+ − Full Text
+ − Actions (14)
On May 4, 2023 in the House:
- Inexpedient to Legislate: MA VV 05/04/2023 HJ 13 P. 8
On April 27, 2023 in the House:
- Committee Report: Inexpedient to Legislate 04/18/2023 (Vote 18-0; CC)
On April 12, 2023 in the House:
- Public Hearing: 04/18/2023 10:00 am LOB 306-308
- Executive Session: 04/18/2023 10:15 am LOB 306-308
- Public Hearing on non-germane Amendment # 2023-1362h: 04/18/2023 09:45 am LOB 306-308
On April 7, 2023 in the House:
- Introduced (in recess of) 04/06/2023 and referred to Election Law
On March 30, 2023 in the Senate:
- Special Order to the end of the Regular Calendar, Without Objection, MA; 03/30/2023; SJ 12
- Ought to Pass: RC 13Y-10N, MA; OT3rdg; 03/30/2023; SJ 12
- The Chair rescinded OT3rdg, 03/30/2023; SJ 12
- Sen. Whitley Moved Laid on Table, RC 10Y-13N, MF; 03/30/2023; SJ 12
- OT3rdg; 03/30/2023; SJ 12
On March 21, 2023 in the Senate:
- Committee Report: Ought to Pass, 03/30/2023; SC 15
On February 22, 2023 in the Senate:
- Hearing: 03/07/2023, Room 103, LOB, 09:00 am; SC 12
On February 17, 2023 in the Senate:
- Introduced 02/14/2023 and Referred to Election Law and Municipal Affairs; SJ 8
+ − Amendment
+ − Votes (2)
March 30, 2023: Ought to Pass
- Yeas: 13
- Nays: 10
- Present/NV: 23
- Absent: 1
- Jeb Bradley: Yea
- David Watters: Nay
- Sharon Carson: Yea
- Donna Soucy: Nay
- Lou D'Allesandro: Nay
- Regina Birdsell: Yea
- Shannon Chandley: Nay
- James Gray: Yea
- Keith Murphy: Yea
- Cindy Rosenwald: Nay
- Kevin Avard: Yea
- Ruth Ward: Yea
- Daniel Innis: Yea
- Debra Altschiller: Nay
- Donovan Fenton: Nay
- Timothy Lang: Yea
- Howard Pearl: Yea
- Daryl Abbas: Yea
- Suzanne Prentiss: Nay
- Rebecca Whitley: Nay
- Bill Gannon: Excused
- Rebecca Perkins Kwoka: Nay
- Denise Ricciardi: Yea
- Carrie Gendreau: Yea
March 30, 2023: Laid on Table
- Yeas: 10
- Nays: 13
- Present/NV: 23
- Absent: 1
- Jeb Bradley: Nay
- David Watters: Yea
- Sharon Carson: Nay
- Donna Soucy: Yea
- Lou D'Allesandro: Yea
- Regina Birdsell: Nay
- Shannon Chandley: Yea
- James Gray: Nay
- Keith Murphy: Nay
- Cindy Rosenwald: Yea
- Kevin Avard: Nay
- Ruth Ward: Nay
- Daniel Innis: Nay
- Debra Altschiller: Yea
- Donovan Fenton: Yea
- Timothy Lang: Nay
- Howard Pearl: Nay
- Daryl Abbas: Nay
- Suzanne Prentiss: Yea
- Rebecca Whitley: Yea
- Bill Gannon: Excused
- Rebecca Perkins Kwoka: Yea
- Denise Ricciardi: Nay
- Carrie Gendreau: Nay
+ − Sponsors (14)
Primary Sponsor