+ − Full Texts (3)
+ − Actions (6)
On February 7, 2019 in the House:
- Enrolled, signed, filed with Secretary of State
On February 6, 2019 in the House:
- Considered
- Coauthored by Representative(s) Sanders, Wright, Hasenbeck, Tadlock, Caldwell (Trey), McCall, Kerbs, Hill, Manger, Kiger, Frix, Kannady, May, Osburn, Martinez, Pfeiffer, Mize, Vancuren, Pae, O'Donnell, Boatman, Dills, Phillips, Conley, McBride, Nollan, West (Tammy), Baker, McDugle, Boles, CrosswhiteHader, Hilbert, Lawson, Gann, West (Kevin), Fetgatter, Johns, Worthen, Patzkowsky, Lepak, McEntire, Hardin (Tommy), Davis, Russ, Taylor, Roberts (Sean), Ford, Luttrell, Burns, Sneed, Newton, Strom, Grego, Townley, Moore, Marti, Sims, Ortega, Stark, Roe, Smith
- Adopted, referred for enrollment
On February 4, 2019 in the House:
- Introduced
- Authored by Representative Echols
+ − Sponsors (60)
Primary Sponsor