+ − Summary
+ − Full Text
+ − Actions (24)
On July 21, 2015 in the House:
- Motion Filed to Discharge the Rules Committee Rep. Sandack, Rule 18(G)
- Rep. Ron Sandack requests a Roll Call vote on Discharge
- Chair Rules Motion out of order
On July 9, 2015 in the House:
- Motion Filed to Discharge the Rules Committee Rep. Sandack, Rule 18(G)
- Chair Rules Motion out of order
On July 1, 2015 in the House:
- Rep. Ron Sandack requests a Roll Call vote on Discharge
- Chair Rules Motion out of order
- Appeal Ruling of Chair Rep. Ron Sandack
- Chair Rules Motion out of order
On June 30, 2015 in the House:
- Motion Filed to Discharge the Rules Committee Rep. Sandack, Rule 18(G)
On May 28, 2015 in the House:
- Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Mark Batinick
- Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Avery Bourne
- Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Terri Bryant
- Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Michael P. McAuliffe
- Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Christine Winger
- Co-Sponsor Rep. Sheri Jesiel
- Co-Sponsor Rep. Adam Brown
- Co-Sponsor Rep. John M. Cabello
- Co-Sponsor Rep. Dwight Kay
- Co-Sponsor Rep. Tim Butler
- Co-Sponsor Rep. Michael D. Unes
- Co-Sponsor Rep. Ron Sandack
- First Reading
- Referred to Rules Committee
+ − Statute Amended
+ − Sponsors (53)
Primary Sponsor