+ − Full Text
+ − Action
On April 12, 2016 in the Senate:
- Read for the first time and referred to the Senate committee on Local Legislation
+ − Amendments (2)
+ − Votes (6)
April 27, 2016: Roll 765
- Yeas: 95
- Nays: 4
- Present/NV: 6
April 27, 2016: Roll 867
- Yeas: 30
- Nays: 2
- Present/NV: 3
April 27, 2016: Roll 868
- Yeas: 29
- Nays: 3
- Present/NV: 3
April 13, 2016: Roll 613
- Yeas: 102
- Nays: 1
- Present/NV: 2
April 13, 2016: Roll 614
- Yeas: 103
- Present/NV: 2
April 5, 2016: Roll 478
- Yeas: 64
- Present/NV: 41
+ − Sponsor
Primary Sponsor