+ − Summary
+ − Full Texts (3)
+ − Actions (57)
- Governor Approved
- Effective Date May 27, 2022
- Public Act . . . . . . . . . 102-0990
- Sent to the Governor
- House Floor Amendment No. 3 Motion To Concur Recommended Do Adopt Executive; 017-000-000
- House Floor Amendment No. 3 Senate Concurs 057-000-000
- Senate Concurs
- Passed Both Houses
- House Floor Amendment No. 3 Motion to Concur Assignments Referred to Executive
- House Floor Amendment No. 3 Motion to Concur Filed with Secretary Sen. Steve McClure
- House Floor Amendment No. 3 Motion to Concur Referred to Assignments
- House Floor Amendment No. 3 Adopted
- Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Short Debate
- Third Reading - Short Debate - Passed 100-004-000
- Motion Filed to Reconsider Vote Rep. Andrew S. Chesney
- Motion to Reconsider Vote - Withdrawn Rep. Andrew S. Chesney
- Secretary's Desk - Concurrence House Amendment(s) 3
- Placed on Calendar Order of Concurrence House Amendment(s) 3 - April 4, 2022
- House Floor Amendment No. 3 Recommends Be Adopted Human Services Committee; 015-000-000
- House Floor Amendment No. 3 Rules Refers to Human Services Committee
- House Floor Amendment No. 3 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Tony McCombie
- House Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules Committee
- Second Reading - Short Debate
- Held on Calendar Order of Second Reading - Short Debate
- Do Pass / Short Debate Human Services Committee; 014-000-000
- Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate
- House Committee Amendment No. 1 Tabled Pursuant to Rule 40
- House Committee Amendment No. 2 Tabled Pursuant to Rule 40
- House Committee Amendment No. 2 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Tony McCombie
- House Committee Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules Committee
- House Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Tony McCombie
- House Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules Committee
- Assigned to Human Services Committee
- First Reading
- Referred to Rules Committee
- Arrived in House
- Chief House Sponsor Rep. Tony McCombie
- Recalled to Second Reading
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Adopted; McClure
- Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading
- Third Reading - Passed; 048-000-000
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Assignments Refers to Executive
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Recommend Do Adopt Executive; 016-000-000
- Approved for Consideration Assignments
- Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading February 23, 2022
- Chief Sponsor Changed to Sen. Steve McClure
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Filed with Secretary by Sen. Steve McClure
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Assignments
- Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments
- Second Reading
- Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading April 13, 2021
- Do Pass Executive; 016-000-000
- Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading March 25, 2021
- Assigned to Executive
- Filed with Secretary by Sen. Dan McConchie
- First Reading
- Referred to Assignments
+ − Adopted Amendments (2)
House Amendment 003
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Children and Family Services Act. Provides that a front-line staff member is authorized to carry and use personal protection spray devices, as defined, for self-defense purposes while investigating a report of child abuse or neglect if the front-line staff member has been trained on the proper use of such personal protection spray devices by the Department of Children and Family Services, in consultation with the Illinois State Police. Provides that by January 1, 2023, the Department, in consultation with the Illinois State Police, shall (i) identify a list of approved personal protection spray devices and (ii) jointly develop and approve a training curriculum and program for front-line staff members on the proper use of such personal protection spray devices for self-defense purposes. Requires the Department to provide funding for the training program. Sets forth specific circumstances under which a front-line staff member may use a personal protection spray device including if the front-line staff member: (i) reasonably believes that use is necessary to protect the staff member from an imminent physical assault posed by another person; (ii) uses the device to incapacitate a person attempting a physical assault in order to avoid imminent physical harm and to facilitate escape from danger when there is no other alternative available to the front-line staff member; and (iii) except in exigent circumstances, has issued a verbal warning to persons in close proximity to the spray area. Provides that a front-line staff member's use of personal protection spray devices during the performance of his or her professional duties in any manner other than as expressly authorized under the amendatory Act shall be prohibited by Department policy. Provides that whenever a front-line staff member discharges a personal protection spray device, the front-line staff member shall complete an incident report. Provides that, following the discharge of a personal protection spray device that results in exposure, the front-line staff member shall notify his or her supervisor and, if appropriate, call 9-1-1 for emergency response or responders as soon as reasonably practical and when safe to do so. Requires the Department to annually report and publish on its website, beginning January 1, 2024, the number of front-line staff members trained to carry personal protection spray devices, the number of front-line staff members reporting personal protection spray devices and the make or model of the devices, and the number of reported uses of personal protection spray devices by service region. Provides that, in addition, the Department shall report each incident involving the deployment of a personal protection spray device that occurred during the preceding calendar year, including: (1) the estimated age, gender, and race of the intended target of the personal protection spray device; (2) whether there were injuries to the intended target resulting from the deployment of the personal protection spray device; (3) the age, gender, and race of the front-line staff member who utilized the personal protection spray device; and (4) whether there were injuries to the front-line staff member resulting from the incident. Requires the Department to also report yearly data on the number of personal protection spray device deployments found to be against Department policy. Effective immediately.
Senate Amendment 001
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Children and Family Services Act. Provides that a child protective investigator is authorized to carry and use personal protection spray devices, such as mace, pepper mace, or pepper gas, for self-defense purposes while investigating a report of child abuse or neglect if the child protective investigator has been trained on the proper use of such personal protection spray devices by the Illinois State Police. Requires the Illinois State Police to establish a training program for child protective investigators on the proper use of personal protection spray devices for self-defense purposes. Requires the Department of Children and Family Services to provide funding for the training program. Effective immediately.
+ − Proposed Amendments (4)
+ − Statutes Amended (2)
- 20 ILCS 700/1001 - from Ch. 127, par. 3701-1
- 20 ILCS 505/21.6 new