
Alabama HB247

Relating to economic development; to amend Sections 41-10-802 and 41-10-822, Code of Alabama 1975, to provide for a name change for the Alabama Innovation Corporation and revise the residency requirements for certain grant recipients; to amend Section 41-10-805, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the Board of Directors of the Alabama Innovation Corporation, to make conforming changes to accurately cite the Code of Alabama 1975; and to add a new Article 22, commencing with Section 41-10-840, to Chapter 10 of Title 41, Code of Alabama 1975, to reestablish the technology accelerator tax credit program and the underrepresented company tax credit program as the Innovating Alabama tax credit program; and to exempt working groups, task forces, and subcommittees of the Alabama Innovation Corporation from the Alabama Open Meetings Act.