+ − Summary
+ − Full Texts (2)
+ − Actions (23)
- Session Sine Die
- Arrive in Senate
- Placed on Calendar Order of First Reading
- Chief Senate Sponsor Sen. Celina Villanueva
- First Reading
- Referred to Assignments
- Motion to Reconsider Vote - Withdrawn Rep. Lawrence Walsh, Jr.
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Adopted
- Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Short Debate
- Third Reading - Short Debate - Passed 064-038-000
- Motion Filed to Reconsider Vote Rep. Lawrence Walsh, Jr.
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Recommends Be Adopted Energy & Environment Committee; 018-008-000
- Second Reading - Short Debate
- Held on Calendar Order of Second Reading - Short Debate
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Rules Refers to Energy & Environment Committee
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Sonya M. Harper
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules Committee
- Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate
- Do Pass / Short Debate Energy & Environment Committee; 017-010-000
- Assigned to Energy & Environment Committee
- Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Sonya M. Harper
- First Reading
- Referred to Rules Committee
+ − Adopted Amendment
House Amendment 001
Replaces everything after the enacting clause with the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes. Removes language requiring the Environmental Protection Agency to annually review and update the underlying data for, and use of, indicators used to determine whether a community is designated as an environmental justice community. Requires the Agency to conduct an evaluation of a prospective CAAPP permit owner's or operator's prior experience in owning and operating sources of air pollution. Provides that the Agency may deny such a permit if the prospective owner or operator or any employee or officer of the prospective owner or operator or any employee or board member has a history of specified criminal actions. Removes language requiring the air dispersion modeling to examine air quality related impacts to determine estimated emissions of specified pollutants. Makes other changes.
+ − Proposed Amendment
+ − Statutes Amended (11)
- 415 ILCS 5/3.187 new
- 415 ILCS 5/3.281 new
- 415 ILCS 5/9.12
- 415 ILCS 5/22.62 new
- 415 ILCS 5/34.5 new
- 415 ILCS 5/39 - from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1039
- 415 ILCS 5/39.2 - from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1039.2
- 415 ILCS 5/39.15 new
- 415 ILCS 5/40 - from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1040
- 415 ILCS 5/40.4 new
- 415 ILCS 5/39.5 - from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1039.5