+ − Summary
+ − Full Texts (5)
+ − Actions (48)
On May 31, 2019 in the Legislature:
- Approved by Governor on May 30, 2019
On May 30, 2019 in the Legislature:
- Presented to Governor on May 24, 2019
On May 24, 2019 in the Legislature:
- Motion to return to Select File withdrawn
- Lowe FA89 filed
- Lowe FA89 withdrawn
- Dispensing of reading at large approved
- Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 43-4-2
- President/Speaker signed
On May 22, 2019 in the Legislature:
- Wayne AM1860 withdrawn
- Wayne AM1913 withdrawn
- Returned to Select File for specific amendment
- Wayne AM1941 adopted
- Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Reengrossment
- Placed on Final Reading Second
On May 21, 2019 in the Legislature:
- Wayne AM1913 filed
- Wayne AM1941 filed
On May 16, 2019 in the Legislature:
- Wayne AM1860 filed
On May 7, 2019 in the Legislature:
- Placed on Final Reading with ST19
On May 2, 2019 in the Legislature:
- Enrollment and Review ER87 adopted
- Wayne AM1541 adopted
- Lowe AM1585 filed
- Lowe AM1585 lost
- Lowe AM1583 filed
- Lowe AM1583 lost
- Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment
On May 1, 2019 in the Legislature:
- Wayne AM1541 filed
On April 17, 2019 in the Legislature:
- Placed on Select File with ER87
- Enrollment and Review ER87 filed
On April 15, 2019 in the Legislature:
- Agriculture AM988 adopted
- Lowe FA45 filed
- Lowe FA45 withdrawn
- Lowe FA46 filed
- Lowe FA46 lost
- Lowe MO63 Recommit to the Agriculture Committee filed
- Lowe MO63 withdrawn
- Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial
- Hansen, M. name added
On April 2, 2019 in the Legislature:
- Placed on General File with AM988
- Agriculture AM988 filed
On March 26, 2019 in the Legislature:
- Kolterman name added
On March 25, 2019 in the Legislature:
- Murman name added
- Brandt name added
On March 19, 2019 in the Legislature:
- Brandt priority bill
- Slama name added
On February 14, 2019 in the Legislature:
- Hunt name added
On January 31, 2019 in the Legislature:
- Notice of hearing for February 12, 2019
On January 25, 2019 in the Legislature:
- Referred to Agriculture Committee
On January 23, 2019 in the Legislature:
- Date of introduction
+ − Impact Statements (3)
+ − Votes (9)
May 24, 2019: Final Reading
- Yeas: 43
- Nays: 4
- Present/NV: 1
- Absent: 1
- Kate Bolz: Yes
- Ernie Chambers: Yes
- Sue Crawford: Yes
- Sara Howard: Yes
- Rick Kolowski: Yes
- Steve Lathrop: Yes
- Jim Scheer: Yes
- Curt Friesen: Yes
- Mike Groene: Present - Not Voting
- Matt Hansen: Yes
- Robert Hilkemann: Yes
- Dan Hughes: Yes
- Mark Kolterman: Yes
- Brett Lindstrom: Yes
- John McCollister: Yes
- Adam Morfeld: Yes
- Patty Pansing Brooks: Yes
- John Stinner: Yes
- Matt Williams: Yes
- Joni Albrecht: No
- Carol Blood: Yes
- Bruce Bostelman: Yes
- Tom Brewer: Excused - Not Voting
- Tom Briese: Yes
- Steve Erdman: No
- Suzanne Geist: Yes
- Steve Halloran: Yes
- Mike Hilgers: Yes
- Lou Ann Linehan: Yes
- John Lowe: No
- Mike McDonnell: Yes
- Dan Quick: Yes
- Tony Vargas: Yes
- Lynne Walz: Yes
- Justin Wayne: Yes
- Anna Wishart: Yes
- Robert Clements: No
- John Arch: Yes
- Tom Brandt: Yes
- Machaela Cavanaugh: Yes
- Wendy DeBoer: Yes
- Myron Dorn: Yes
- Tim Gragert: Yes
- Megan Hunt: Yes
- Andrew La Grone: Yes
- Mike Moser: Yes
- Dave Murman: Yes
- Julie Slama: Yes
- Ben Hansen: Yes
May 22, 2019: AM 1941 Wayne - RETURN TO SELECT FILE
- Yeas: 44
- Present/NV: 4
- Absent: 1
- Kate Bolz: Yes
- Ernie Chambers: Yes
- Sue Crawford: Yes
- Sara Howard: Yes
- Rick Kolowski: Yes
- Steve Lathrop: Yes
- Jim Scheer: Excused - Not Voting
- Curt Friesen: Yes
- Mike Groene: Yes
- Matt Hansen: Yes
- Robert Hilkemann: Yes
- Dan Hughes: Yes
- Mark Kolterman: Yes
- Brett Lindstrom: Yes
- John McCollister: Yes
- Adam Morfeld: Yes
- Patty Pansing Brooks: Yes
- John Stinner: Yes
- Matt Williams: Yes
- Joni Albrecht: Present - Not Voting
- Carol Blood: Yes
- Bruce Bostelman: Yes
- Tom Brewer: Yes
- Tom Briese: Yes
- Steve Erdman: Present - Not Voting
- Suzanne Geist: Yes
- Steve Halloran: Yes
- Mike Hilgers: Yes
- Lou Ann Linehan: Yes
- John Lowe: Present - Not Voting
- Mike McDonnell: Yes
- Dan Quick: Yes
- Tony Vargas: Present - Not Voting
- Lynne Walz: Yes
- Justin Wayne: Yes
- Anna Wishart: Yes
- Robert Clements: Yes
- John Arch: Yes
- Tom Brandt: Yes
- Machaela Cavanaugh: Yes
- Wendy DeBoer: Yes
- Myron Dorn: Yes
- Tim Gragert: Yes
- Megan Hunt: Yes
- Andrew La Grone: Yes
- Mike Moser: Yes
- Dave Murman: Yes
- Julie Slama: Yes
- Ben Hansen: Yes
May 22, 2019: AM 1941 Wayne
- Yeas: 44
- Nays: 2
- Present/NV: 2
- Absent: 1
- Kate Bolz: Yes
- Ernie Chambers: Yes
- Sue Crawford: Yes
- Sara Howard: Yes
- Rick Kolowski: Yes
- Steve Lathrop: Yes
- Jim Scheer: Excused - Not Voting
- Curt Friesen: Yes
- Mike Groene: Yes
- Matt Hansen: Yes
- Robert Hilkemann: Yes
- Dan Hughes: Yes
- Mark Kolterman: Yes
- Brett Lindstrom: Yes
- John McCollister: Yes
- Adam Morfeld: Yes
- Patty Pansing Brooks: Yes
- John Stinner: Yes
- Matt Williams: Yes
- Joni Albrecht: Present - Not Voting
- Carol Blood: Yes
- Bruce Bostelman: Yes
- Tom Brewer: Yes
- Tom Briese: Yes
- Steve Erdman: Present - Not Voting
- Suzanne Geist: Yes
- Steve Halloran: Yes
- Mike Hilgers: Yes
- Lou Ann Linehan: Yes
- John Lowe: No
- Mike McDonnell: Yes
- Dan Quick: Yes
- Tony Vargas: Yes
- Lynne Walz: Yes
- Justin Wayne: Yes
- Anna Wishart: Yes
- Robert Clements: No
- John Arch: Yes
- Tom Brandt: Yes
- Machaela Cavanaugh: Yes
- Wendy DeBoer: Yes
- Myron Dorn: Yes
- Tim Gragert: Yes
- Megan Hunt: Yes
- Andrew La Grone: Yes
- Mike Moser: Yes
- Dave Murman: Yes
- Julie Slama: Yes
- Ben Hansen: Yes
May 2, 2019: AM 1585 Lowe
- Yeas: 2
- Nays: 19
- Present/NV: 24
- Absent: 4
- Kate Bolz: Present - Not Voting
- Ernie Chambers: No
- Sue Crawford: Present - Not Voting
- Sara Howard: Present - Not Voting
- Rick Kolowski: No
- Steve Lathrop: No
- Jim Scheer: Present - Not Voting
- Curt Friesen: Present - Not Voting
- Mike Groene: Present - Not Voting
- Matt Hansen: Present - Not Voting
- Robert Hilkemann: Present - Not Voting
- Dan Hughes: No
- Mark Kolterman: Present - Not Voting
- Brett Lindstrom: Present - Not Voting
- John McCollister: Present - Not Voting
- Adam Morfeld: Excused - Not Voting
- Patty Pansing Brooks: No
- John Stinner: No
- Matt Williams: Present - Not Voting
- Joni Albrecht: Present - Not Voting
- Carol Blood: No
- Bruce Bostelman: Present - Not Voting
- Tom Brewer: Present - Not Voting
- Tom Briese: Present - Not Voting
- Steve Erdman: Present - Not Voting
- Suzanne Geist: Excused - Not Voting
- Steve Halloran: Present - Not Voting
- Mike Hilgers: Excused - Not Voting
- Lou Ann Linehan: Present - Not Voting
- John Lowe: Yes
- Mike McDonnell: Present - Not Voting
- Dan Quick: No
- Tony Vargas: No
- Lynne Walz: No
- Justin Wayne: No
- Anna Wishart: No
- Robert Clements: Excused - Not Voting
- John Arch: Present - Not Voting
- Tom Brandt: No
- Machaela Cavanaugh: No
- Wendy DeBoer: No
- Myron Dorn: No
- Tim Gragert: Yes
- Megan Hunt: No
- Andrew La Grone: Present - Not Voting
- Mike Moser: No
- Dave Murman: No
- Julie Slama: Present - Not Voting
- Ben Hansen: Present - Not Voting
May 2, 2019: AM 1541 Wayne
- Yeas: 28
- Nays: 3
- Present/NV: 16
- Absent: 2
- Kate Bolz: Present - Not Voting
- Ernie Chambers: Yes
- Sue Crawford: Present - Not Voting
- Sara Howard: Yes
- Rick Kolowski: Yes
- Steve Lathrop: Present - Not Voting
- Jim Scheer: Present - Not Voting
- Curt Friesen: Present - Not Voting
- Mike Groene: Present - Not Voting
- Matt Hansen: Yes
- Robert Hilkemann: Yes
- Dan Hughes: Yes
- Mark Kolterman: Present - Not Voting
- Brett Lindstrom: Present - Not Voting
- John McCollister: Present - Not Voting
- Adam Morfeld: Excused - Not Voting
- Patty Pansing Brooks: Present - Not Voting
- John Stinner: Yes
- Matt Williams: Present - Not Voting
- Joni Albrecht: No
- Carol Blood: Yes
- Bruce Bostelman: Yes
- Tom Brewer: Yes
- Tom Briese: Present - Not Voting
- Steve Erdman: No
- Suzanne Geist: Yes
- Steve Halloran: Yes
- Mike Hilgers: Present - Not Voting
- Lou Ann Linehan: Present - Not Voting
- John Lowe: No
- Mike McDonnell: Yes
- Dan Quick: Yes
- Tony Vargas: Yes
- Lynne Walz: Yes
- Justin Wayne: Yes
- Anna Wishart: Present - Not Voting
- Robert Clements: Excused - Not Voting
- John Arch: Yes
- Tom Brandt: Yes
- Machaela Cavanaugh: Yes
- Wendy DeBoer: Yes
- Myron Dorn: Yes
- Tim Gragert: Yes
- Megan Hunt: Yes
- Andrew La Grone: Present - Not Voting
- Mike Moser: Yes
- Dave Murman: Yes
- Julie Slama: Yes
- Ben Hansen: Yes
May 2, 2019: AM 1583 Lowe
- Yeas: 1
- Nays: 23
- Present/NV: 20
- Absent: 5
- Kate Bolz: Present - Not Voting
- Ernie Chambers: No
- Sue Crawford: Present - Not Voting
- Sara Howard: No
- Rick Kolowski: No
- Steve Lathrop: No
- Jim Scheer: Present - Not Voting
- Curt Friesen: Present - Not Voting
- Mike Groene: Present - Not Voting
- Matt Hansen: No
- Robert Hilkemann: No
- Dan Hughes: No
- Mark Kolterman: Present - Not Voting
- Brett Lindstrom: Present - Not Voting
- John McCollister: Present - Not Voting
- Adam Morfeld: Excused - Not Voting
- Patty Pansing Brooks: No
- John Stinner: No
- Matt Williams: No
- Joni Albrecht: Present - Not Voting
- Carol Blood: No
- Bruce Bostelman: Present - Not Voting
- Tom Brewer: Present - Not Voting
- Tom Briese: Present - Not Voting
- Steve Erdman: Present - Not Voting
- Suzanne Geist: Excused - Not Voting
- Steve Halloran: Present - Not Voting
- Mike Hilgers: Excused - Not Voting
- Lou Ann Linehan: Present - Not Voting
- John Lowe: Yes
- Mike McDonnell: Present - Not Voting
- Dan Quick: No
- Tony Vargas: No
- Lynne Walz: No
- Justin Wayne: No
- Anna Wishart: Present - Not Voting
- Robert Clements: Excused - Not Voting
- John Arch: Excused - Not Voting
- Tom Brandt: No
- Machaela Cavanaugh: No
- Wendy DeBoer: No
- Myron Dorn: No
- Tim Gragert: No
- Megan Hunt: No
- Andrew La Grone: Present - Not Voting
- Mike Moser: No
- Dave Murman: No
- Julie Slama: Present - Not Voting
- Ben Hansen: Present - Not Voting
April 15, 2019: AM 988 Agriculture - FA 46 Lowe
- Yeas: 10
- Nays: 27
- Present/NV: 9
- Absent: 3
- Kate Bolz: Present - Not Voting
- Ernie Chambers: No
- Sue Crawford: No
- Sara Howard: No
- Rick Kolowski: No
- Steve Lathrop: No
- Jim Scheer: Present - Not Voting
- Curt Friesen: Yes
- Mike Groene: Yes
- Matt Hansen: No
- Robert Hilkemann: No
- Dan Hughes: Excused - Not Voting
- Mark Kolterman: No
- Brett Lindstrom: Excused - Not Voting
- John McCollister: No
- Adam Morfeld: No
- Patty Pansing Brooks: No
- John Stinner: No
- Matt Williams: Excused - Not Voting
- Joni Albrecht: Present - Not Voting
- Carol Blood: No
- Bruce Bostelman: No
- Tom Brewer: Yes
- Tom Briese: Yes
- Steve Erdman: Yes
- Suzanne Geist: Yes
- Steve Halloran: Yes
- Mike Hilgers: Yes
- Lou Ann Linehan: Present - Not Voting
- John Lowe: Present - Not Voting
- Mike McDonnell: Present - Not Voting
- Dan Quick: No
- Tony Vargas: No
- Lynne Walz: No
- Justin Wayne: No
- Anna Wishart: No
- Robert Clements: Yes
- John Arch: Present - Not Voting
- Tom Brandt: No
- Machaela Cavanaugh: No
- Wendy DeBoer: No
- Myron Dorn: No
- Tim Gragert: No
- Megan Hunt: No
- Andrew La Grone: Yes
- Mike Moser: Present - Not Voting
- Dave Murman: No
- Julie Slama: No
- Ben Hansen: Present - Not Voting
April 15, 2019: ADVANCE TO E&R INITIAL
- Yeas: 37
- Nays: 4
- Present/NV: 3
- Absent: 5
- Kate Bolz: Yes
- Ernie Chambers: Yes
- Sue Crawford: Yes
- Sara Howard: Yes
- Rick Kolowski: Yes
- Steve Lathrop: Yes
- Jim Scheer: Yes
- Curt Friesen: Yes
- Mike Groene: Present - Not Voting
- Matt Hansen: Yes
- Robert Hilkemann: Present - Not Voting
- Dan Hughes: Excused - Not Voting
- Mark Kolterman: Yes
- Brett Lindstrom: Excused - Not Voting
- John McCollister: Excused - Not Voting
- Adam Morfeld: Yes
- Patty Pansing Brooks: Yes
- John Stinner: Excused - Not Voting
- Matt Williams: Excused - Not Voting
- Joni Albrecht: No
- Carol Blood: Yes
- Bruce Bostelman: Yes
- Tom Brewer: Yes
- Tom Briese: Yes
- Steve Erdman: No
- Suzanne Geist: Yes
- Steve Halloran: Yes
- Mike Hilgers: Yes
- Lou Ann Linehan: Yes
- John Lowe: No
- Mike McDonnell: Yes
- Dan Quick: Yes
- Tony Vargas: Yes
- Lynne Walz: Yes
- Justin Wayne: Yes
- Anna Wishart: Yes
- Robert Clements: No
- John Arch: Present - Not Voting
- Tom Brandt: Yes
- Machaela Cavanaugh: Yes
- Wendy DeBoer: Yes
- Myron Dorn: Yes
- Tim Gragert: Yes
- Megan Hunt: Yes
- Andrew La Grone: Yes
- Mike Moser: Yes
- Dave Murman: Yes
- Julie Slama: Yes
- Ben Hansen: Yes
April 15, 2019: AM 988 Agriculture
- Yeas: 37
- Nays: 4
- Present/NV: 3
- Absent: 5
- Kate Bolz: Present - Not Voting
- Ernie Chambers: Yes
- Sue Crawford: Yes
- Sara Howard: Yes
- Rick Kolowski: Yes
- Steve Lathrop: Yes
- Jim Scheer: Yes
- Curt Friesen: Yes
- Mike Groene: Yes
- Matt Hansen: Yes
- Robert Hilkemann: Present - Not Voting
- Dan Hughes: Excused - Not Voting
- Mark Kolterman: Yes
- Brett Lindstrom: Excused - Not Voting
- John McCollister: Excused - Not Voting
- Adam Morfeld: Yes
- Patty Pansing Brooks: Yes
- John Stinner: Excused - Not Voting
- Matt Williams: Excused - Not Voting
- Joni Albrecht: No
- Carol Blood: Yes
- Bruce Bostelman: Yes
- Tom Brewer: Yes
- Tom Briese: Yes
- Steve Erdman: No
- Suzanne Geist: Yes
- Steve Halloran: Yes
- Mike Hilgers: Yes
- Lou Ann Linehan: Yes
- John Lowe: No
- Mike McDonnell: Yes
- Dan Quick: Yes
- Tony Vargas: Yes
- Lynne Walz: Yes
- Justin Wayne: Yes
- Anna Wishart: Yes
- Robert Clements: No
- John Arch: Present - Not Voting
- Tom Brandt: Yes
- Machaela Cavanaugh: Yes
- Wendy DeBoer: Yes
- Myron Dorn: Yes
- Tim Gragert: Yes
- Megan Hunt: Yes
- Andrew La Grone: Yes
- Mike Moser: Yes
- Dave Murman: Yes
- Julie Slama: Yes
- Ben Hansen: Yes