+ − Summary
+ − Full Texts (2)
+ − Actions (18)
- Arrived in House
- First Reading
- Referred to Rules Committee
- Third Reading - Passed; 056-000-000
- Second Reading
- Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading April 16, 2015
- Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Adopted
- Do Pass as Amended Criminal Law; 010-000-000
- Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading March 26, 2015
- Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Assignments Refers to Criminal Law
- Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Secretary by Sen. Donne E. Trotter
- Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Assignments
- Postponed - Criminal Law
- Sponsor Removed Sen. Kwame Raoul
- Assigned to Criminal Law
- Filed with Secretary by Sen. Donne E. Trotter
- First Reading
- Referred to Assignments
+ − Adopted Amendment
Senate Amendment 001
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Correctional Budget and Impact Note Act. Provides that every bill which creates a new criminal offense for which a sentence to the Department of Corrections may be imposed; or which enhances any class or category of offense to a higher grade or penalty for which a sentence to the Department of Corrections is authorized; or which requires a mandatory commitment to the Department of Corrections, shall have prepared for it prior to second reading in the house of introduction a brief explanatory statement or note which shall include a reliable estimate of the probable impact of such bill upon (in addition to the overall resident population of the Department of Corrections and the probable impact which such bill will have upon the Department's annual budget currently required): (i) the number of criminal cases per year the bill will affect; (ii) the members of racial minority groups by ethnicity; and (iii) any other matter the Department considers appropriate. Makes a similar change regarding a bill that (i) creates a new criminal offense for which a commitment to a juvenile detention facility, sentence of probation, intermediate sanctions, or community service may be imposed or (ii) enhances any class or category of offense to any grade or penalty for which adjudication, commitment, or disposition by a circuit court to the custody of a Probation and Court Services Department may result. Requires the Director of the Department of Corrections or the Director of the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts to prepare and file the note (currently, upon request of the sponsor of the bill). Makes other changes.
+ − Statutes Amended (7)
- New Act
- 25 ILCS 70/1 - from Ch. 63, par. 42.81
- 25 ILCS 70/2 - from Ch. 63, par. 42.82
- 25 ILCS 70/3 - from Ch. 63, par. 42.83
- 25 ILCS 70/4 - from Ch. 63, par. 42.84
- 25 ILCS 70/5 - from Ch. 63, par. 42.85
- 25 ILCS 70/7 - from Ch. 63, par. 42.87