+ − Summary
+ − Full Texts (2)
+ − Actions (6)
On January 28, 2015 in the House:
- Passed in House by Voice Vote
On January 21, 2015 in the House:
- Introduced in House
On January 21, 2015 in the Senate:
- Introduced in Senate
- Amendment SA 1 - Introduced in Senate
- Amendment SA 1 - Passed by Senate. Votes: Passed 21 YES 0 NO 0 NOT VOTING 0 ABSENT 0 VACANT
- Passed by Senate. Votes: Passed 21 YES 0 NO 0 NOT VOTING 0 ABSENT 0 VACANT
+ − Amendment
SA 1 to SCR 2
+ − Votes (3)
January 28, 2015: SCR 2 Lawson (House)
January 21, 2015: SA 1 to SCR 2 Simpson Passed (Senate)
- Yeas: 21
January 21, 2015: SCR 2 w/SA 1 Lawson Passed (Senate)
- Yeas: 21
+ − Sponsors (33)
Primary Sponsor