass: aye
- Xavier Becerra: aye
- Dan Benishek: no
- Gus M. Bilirakis: no
- Rob Bishop: no
- Jr. Sanford D. Bishop: aye
- Timothy H. Bishop: aye
- Diane Black: no
- Marsha Blackburn: no
- Earl Blumenauer: aye
- Jo Bonner: no
- Charles W. Boustany, Jr.: no
- Kevin Brady: no
- Robert A. Brady: aye
- Bruce L. Braley: aye
- Mo Brooks: no
- Paul C. Broun: no
- Corrine Brown: aye
- Vern Buchanan: no
- Larry Bucshon: no
- Michael C. Burgess: no
- G. K. Butterfield: aye
- Ken Calvert: no
- Dave Camp: no
- John Campbell: no
- Eric Cantor: no
- Shelley Moore Capito: no
- Lois Capps: aye
- Michael E. Capuano: aye
- John C. Carney, Jr.: no
- André Carson: aye
- John R. Carter: no
- Bill Cassidy: no
- Kathy Castor: aye
- Steve Chabot: no
- Jason Chaffetz: no
- Judy Chu: aye
- David N. Cicilline: aye
- Yvette D. Clarke: aye
- Wm. Lacy Clay: aye
- Emanuel Cleaver: aye
- James E. Clyburn: aye
- Howard Coble: no
- Mike Coffman: no
- Steve Cohen: aye
- Tom Cole: no
- K. Michael Conaway: no
- Gerald E. Connolly: no
- John Conyers, Jr.: aye
- Jim Cooper: aye
- Jim Costa: no
- Joe Courtney: aye
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford: no
- Ander Crenshaw: no
- Joseph Crowley: aye
- Henry Cuellar: no
- John Abney Culberson: no
- Elijah E. Cummings: aye
- Danny K. Davis: aye
- Susan A. Davis: aye
- Peter A. DeFazio: aye
- Diana DeGette: aye
- Rosa L. DeLauro: aye
- Jeff Denham: no
- Charles W. Dent: no
- Scott DesJarlais: no
- Theodore E. Deutch: aye
- Mario Diaz-Balart: no
- John D. Dingell: aye
- Lloyd Doggett: aye
- Joe Donnelly: aye
- Michael F. Doyle: aye
- Sean P. Duffy: no
- Jeff Duncan: no
- John J. Duncan, Jr.: no
- Donna F. Edwards: aye
- Keith Ellison: aye
- Renee L. Ellmers: no
- Eliot L. Engel: aye
- Anna G. Eshoo: aye
- Blake Farenthold: no
- Sam Farr: aye
- Chaka Fattah: aye
- Stephen Lee Fincher: no
- Michael G. Fitzpatrick: no
- Jeff Flake: no
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann: no
- John Fleming: no
- Bill Flores: no
- J. Randy Forbes: no
- Jeff Fortenberry: no
- Virginia Foxx: no
- Trent Franks: no
- Rodney P. Frelinghuysen: no
- Marcia L. Fudge: aye
- John Garamendi: aye
- Cory Gardner: no
- Scott Garrett: no
- Jim Gerlach: no
- Bob Gibbs: no
- Christopher P. Gibson: no
- Phil Gingrey: no
- Louie Gohmert: no
- Bob Goodlatte: no
- Paul A. Gosar: no
- Trey Gowdy: no
- Kay Granger: no
- Sam Graves: no
- Tom Graves: no
- Al Green: no
- Gene Green: no
- Tim Griffin: no
- H. Morgan Griffith: no
- Raúl M. Grijalva: aye
- Michael G. Grimm: no
- Brett Guthrie: no
- Luis V. Gutierrez: aye
- Ralph M. Hall: no
- Colleen Hanabusa: aye
- Richard L. Hanna: no
- Gregg Harper: no
- Andy Harris: no
- Vicky Hartzler: no
- Alcee L. Hastings: aye
- Doc Hastings: absent
- Joseph J. Heck: no
- Martin Heinrich: aye
- Jeb Hensarling: no
- Jaime Herrera Beutler: no
- Brian Higgins: aye
- James A. Himes: aye
- Ruben Hinojosa: no
- Mazie K. Hirono: aye
- Rush Holt: aye
- Michael M. Honda: aye
- Steny H. Hoyer: aye
- Tim Huelskamp: no
- Bill Huizenga: no
- Randy Hultgren: no
- Duncan D. Hunter: no
- Robert Hurt: no
- Steve Israel: aye
- Darrell Issa: no
- Sheila Jackson Lee: aye
- Lynn Jenkins: no
- Bill Johnson: no
- Eddie Bernice Johnson: aye
- Jr. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson: aye
- Sam Johnson: absent
- Walter B. Jones, Jr.: aye
- Jim Jordan: no
- Marcy Kaptur: aye
- William R. Keating: aye
- Mike Kelly: no
- Ron Kind: aye
- Peter T. King: no
- Steve King: no
- Jack Kingston: no
- Adam Kinzinger: no
- John Kline: no
- Raul R. Labrador: no
- Doug Lamborn: no
- Leonard Lance: no
- James R. Langevin: aye
- James Lankford: no
- Rick Larsen: aye
- John B. Larson: aye
- Tom Latham: no
- Robert E. Latta: no
- Barbara Lee: aye
- Sander M. Levin: aye
- John Lewis: aye
- Daniel Lipinski: no
- Frank A. LoBiondo: no
- David Loebsack: aye
- Zoe Lofgren: aye
- Billy Long: no
- Nita M. Lowey: aye
- Frank D. Lucas: no
- Blaine Luetkemeyer: no
- Ben Ray Lujan: aye
- Cynthia M. Lummis: no
- Stephen F. Lynch: aye
- Carolyn B. Maloney: aye
- Kenny Marchant: no
- Tom Marino: no
- Edward J. Markey: aye
- Jim Matheson: no
- Doris O. Matsui: aye
- Carolyn McCarthy: aye
- Kevin McCarthy: no
- Michael T. McCaul: no
- Tom McClintock: no
- Betty McCollum: aye
- Jim McDermott: aye
- James P. McGovern: aye
- Patrick T. McHenry: no
- Mike McIntyre: aye
- Howard P. "Buck" McKeon: no
- David B. McKinley: no
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers: no
- Jerry McNerney: aye
- Patrick Meehan: no
- Gregory W. Meeks: aye
- John L. Mica: no
- Michael H. Michaud: aye
- Candice S. Miller: no
- Gary G. Miller: no
- George Miller: aye
- Jeff Miller: no
- Gwen Moore: aye
- James P. Moran: aye
- Mick Mulvaney: no
- Christopher Murphy: aye
- Tim Murphy: no
- Jerrold Nadler: aye
- Grace F. Napolitano: aye
- Richard E. Neal: aye
- Randy Neugebauer: no
- Kristi L. Noem: no
- Richard B. Nugent: no
- Devin Nunes: no
- Alan Nunnelee: no
- Pete Olson: no
- William L. Owens: no
- Steven M. Palazzo: no
- Jr. Frank Pallone: aye
- Jr. Bill Pascrell: aye
- Ed Pastor: aye
- Erik Paulsen: no
- Stevan Pearce: no
- Nancy Pelosi: aye
- Ed Perlmutter: no
- Gary C. Peters: aye
- Collin C. Peterson: no
- Thomas E. Petri: no
- Chellie Pingree: aye
- Joseph R. Pitts: no
- Ted Poe: no
- Jared Polis: aye
- Mike Pompeo: no
- Bill Posey: no
- David E. Price: aye
- Tom Price: no
- Mike Quigley: aye
- Nick J. Rahall, II: aye
- Charles B. Rangel: aye
- Tom Reed: no
- David G. Reichert: no
- James B. Renacci: no
- Reid J. Ribble: no
- Cedric L. Richmond: aye
- E. Scott Rigell: no
- Martha Roby: no
- David P. Roe: no
- Harold Rogers: no
- Mike J. Rogers: no
- Mike Rogers: no
- Dana Rohrabacher: no
- Todd Rokita: no
- Thomas J. Rooney: no
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: no
- Peter J. Roskam: no
- Dennis A. Ross: no
- Lucille Roybal-Allard: aye
- Edward R. Royce: no
- Jon Runyan: no
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger: aye
- Bobby L. Rush: aye
- Paul D. Ryan: no
- Tim Ryan: aye
- Loretta Sanchez: no
- John P. Sarbanes: aye
- Steve Scalise: no
- Janice D. Schakowsky: aye
- Adam B. Schiff: aye
- Aaron Schock: no
- Kurt Schrader: aye
- Allyson Y. Schwartz: no
- David Schweikert: no
- Austin Scott: no
- David Scott: aye
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott: aye
- Tim Scott: no
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.: no
- Jose E. Serrano: aye
- Pete Sessions: no
- Terri A. Sewell: aye
- Brad Sherman: aye
- John Shimkus: no
- Bill Shuster: no
- Michael K. Simpson: no
- Albio Sires: aye
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter: aye
- Adam Smith: aye
- Adrian Smith: no
- Christopher H. Smith: no
- Lamar Smith: no
- Steve Southerland, II: no
- Jackie Speier: aye
- Steve Stivers: no
- Marlin A. Stutzman: no
- Linda T. Sánchez: aye
- Lee Terry: no
- Bennie G. Thompson: aye
- Mike Thompson: aye
- Glenn Thompson: no
- Mac Thornberry: no
- Patrick J. Tiberi: no
- John F. Tierney: aye
- Scott R. Tipton: no
- Paul Tonko: aye
- Niki Tsongas: aye
- Michael R. Turner: no
- Fred Upton: no
- Chris Van Hollen: aye
- Nydia M. Velázquez: aye
- Peter J. Visclosky: aye
- Tim Walberg: no
- Greg Walden: no
- Timothy J. Walz: aye
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: aye
- Maxine Waters: aye
- Melvin L. Watt: aye
- Henry A. Waxman: aye
- Daniel Webster: no
- Peter Welch: aye
- Lynn A. Westmoreland: no
- Ed Whitfield: no
- Joe Wilson: no
- Frederica S. Wilson: aye
- Robert J. Wittman: no
- Frank R. Wolf: no
- Steve Womack: no
- Rob Woodall: no
- John A. Yarmuth: aye
- Kevin Yoder: no
- C. W. Bill Young: no
- Don Young: no
- Todd Young: no
May 10, 2011: On Agreeing to the Amendment
- Yeas: 169
- Nays: 240
- Absent: 22
- Dennis A. Cardoza: no
- Geoff Davis: no
- Gabrielle Giffords: absent
- Jay Inslee: aye
- Thaddeus G. McCotter: no
- Donald M. Payne: aye
- Anthony D. Weiner: aye
- David Wu: aye
- Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.: absent
- Bob Filner: aye
- Gary L. Ackerman: aye
- Sandy Adams: no
- W. Todd Akin: no
- Jason Altmire: aye
- Steve Austria: no
- Joe Baca: aye
- Roscoe G. Bartlett: aye
- Charles F. Bass: no
- Rick Berg: no
- Shelley Berkley: aye
- Howard L. Berman: aye
- Judy Biggert: no
- Brian P. Bilbray: no
- Mary Bono Mack: no
- Dan Boren: no
- Leonard L. Boswell: aye
- Ann Marie Buerkle: no
- Dan Burton: no
- Francisco "Quico" Canseco: no
- Russ Carnahan: aye
- Ben Chandler: no
- Hansen Clarke: aye
- Jerry F. Costello: aye
- Chip Cravaack: no
- Mark S. Critz: aye
- Norman D. Dicks: aye
- Robert J. Dold: no
- David Dreier: no
- Barney Frank: aye
- Elton Gallegly: no
- Charles A. Gonzalez: aye
- Frank C. Guinta: no
- Nan A. S. Hayworth: no
- Wally Herger: no
- Maurice D. Hinchey: absent
- Tim Holden: aye
- Timothy V. Johnson: no
- Dale E. Kildee: aye
- Larry Kissell: aye
- Dennis J. Kucinich: aye
- Steven C. LaTourette: no
- Jeffrey M. Landry: no
- Jerry Lewis: no
- Daniel E. Lungren: no
- Connie Mack: no
- Donald A. Manzullo: absent
- Brad Miller: aye
- Sue Wilkins Myrick: no
- John W. Olver: aye
- Ron Paul: absent
- Mike Pence: no
- Todd Russell Platts: no
- Benjamin Quayle: no
- Denny Rehberg: no
- Silvestre Reyes: absent
- Laura Richardson: aye
- David Rivera: no
- Mike Ross: no
- Steven R. Rothman: aye
- Robert T. Schilling: no
- Jean Schmidt: no
- Heath Shuler: no
- Fortney Pete Stark: aye
- Cliff Stearns: no
- John Sullivan: no
- Betty Sutton: aye
- Edolphus Towns: aye
- Joe Walsh: no
- Allen B. West: no
- Lynn C. Woolsey: aye
- Jo Ann Emerson: no
- Robert B. Aderholt: no
- Rodney Alexander: no
- Justin Amash: no
- Robert E. Andrews: aye
- Michele Bachmann: no
- Spencer Bachus: no
- Tammy Baldwin: aye
- Lou Barletta: no
- John Barrow: no
- Joe Barton: no
- Karen Bass: aye
- Xavier Becerra: aye
- Dan Benishek: no
- Gus M. Bilirakis: no
- Rob Bishop: no
- Jr. Sanford D. Bishop: no
- Timothy H. Bishop: absent
- Diane Black: no
- Marsha Blackburn: no
- Earl Blumenauer: aye
- Jo Bonner: no
- Charles W. Boustany, Jr.: no
- Kevin Brady: no
- Robert A. Brady: aye
- Bruce L. Braley: aye
- Mo Brooks: no
- Paul C. Broun: no
- Corrine Brown: aye
- Vern Buchanan: aye
- Larry Bucshon: no
- Michael C. Burgess: no
- G. K. Butterfield: aye
- Ken Calvert: no
- Dave Camp: no
- John Campbell: no
- Eric Cantor: no
- Shelley Moore Capito: no
- Lois Capps: aye
- Michael E. Capuano: aye
- John C. Carney, Jr.: absent
- André Carson: aye
- John R. Carter: no
- Bill Cassidy: no
- Kathy Castor: aye
- Steve Chabot: no
- Jason Chaffetz: no
- Judy Chu: aye
- David N. Cicilline: aye
- Yvette D. Clarke: aye
- Wm. Lacy Clay: aye
- Emanuel Cleaver: aye
- James E. Clyburn: aye
- Howard Coble: no
- Mike Coffman: no
- Steve Cohen: aye
- Tom Cole: no
- K. Michael Conaway: no
- Gerald E. Connolly: aye
- John Conyers, Jr.: absent
- Jim Cooper: aye
- Jim Costa: no
- Joe Courtney: aye
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford: no
- Ander Crenshaw: no
- Joseph Crowley: aye
- Henry Cuellar: no
- John Abney Culberson: no
- Elijah E. Cummings: aye
- Danny K. Davis: aye
- Susan A. Davis: aye
- Peter A. DeFazio: aye
- Diana DeGette: aye
- Rosa L. DeLauro: aye
- Jeff Denham: no
- Charles W. Dent: no
- Scott DesJarlais: no
- Theodore E. Deutch: aye
- Mario Diaz-Balart: no
- John D. Dingell: aye
- Lloyd Doggett: aye
- Joe Donnelly: no
- Michael F. Doyle: aye
- Sean P. Duffy: no
- Jeff Duncan: no
- John J. Duncan, Jr.: no
- Donna F. Edwards: aye
- Keith Ellison: aye
- Renee L. Ellmers: no
- Eliot L. Engel: aye
- Anna G. Eshoo: aye
- Blake Farenthold: no
- Sam Farr: aye
- Chaka Fattah: aye
- Stephen Lee Fincher: no
- Michael G. Fitzpatrick: no
- Jeff Flake: no
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann: no
- John Fleming: no
- Bill Flores: no
- J. Randy Forbes: no
- Jeff Fortenberry: no
- Virginia Foxx: no
- Trent Franks: no
- Rodney P. Frelinghuysen: no
- Marcia L. Fudge: aye
- John Garamendi: aye
- Cory Gardner: no
- Scott Garrett: no
- Jim Gerlach: no
- Bob Gibbs: no
- Christopher P. Gibson: no
- Phil Gingrey: no
- Louie Gohmert: no
- Bob Goodlatte: no
- Paul A. Gosar: no
- Trey Gowdy: no
- Kay Granger: no
- Sam Graves: no
- Tom Graves: no
- Al Green: absent
- Gene Green: no
- Tim Griffin: no
- H. Morgan Griffith: no
- Raúl M. Grijalva: aye
- Michael G. Grimm: no
- Brett Guthrie: no
- Luis V. Gutierrez: aye
- Ralph M. Hall: no
- Colleen Hanabusa: aye
- Richard L. Hanna: aye
- Gregg Harper: no
- Andy Harris: no
- Vicky Hartzler: no
- Alcee L. Hastings: aye
- Doc Hastings: absent
- Joseph J. Heck: no
- Martin Heinrich: aye
- Jeb Hensarling: no
- Jaime Herrera Beutler: no
- Brian Higgins: aye
- James A. Himes: aye
- Ruben Hinojosa: absent
- Mazie K. Hirono: aye
- Rush Holt: aye
- Michael M. Honda: aye
- Steny H. Hoyer: aye
- Tim Huelskamp: no
- Bill Huizenga: no
- Randy Hultgren: no
- Duncan D. Hunter: no
- Robert Hurt: no
- Steve Israel: aye
- Darrell Issa: no
- Sheila Jackson Lee: absent
- Lynn Jenkins: no
- Bill Johnson: no
- Eddie Bernice Johnson: aye
- Jr. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson: aye
- Sam Johnson: absent
- Walter B. Jones, Jr.: aye
- Jim Jordan: no
- Marcy Kaptur: aye
- William R. Keating: aye
- Mike Kelly: no
- Ron Kind: aye
- Peter T. King: no
- Steve King: no
- Jack Kingston: no
- Adam Kinzinger: no
- John Kline: no
- Raul R. Labrador: no
- Doug Lamborn: no
- Leonard Lance: no
- James R. Langevin: absent
- James Lankford: no
- Rick Larsen: aye
- John B. Larson: aye
- Tom Latham: no
- Robert E. Latta: no
- Barbara Lee: aye
- Sander M. Levin: aye
- John Lewis: aye
- Daniel Lipinski: aye
- Frank A. LoBiondo: no
- David Loebsack: aye
- Zoe Lofgren: aye
- Billy Long: no
- Nita M. Lowey: aye
- Frank D. Lucas: no
- Blaine Luetkemeyer: no
- Ben Ray Lujan: aye
- Cynthia M. Lummis: no
- Stephen F. Lynch: aye
- Carolyn B. Maloney: aye
- Kenny Marchant: no
- Tom Marino: no
- Edward J. Markey: aye
- Jim Matheson: no
- Doris O. Matsui: aye
- Carolyn McCarthy: aye
- Kevin McCarthy: no
- Michael T. McCaul: no
- Tom McClintock: no
- Betty McCollum: aye
- Jim McDermott: aye
- James P. McGovern: aye
- Patrick T. McHenry: no
- Mike McIntyre: aye
- Howard P. "Buck" McKeon: no
- David B. McKinley: no
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers: no
- Jerry McNerney: aye
- Patrick Meehan: absent
- Gregory W. Meeks: aye
- John L. Mica: no
- Michael H. Michaud: aye
- Candice S. Miller: no
- Gary G. Miller: no
- George Miller: aye
- Jeff Miller: no
- Gwen Moore: aye
- James P. Moran: aye
- Mick Mulvaney: no
- Christopher Murphy: aye
- Tim Murphy: no
- Jerrold Nadler: aye
- Grace F. Napolitano: aye
- Richard E. Neal: aye
- Randy Neugebauer: no
- Kristi L. Noem: no
- Richard B. Nugent: no
- Devin Nunes: no
- Alan Nunnelee: absent
- Pete Olson: no
- William L. Owens: no
- Steven M. Palazzo: no
- Jr. Frank Pallone: aye
- Jr. Bill Pascrell: aye
- Ed Pastor: aye
- Erik Paulsen: no
- Stevan Pearce: no
- Nancy Pelosi: aye
- Ed Perlmutter: no
- Gary C. Peters: aye
- Collin C. Peterson: no
- Thomas E. Petri: no
- Chellie Pingree: aye
- Joseph R. Pitts: no
- Ted Poe: no
- Jared Polis: aye
- Mike Pompeo: no
- Bill Posey: no
- David E. Price: aye
- Tom Price: no
- Mike Quigley: aye
- Nick J. Rahall, II: aye
- Charles B. Rangel: aye
- Tom Reed: absent
- David G. Reichert: no
- James B. Renacci: no
- Reid J. Ribble: no
- Cedric L. Richmond: no
- E. Scott Rigell: no
- Martha Roby: no
- David P. Roe: no
- Harold Rogers: no
- Mike J. Rogers: no
- Mike Rogers: absent
- Dana Rohrabacher: no
- Todd Rokita: no
- Thomas J. Rooney: no
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: aye
- Peter J. Roskam: no
- Dennis A. Ross: absent
- Lucille Roybal-Allard: aye
- Edward R. Royce: no
- Jon Runyan: no
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger: aye
- Bobby L. Rush: aye
- Paul D. Ryan: no
- Tim Ryan: aye
- Loretta Sanchez: aye
- John P. Sarbanes: aye
- Steve Scalise: no
- Janice D. Schakowsky: aye
- Adam B. Schiff: aye
- Aaron Schock: no
- Kurt Schrader: aye
- Allyson Y. Schwartz: aye
- David Schweikert: no
- Austin Scott: no
- David Scott: aye
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott: aye
- Tim Scott: no
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.: no
- Jose E. Serrano: aye
- Pete Sessions: no
- Terri A. Sewell: aye
- Brad Sherman: aye
- John Shimkus: no
- Bill Shuster: no
- Michael K. Simpson: no
- Albio Sires: aye
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter: aye
- Adam Smith: aye
- Adrian Smith: no
- Christopher H. Smith: no
- Lamar Smith: no
- Steve Southerland, II: no
- Jackie Speier: absent
- Steve Stivers: no
- Marlin A. Stutzman: no
- Linda T. Sánchez: aye
- Lee Terry: no
- Bennie G. Thompson: aye
- Mike Thompson: aye
- Glenn Thompson: no
- Mac Thornberry: no
- Patrick J. Tiberi: no
- John F. Tierney: aye
- Scott R. Tipton: no
- Paul Tonko: aye
- Niki Tsongas: absent
- Michael R. Turner: no
- Fred Upton: no
- Chris Van Hollen: aye
- Nydia M. Velázquez: aye
- Peter J. Visclosky: aye
- Tim Walberg: no
- Greg Walden: no
- Timothy J. Walz: aye
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: aye
- Maxine Waters: aye
- Melvin L. Watt: aye
- Henry A. Waxman: aye
- Daniel Webster: no
- Peter Welch: aye
- Lynn A. Westmoreland: no
- Ed Whitfield: no
- Joe Wilson: no
- Frederica S. Wilson: aye
- Robert J. Wittman: no
- Frank R. Wolf: no
- Steve Womack: no
- Rob Woodall: no
- John A. Yarmuth: aye
- Kevin Yoder: no
- C. W. Bill Young: aye
- Don Young: no
- Todd Young: no
May 10, 2011: On Agreeing to the Amendment
- Yeas: 176
- Nays: 237
- Absent: 18
- Dennis A. Cardoza: no
- Geoff Davis: no
- Gabrielle Giffords: absent
- Jay Inslee: aye
- Thaddeus G. McCotter: no
- Donald M. Payne: aye
- Anthony D. Weiner: aye
- David Wu: aye
- Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.: absent
- Bob Filner: aye
- Gary L. Ackerman: aye
- Sandy Adams: no
- W. Todd Akin: no
- Jason Altmire: no
- Steve Austria: no
- Joe Baca: aye
- Roscoe G. Bartlett: no
- Charles F. Bass: aye
- Rick Berg: no
- Shelley Berkley: aye
- Howard L. Berman: aye
- Judy Biggert: no
- Brian P. Bilbray: no
- Mary Bono Mack: no
- Dan Boren: no
- Leonard L. Boswell: aye
- Ann Marie Buerkle: no
- Dan Burton: no
- Francisco "Quico" Canseco: no
- Russ Carnahan: aye
- Ben Chandler: no
- Hansen Clarke: aye
- Jerry F. Costello: aye
- Chip Cravaack: no
- Mark S. Critz: no
- Norman D. Dicks: aye
- Robert J. Dold: no
- David Dreier: no
- Barney Frank: aye
- Elton Gallegly: no
- Charles A. Gonzalez: aye
- Frank C. Guinta: no
- Nan A. S. Hayworth: no
- Wally Herger: no
- Maurice D. Hinchey: absent
- Tim Holden: no
- Timothy V. Johnson: no
- Dale E. Kildee: aye
- Larry Kissell: aye
- Dennis J. Kucinich: aye
- Steven C. LaTourette: no
- Jeffrey M. Landry: no
- Jerry Lewis: no
- Daniel E. Lungren: no
- Connie Mack: no
- Donald A. Manzullo: absent
- Brad Miller: aye
- Sue Wilkins Myrick: no
- John W. Olver: aye
- Ron Paul: absent
- Mike Pence: no
- Todd Russell Platts: no
- Benjamin Quayle: no
- Denny Rehberg: no
- Silvestre Reyes: absent
- Laura Richardson: aye
- David Rivera: no
- Mike Ross: no
- Steven R. Rothman: aye
- Robert T. Schilling: no
- Jean Schmidt: no
- Heath Shuler: aye
- Fortney Pete Stark: aye
- Cliff Stearns: no
- John Sullivan: no
- Betty Sutton: aye
- Edolphus Towns: aye
- Joe Walsh: no
- Allen B. West: no
- Lynn C. Woolsey: aye
- Jo Ann Emerson: no
- Robert B. Aderholt: no
- Rodney Alexander: no
- Justin Amash: no
- Robert E. Andrews: aye
- Michele Bachmann: no
- Spencer Bachus: no
- Tammy Baldwin: aye
- Lou Barletta: no
- John Barrow: no
- Joe Barton: no
- Karen Bass: aye
- Xavier Becerra: absent
- Dan Benishek: no
- Gus M. Bilirakis: no
- Rob Bishop: no
- Jr. Sanford D. Bishop: no
- Timothy H. Bishop: aye
- Diane Black: no
- Marsha Blackburn: no
- Earl Blumenauer: aye
- Jo Bonner: no
- Charles W. Boustany, Jr.: no
- Kevin Brady: no
- Robert A. Brady: aye
- Bruce L. Braley: aye
- Mo Brooks: no
- Paul C. Broun: no
- Corrine Brown: aye
- Vern Buchanan: aye
- Larry Bucshon: no
- Michael C. Burgess: no
- G. K. Butterfield: aye
- Ken Calvert: no
- Dave Camp: no
- John Campbell: no
- Eric Cantor: no
- Shelley Moore Capito: no
- Lois Capps: aye
- Michael E. Capuano: aye
- John C. Carney, Jr.: aye
- André Carson: aye
- John R. Carter: no
- Bill Cassidy: no
- Kathy Castor: aye
- Steve Chabot: no
- Jason Chaffetz: no
- Judy Chu: aye
- David N. Cicilline: aye
- Yvette D. Clarke: aye
- Wm. Lacy Clay: aye
- Emanuel Cleaver: aye
- James E. Clyburn: aye
- Howard Coble: no
- Mike Coffman: no
- Steve Cohen: aye
- Tom Cole: no
- K. Michael Conaway: no
- Gerald E. Connolly: aye
- John Conyers, Jr.: absent
- Jim Cooper: aye
- Jim Costa: no
- Joe Courtney: aye
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford: no
- Ander Crenshaw: no
- Joseph Crowley: aye
- Henry Cuellar: no
- John Abney Culberson: no
- Elijah E. Cummings: aye
- Danny K. Davis: aye
- Susan A. Davis: aye
- Peter A. DeFazio: aye
- Diana DeGette: aye
- Rosa L. DeLauro: aye
- Jeff Denham: no
- Charles W. Dent: aye
- Scott DesJarlais: no
- Theodore E. Deutch: aye
- Mario Diaz-Balart: no
- John D. Dingell: aye
- Lloyd Doggett: aye
- Joe Donnelly: no
- Michael F. Doyle: aye
- Sean P. Duffy: no
- Jeff Duncan: no
- John J. Duncan, Jr.: no
- Donna F. Edwards: aye
- Keith Ellison: aye
- Renee L. Ellmers: no
- Eliot L. Engel: aye
- Anna G. Eshoo: aye
- Blake Farenthold: no
- Sam Farr: aye
- Chaka Fattah: aye
- Stephen Lee Fincher: no
- Michael G. Fitzpatrick: aye
- Jeff Flake: no
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann: no
- John Fleming: no
- Bill Flores: no
- J. Randy Forbes: no
- Jeff Fortenberry: no
- Virginia Foxx: no
- Trent Franks: no
- Rodney P. Frelinghuysen: no
- Marcia L. Fudge: aye
- John Garamendi: aye
- Cory Gardner: no
- Scott Garrett: no
- Jim Gerlach: no
- Bob Gibbs: no
- Christopher P. Gibson: no
- Phil Gingrey: no
- Louie Gohmert: no
- Bob Goodlatte: no
- Paul A. Gosar: no
- Trey Gowdy: no
- Kay Granger: no
- Sam Graves: no
- Tom Graves: no
- Al Green: absent
- Gene Green: no
- Tim Griffin: no
- H. Morgan Griffith: no
- Raúl M. Grijalva: aye
- Michael G. Grimm: no
- Brett Guthrie: no
- Luis V. Gutierrez: aye
- Ralph M. Hall: no
- Colleen Hanabusa: aye
- Richard L. Hanna: no
- Gregg Harper: no
- Andy Harris: no
- Vicky Hartzler: no
- Alcee L. Hastings: aye
- Doc Hastings: absent
- Joseph J. Heck: no
- Martin Heinrich: aye
- Jeb Hensarling: no
- Jaime Herrera Beutler: no
- Brian Higgins: aye
- James A. Himes: aye
- Ruben Hinojosa: absent
- Mazie K. Hirono: aye
- Rush Holt: aye
- Michael M. Honda: aye
- Steny H. Hoyer: aye
- Tim Huelskamp: no
- Bill Huizenga: no
- Randy Hultgren: no
- Duncan D. Hunter: no
- Robert Hurt: no
- Steve Israel: aye
- Darrell Issa: no
- Sheila Jackson Lee: absent
- Lynn Jenkins: no
- Bill Johnson: no
- Eddie Bernice Johnson: aye
- Jr. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson: aye
- Sam Johnson: absent
- Walter B. Jones, Jr.: no
- Jim Jordan: no
- Marcy Kaptur: aye
- William R. Keating: aye
- Mike Kelly: no
- Ron Kind: aye
- Peter T. King: no
- Steve King: no
- Jack Kingston: no
- Adam Kinzinger: no
- John Kline: no
- Raul R. Labrador: no
- Doug Lamborn: no
- Leonard Lance: aye
- James R. Langevin: absent
- James Lankford: no
- Rick Larsen: aye
- John B. Larson: aye
- Tom Latham: no
- Robert E. Latta: no
- Barbara Lee: aye
- Sander M. Levin: aye
- John Lewis: aye
- Daniel Lipinski: aye
- Frank A. LoBiondo: aye
- David Loebsack: aye
- Zoe Lofgren: aye
- Billy Long: no
- Nita M. Lowey: aye
- Frank D. Lucas: no
- Blaine Luetkemeyer: no
- Ben Ray Lujan: aye
- Cynthia M. Lummis: no
- Stephen F. Lynch: aye
- Carolyn B. Maloney: aye
- Kenny Marchant: no
- Tom Marino: no
- Edward J. Markey: aye
- Jim Matheson: no
- Doris O. Matsui: aye
- Carolyn McCarthy: aye
- Kevin McCarthy: no
- Michael T. McCaul: no
- Tom McClintock: no
- Betty McCollum: aye
- Jim McDermott: aye
- James P. McGovern: aye
- Patrick T. McHenry: no
- Mike McIntyre: aye
- Howard P. "Buck" McKeon: no
- David B. McKinley: no
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers: no
- Jerry McNerney: aye
- Patrick Meehan: no
- Gregory W. Meeks: aye
- John L. Mica: no
- Michael H. Michaud: aye
- Candice S. Miller: no
- Gary G. Miller: no
- George Miller: aye
- Jeff Miller: no
- Gwen Moore: aye
- James P. Moran: aye
- Mick Mulvaney: no
- Christopher Murphy: aye
- Tim Murphy: no
- Jerrold Nadler: aye
- Grace F. Napolitano: aye
- Richard E. Neal: aye
- Randy Neugebauer: no
- Kristi L. Noem: no
- Richard B. Nugent: no
- Devin Nunes: no
- Alan Nunnelee: absent
- Pete Olson: no
- William L. Owens: aye
- Steven M. Palazzo: no
- Jr. Frank Pallone: aye
- Jr. Bill Pascrell: aye
- Ed Pastor: aye
- Erik Paulsen: aye
- Stevan Pearce: no
- Nancy Pelosi: aye
- Ed Perlmutter: aye
- Gary C. Peters: aye
- Collin C. Peterson: no
- Thomas E. Petri: no
- Chellie Pingree: aye
- Joseph R. Pitts: no
- Ted Poe: no
- Jared Polis: aye
- Mike Pompeo: no
- Bill Posey: no
- David E. Price: aye
- Tom Price: no
- Mike Quigley: aye
- Nick J. Rahall, II: aye
- Charles B. Rangel: aye
- Tom Reed: absent
- David G. Reichert: aye
- James B. Renacci: no
- Reid J. Ribble: no
- Cedric L. Richmond: aye
- E. Scott Rigell: no
- Martha Roby: no
- David P. Roe: no
- Harold Rogers: no
- Mike J. Rogers: no
- Mike Rogers: no
- Dana Rohrabacher: no
- Todd Rokita: no
- Thomas J. Rooney: no
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: aye
- Peter J. Roskam: no
- Dennis A. Ross: no
- Lucille Roybal-Allard: aye
- Edward R. Royce: no
- Jon Runyan: no
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger: aye
- Bobby L. Rush: aye
- Paul D. Ryan: no
- Tim Ryan: aye
- Loretta Sanchez: aye
- John P. Sarbanes: aye
- Steve Scalise: no
- Janice D. Schakowsky: aye
- Adam B. Schiff: aye
- Aaron Schock: no
- Kurt Schrader: aye
- Allyson Y. Schwartz: aye
- David Schweikert: no
- Austin Scott: no
- David Scott: aye
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott: aye
- Tim Scott: no
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.: no
- Jose E. Serrano: aye
- Pete Sessions: no
- Terri A. Sewell: aye
- Brad Sherman: aye
- John Shimkus: no
- Bill Shuster: no
- Michael K. Simpson: no
- Albio Sires: aye
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter: aye
- Adam Smith: aye
- Adrian Smith: no
- Christopher H. Smith: aye
- Lamar Smith: no
- Steve Southerland, II: no
- Jackie Speier: absent
- Steve Stivers: no
- Marlin A. Stutzman: no
- Linda T. Sánchez: aye
- Lee Terry: no
- Bennie G. Thompson: aye
- Mike Thompson: aye
- Glenn Thompson: no
- Mac Thornberry: no
- Patrick J. Tiberi: no
- John F. Tierney: aye
- Scott R. Tipton: no
- Paul Tonko: aye
- Niki Tsongas: absent
- Michael R. Turner: no
- Fred Upton: no
- Chris Van Hollen: aye
- Nydia M. Velázquez: aye
- Peter J. Visclosky: aye
- Tim Walberg: no
- Greg Walden: no
- Timothy J. Walz: aye
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: aye
- Maxine Waters: aye
- Melvin L. Watt: aye
- Henry A. Waxman: aye
- Daniel Webster: no
- Peter Welch: aye
- Lynn A. Westmoreland: no
- Ed Whitfield: no
- Joe Wilson: no
- Frederica S. Wilson: aye
- Robert J. Wittman: no
- Frank R. Wolf: no
- Steve Womack: no
- Rob Woodall: no
- John A. Yarmuth: aye
- Kevin Yoder: no
- C. W. Bill Young: aye
- Don Young: no
- Todd Young: no
May 10, 2011: On Agreeing to the Amendment
- Yeas: 167
- Nays: 245
- Absent: 19
- Dennis A. Cardoza: no
- Geoff Davis: no
- Gabrielle Giffords: absent
- Jay Inslee: aye
- Thaddeus G. McCotter: no
- Donald M. Payne: aye
- Anthony D. Weiner: aye
- David Wu: aye
- Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.: absent
- Bob Filner: aye
- Gary L. Ackerman: aye
- Sandy Adams: no
- W. Todd Akin: no
- Jason Altmire: no
- Steve Austria: no
- Joe Baca: aye
- Roscoe G. Bartlett: no
- Charles F. Bass: no
- Rick Berg: no
- Shelley Berkley: aye
- Howard L. Berman: aye
- Judy Biggert: no
- Brian P. Bilbray: no
- Mary Bono Mack: no
- Dan Boren: no
- Leonard L. Boswell: aye
- Ann Marie Buerkle: no
- Dan Burton: no
- Francisco "Quico" Canseco: no
- Russ Carnahan: aye
- Ben Chandler: aye
- Hansen Clarke: aye
- Jerry F. Costello: no
- Chip Cravaack: no
- Mark S. Critz: no
- Norman D. Dicks: aye
- Robert J. Dold: no
- David Dreier: no
- Barney Frank: aye
- Elton Gallegly: no
- Charles A. Gonzalez: aye
- Frank C. Guinta: no
- Nan A. S. Hayworth: aye
- Wally Herger: no
- Maurice D. Hinchey: absent
- Tim Holden: no
- Timothy V. Johnson: no
- Dale E. Kildee: aye
- Larry Kissell: aye
- Dennis J. Kucinich: aye
- Steven C. LaTourette: no
- Jeffrey M. Landry: no
- Jerry Lewis: no
- Daniel E. Lungren: no
- Connie Mack: no
- Donald A. Manzullo: absent
- Brad Miller: aye
- Sue Wilkins Myrick: no
- John W. Olver: aye
- Ron Paul: absent
- Mike Pence: no
- Todd Russell Platts: no
- Benjamin Quayle: no
- Denny Rehberg: no
- Silvestre Reyes: absent
- Laura Richardson: aye
- David Rivera: no
- Mike Ross: no
- Steven R. Rothman: aye
- Robert T. Schilling: no
- Jean Schmidt: no
- Heath Shuler: aye
- Fortney Pete Stark: aye
- Cliff Stearns: no
- John Sullivan: no
- Betty Sutton: aye
- Edolphus Towns: aye
- Joe Walsh: no
- Allen B. West: no
- Lynn C. Woolsey: aye
- Jo Ann Emerson: no
- Robert B. Aderholt: no
- Rodney Alexander: no
- Justin Amash: no
- Robert E. Andrews: aye
- Michele Bachmann: no
- Spencer Bachus: no
- Tammy Baldwin: aye
- Lou Barletta: no
- John Barrow: no
- Joe Barton: no
- Karen Bass: aye
- Xavier Becerra: aye
- Dan Benishek: no
- Gus M. Bilirakis: no
- Rob Bishop: no
- Jr. Sanford D. Bishop: aye
- Timothy H. Bishop: aye
- Diane Black: no
- Marsha Blackburn: no
- Earl Blumenauer: aye
- Jo Bonner: no
- Charles W. Boustany, Jr.: no
- Kevin Brady: no
- Robert A. Brady: aye
- Bruce L. Braley: aye
- Mo Brooks: no
- Paul C. Broun: no
- Corrine Brown: aye
- Vern Buchanan: no
- Larry Bucshon: no
- Michael C. Burgess: no
- G. K. Butterfield: aye
- Ken Calvert: no
- Dave Camp: no
- John Campbell: no
- Eric Cantor: no
- Shelley Moore Capito: no
- Lois Capps: absent
- Michael E. Capuano: aye
- John C. Carney, Jr.: aye
- André Carson: aye
- John R. Carter: no
- Bill Cassidy: no
- Kathy Castor: aye
- Steve Chabot: no
- Jason Chaffetz: no
- Judy Chu: aye
- David N. Cicilline: aye
- Yvette D. Clarke: aye
- Wm. Lacy Clay: aye
- Emanuel Cleaver: aye
- James E. Clyburn: aye
- Howard Coble: no
- Mike Coffman: no
- Steve Cohen: aye
- Tom Cole: no
- K. Michael Conaway: no
- Gerald E. Connolly: aye
- John Conyers, Jr.: absent
- Jim Cooper: no
- Jim Costa: no
- Joe Courtney: aye
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford: no
- Ander Crenshaw: no
- Joseph Crowley: aye
- Henry Cuellar: aye
- John Abney Culberson: no
- Elijah E. Cummings: aye
- Danny K. Davis: aye
- Susan A. Davis: aye
- Peter A. DeFazio: aye
- Diana DeGette: aye
- Rosa L. DeLauro: aye
- Jeff Denham: no
- Charles W. Dent: no
- Scott DesJarlais: no
- Theodore E. Deutch: aye
- Mario Diaz-Balart: no
- John D. Dingell: aye
- Lloyd Doggett: aye
- Joe Donnelly: no
- Michael F. Doyle: aye
- Sean P. Duffy: no
- Jeff Duncan: no
- John J. Duncan, Jr.: no
- Donna F. Edwards: aye
- Keith Ellison: aye
- Renee L. Ellmers: no
- Eliot L. Engel: aye
- Anna G. Eshoo: aye
- Blake Farenthold: no
- Sam Farr: aye
- Chaka Fattah: aye
- Stephen Lee Fincher: no
- Michael G. Fitzpatrick: no
- Jeff Flake: no
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann: no
- John Fleming: no
- Bill Flores: no
- J. Randy Forbes: no
- Jeff Fortenberry: no
- Virginia Foxx: no
- Trent Franks: no
- Rodney P. Frelinghuysen: no
- Marcia L. Fudge: aye
- John Garamendi: aye
- Cory Gardner: no
- Scott Garrett: no
- Jim Gerlach: no
- Bob Gibbs: no
- Christopher P. Gibson: no
- Phil Gingrey: no
- Louie Gohmert: no
- Bob Goodlatte: no
- Paul A. Gosar: no
- Trey Gowdy: no
- Kay Granger: no
- Sam Graves: no
- Tom Graves: no
- Al Green: absent
- Gene Green: no
- Tim Griffin: no
- H. Morgan Griffith: no
- Raúl M. Grijalva: aye
- Michael G. Grimm: no
- Brett Guthrie: no
- Luis V. Gutierrez: aye
- Ralph M. Hall: no
- Colleen Hanabusa: aye
- Richard L. Hanna: no
- Gregg Harper: no
- Andy Harris: no
- Vicky Hartzler: no
- Alcee L. Hastings: aye
- Doc Hastings: absent
- Joseph J. Heck: no
- Martin Heinrich: aye
- Jeb Hensarling: no
- Jaime Herrera Beutler: no
- Brian Higgins: aye
- James A. Himes: aye
- Ruben Hinojosa: absent
- Mazie K. Hirono: aye
- Rush Holt: aye
- Michael M. Honda: aye
- Steny H. Hoyer: aye
- Tim Huelskamp: no
- Bill Huizenga: no
- Randy Hultgren: no
- Duncan D. Hunter: no
- Robert Hurt: no
- Steve Israel: aye
- Darrell Issa: no
- Sheila Jackson Lee: absent
- Lynn Jenkins: no
- Bill Johnson: no
- Eddie Bernice Johnson: aye
- Jr. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson: aye
- Sam Johnson: absent
- Walter B. Jones, Jr.: no
- Jim Jordan: no
- Marcy Kaptur: aye
- William R. Keating: aye
- Mike Kelly: no
- Ron Kind: aye
- Peter T. King: no
- Steve King: no
- Jack Kingston: no
- Adam Kinzinger: no
- John Kline: no
- Raul R. Labrador: no
- Doug Lamborn: no
- Leonard Lance: no
- James R. Langevin: absent
- James Lankford: no
- Rick Larsen: aye
- John B. Larson: aye
- Tom Latham: no
- Robert E. Latta: no
- Barbara Lee: aye
- Sander M. Levin: aye
- John Lewis: aye
- Daniel Lipinski: aye
- Frank A. LoBiondo: no
- David Loebsack: aye
- Zoe Lofgren: aye
- Billy Long: no
- Nita M. Lowey: aye
- Frank D. Lucas: no
- Blaine Luetkemeyer: no
- Ben Ray Lujan: aye
- Cynthia M. Lummis: no
- Stephen F. Lynch: aye
- Carolyn B. Maloney: aye
- Kenny Marchant: no
- Tom Marino: no
- Edward J. Markey: aye
- Jim Matheson: no
- Doris O. Matsui: aye
- Carolyn McCarthy: aye
- Kevin McCarthy: no
- Michael T. McCaul: no
- Tom McClintock: no
- Betty McCollum: aye
- Jim McDermott: aye
- James P. McGovern: aye
- Patrick T. McHenry: no
- Mike McIntyre: aye
- Howard P. "Buck" McKeon: no
- David B. McKinley: no
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers: no
- Jerry McNerney: aye
- Patrick Meehan: no
- Gregory W. Meeks: aye
- John L. Mica: no
- Michael H. Michaud: aye
- Candice S. Miller: no
- Gary G. Miller: no
- George Miller: aye
- Jeff Miller: no
- Gwen Moore: aye
- James P. Moran: aye
- Mick Mulvaney: no
- Christopher Murphy: aye
- Tim Murphy: no
- Jerrold Nadler: aye
- Grace F. Napolitano: aye
- Richard E. Neal: aye
- Randy Neugebauer: no
- Kristi L. Noem: no
- Richard B. Nugent: no
- Devin Nunes: no
- Alan Nunnelee: absent
- Pete Olson: no
- William L. Owens: no
- Steven M. Palazzo: no
- Jr. Frank Pallone: aye
- Jr. Bill Pascrell: aye
- Ed Pastor: aye
- Erik Paulsen: no
- Stevan Pearce: no
- Nancy Pelosi: aye
- Ed Perlmutter: aye
- Gary C. Peters: aye
- Collin C. Peterson: no
- Thomas E. Petri: no
- Chellie Pingree: aye
- Joseph R. Pitts: no
- Ted Poe: no
- Jared Polis: aye
- Mike Pompeo: no
- Bill Posey: no
- David E. Price: aye
- Tom Price: no
- Mike Quigley: aye
- Nick J. Rahall, II: aye
- Charles B. Rangel: aye
- Tom Reed: absent
- David G. Reichert: aye
- James B. Renacci: no
- Reid J. Ribble: no
- Cedric L. Richmond: aye
- E. Scott Rigell: no
- Martha Roby: no
- David P. Roe: no
- Harold Rogers: no
- Mike J. Rogers: no
- Mike Rogers: no
- Dana Rohrabacher: no
- Todd Rokita: no
- Thomas J. Rooney: no
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: no
- Peter J. Roskam: no
- Dennis A. Ross: no
- Lucille Roybal-Allard: aye
- Edward R. Royce: no
- Jon Runyan: no
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger: aye
- Bobby L. Rush: aye
- Paul D. Ryan: no
- Tim Ryan: aye
- Loretta Sanchez: aye
- John P. Sarbanes: aye
- Steve Scalise: no
- Janice D. Schakowsky: aye
- Adam B. Schiff: aye
- Aaron Schock: no
- Kurt Schrader: aye
- Allyson Y. Schwartz: aye
- David Schweikert: no
- Austin Scott: no
- David Scott: aye
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott: aye
- Tim Scott: no
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.: no
- Jose E. Serrano: aye
- Pete Sessions: no
- Terri A. Sewell: aye
- Brad Sherman: aye
- John Shimkus: no
- Bill Shuster: no
- Michael K. Simpson: no
- Albio Sires: aye
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter: aye
- Adam Smith: aye
- Adrian Smith: no
- Christopher H. Smith: no
- Lamar Smith: no
- Steve Southerland, II: no
- Jackie Speier: absent
- Steve Stivers: no
- Marlin A. Stutzman: no
- Linda T. Sánchez: aye
- Lee Terry: no
- Bennie G. Thompson: aye
- Mike Thompson: aye
- Glenn Thompson: no
- Mac Thornberry: no
- Patrick J. Tiberi: no
- John F. Tierney: aye
- Scott R. Tipton: no
- Paul Tonko: aye
- Niki Tsongas: absent
- Michael R. Turner: no
- Fred Upton: no
- Chris Van Hollen: aye
- Nydia M. Velázquez: aye
- Peter J. Visclosky: aye
- Tim Walberg: no
- Greg Walden: no
- Timothy J. Walz: aye
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: aye
- Maxine Waters: aye
- Melvin L. Watt: aye
- Henry A. Waxman: absent
- Daniel Webster: no
- Peter Welch: aye
- Lynn A. Westmoreland: no
- Ed Whitfield: no
- Joe Wilson: no
- Frederica S. Wilson: aye
- Robert J. Wittman: no
- Frank R. Wolf: no
- Steve Womack: no
- Rob Woodall: no
- John A. Yarmuth: aye
- Kevin Yoder: no
- C. W. Bill Young: aye
- Don Young: no
- Todd Young: no