
Pennsylvania SB144

An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in school directors, further providing for school director training programs; in intermediate units, providing for school safety and security enhancements; in certification of teachers, further providing for continuing professional development, providing for trauma-informed education and further providing for postbaccalaureate certification and for Pennsylvania school leadership standards; in safe schools, further providing for Office for Safe Schools; in school safety and security, further providing for definitions, for School Safety and Security Committee, for survey of school safety and security, for School Safety and Security Grant Program, for Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Teams, for school safety and security coordinator and for school safety and security training and providing for trauma-informed approach; in Safe2Say Program, further providing for judicial proceeding and for annual report; providing for threat assessment; in school health services, further providing for confidentiality, transference and removal of health records; in early learning programs, further providing for duties of department; providing for the Keystone Telepresence Education Grant Program; in the State Board of Education, further providing for powers and duties of the board and for powers and duties of Council of Basic Education and Council of Higher Education; and providing for references to area career and technical school in statute and regulation.