+ − Summary
+ − Full Texts (2)
+ − Actions (29)
- Signed by Governor (Acts, ch. 92)
- House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute
- Passed 97-3
- Enrolled, signed by each presiding officer
- Posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute for Monday, March 31, 2014
- Delivered to Governor
- Received in House
- To Rules (H)
- Posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 27, 2014
- 3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute
- Reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute as a Consent Bill
- Taken from Committee on Committees (S)
- 2nd reading
- Returned to Committee on Committees (S)
- To State & Local Government (S)
- Taken from Committee on Committees (S)
- 1st reading
- Returned to Committee on Committees (S)
- Received in Senate
- 3rd reading, passed 93-4 with Committee Substitute
- Taken from Rules
- Placed in the Orders of the Day
- Reported favorably, to Rules
- Recommitted to Local Government (H)
- 2nd reading, to Rules
- Reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute
- Posted in committee
- To Local Government (H)
- Introduced in House
+ − Amendments (2)
Retain original provisions of the bill and amend the following sections to push the date of eligibility for cities with certain classifications or the completion of an act from January 1, 2014, to August 1, 2014: Section 10, relating to mayoral term limits; KRS 68.200 relating to motor vehicle license fees; KRS 68.202 relating to license fees on cable television; KRS 70.320, relating to deputy constables; KRS 91A.392, relating to transient room taxes; KRS 95.495, relating to police hours of work; KRS 95.500, relating to fire fighter hours of work; KRS 96.050, relating to construction of utilities; KRS 224.43-315 relating to universal collection; KRS 241.170, relating to city administrators; KRS 243.075, relating to regulatory license fees on alcohol sales; KRS 244.290 and 244.480 relating to the regulation of alcohol sales on certain days; make technical correction to Section 299.
Retain original provisions, but amend Section 1 to require cities to include their form of government in with the Secretary of State update; amend Section 58 to specify that the section applies to cities with populations that are equal to or greater than 3,000, rather than simply greater than; amend Sections 117 and 118 to remove requirement that the Department for Local Government notify the affected cities by mail; amend Section 169 to affirm that urban-county governments are eligible for the provisions of the bonds; amend Section 280 to make a correction.